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Family & Relationships - 15 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

i am 14 and im not allowed to do ANYTHING!!! ok, i have been to only one dance my whole life. the t.v. in my house is blocked so that you have to enter a password to watch ANYTHING! they let me on the computer but they block all the good stuff like myspace and stuff like that. my parents won't let me go to my friends house unless they approve of them even though they might not even know them. i don't know why i get treated like a 3 year old. i also have great grades. i have a GPA of 3.9 since i always have A's in all my classes except math which i have had a B in a couple of times but that is the lowest grade i have ever had! so i have the grades and i have never gotten in serious trouble in school. they also have very high standards for me. if i get below an A i have to listen to a lecture for like a couple hours. so why are they so strict on me when my friends are worse than me yet get more privilages than me? what can i do to change this and make them relize that i not 3 years old

2007-03-15 10:13:45 · 9 answers · asked by Chewy 2 in Family


2007-03-15 10:13:12 · 80 answers · asked by mick_j 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I had finaly mustered up enough balls to go ask the girl out at dairy queen that i like.The game plan was simple.

1.order somthing
2.tell jokes
3.ask here out.
That didnt happen.

so i got into dairy queen and the girl at the counter wasnt her.It was some other girl. and i had asked her wheres tiffiny?.The girl at the register had told me that tiff had gone to lunch and that she was covering her shift.So i decieded ill just goto to the bathroom first then wait outside for half-hour for her to come back.
So im on my way to the bathroom and in the hallway I see HER!.....I forgot my lines.My legs instantly turned to rubber and i broke an instense sweat.I wasnt pre-pared to talk to her.

Me:how come your not working?
Tiff:cause im on break.I dont go back for 20 more minutes
Tiff:omg are you ok? you look flustered?
~im busted~
Me:iiii jusst nee ee ed onee of thh ose special smoothies you mmmake.
Her:sure ill go make you one.(Eevn tho she was on break)

I buy the smootie and run away.

2007-03-15 10:12:52 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

in sex activity me and my husband have no idea!

2007-03-15 10:12:18 · 16 answers · asked by fishyinmytank 3 in Marriage & Divorce

Plese help me?
WE HAVE ALOT OF EYE CONTACT!! im kind of a smart and hardly talk in that one class i take with him. he is sort of popular but not to much. i have talked to him about twice but for like 5 seconds. yesterday in that class we were going to watch a movie so everyboby was scooting thier chairs near the t.v. i was already there and he came and sat near(next) to me. i was just sitting there and i could hear him moving, then i felt his leg gently touch mine and he left it ther for like 15 sec. btu then moved his sitting position again. all i want to know is if he likes me. Also did i mention we have alot of eye contact, and it has been happening since the beggining of the year. (september) DOES HE LIKE ME?
Wat you just read , i wrote that two weeks ago

Last week we had eye contact to like always and on friday we kept glancing at each other every 5 min, in that one class i take with him.

Any ways this week has been the worst week in

2007-03-15 10:12:15 · 12 answers · asked by ♥♥♥ 3 in Singles & Dating

I have been in a 7 month monogamous relationship and my boyfriend and I are thinking about getting married. Do you think it's love or infatuation? We have so much in common and I feel as if he's the one and vice versa. I know that the feelings that I have for him are far beyond physical because he is like my soul mate. We have so much in common and we are literally like one. It has to be fate that put us together because I was not interested in a relationship at all. It did take me 3 weeks to finally take his calls and speak to him but from that day on we have been inseparable. What's really crazy is that the name that I had picked out for my son happens to be the same first and middle name of his son (exact spelling and all). We are both the same signs and our birthdays are a day apart. We both love the same foods and keep one another laughing. When we are together it's like nothing and no one else exists. We are each others best friend and I could see us growing old together.

2007-03-15 10:12:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My friend just ran away from home on Friday but then returned and I just founded out why she ran away it was because she was pregnant and she was scared to tell her mom. I don't reallly want to snitch on her but then i do cause i care about her tell what should i do.

2007-03-15 10:11:23 · 2 answers · asked by milan , 1 in Friends

should i become friend with someone i got mad at why or why not

2007-03-15 10:10:53 · 21 answers · asked by Jackie M B 1 in Friends

a guy likes two girls. he made-out with one and even more...
the other girl is is jealous and he likes her. they are close in a different way than the other and have hung out for like 7 years. he likes one girl (that one is a ho, who does the same thing with other guys), she and him go farther and farther. he doesnt want lose either of them. the thing is sometimes he likes the ho and sometimes he doesn't. please give him your insights.
the girl he didn't make-out with, they talk on the phone for like 2 hours at a time...
the ho they do stuff (sort of sexually), but he doesn't care sometimes about her...

2007-03-15 10:10:43 · 3 answers · asked by Asia Gabrielle 2 in Singles & Dating

I have seen women before, who dress half naked, scantily clad, who get angry if guys "gawk" at them.

First of all, women are beautiful.
Second of all, people are attracted to beautiful things.

It would seem logical, that she would know that if she covered up, guys would do this far less.

Why do guys end up being the "bad" seemingly, in all these situations (but thank you to all the good women out there who DON'T do this!).

Would love your honest reply, & again, I love all you who do try to be good people, I just want to know why certain ones try to be such bad apples in society.

2007-03-15 10:10:42 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am married to a father of 3 kids (I have 2 myself from another marriage.) 2 1/2 years ago my husband's ex lost her home and called one day saying "come and get the kids." The have been with us since then and their Mom didn't visit with them at all for over two years of that time. We have spent about $40,000 on attorney's fees to retain custody of the step kids (ages 12, 9 and 7) and it has been finalized. My husband has sole custody and Mom has set visitation of 2 weekends a month plus 6 weeks in the summer and a few holidays. Mom just started seeing them 2 months ago...things seem to be going well...except for one or two things. My 9 year old stepson begs to live with her everytime my husband picks her up and periodically throughout the 2 weeks they are with us between visits. He asks this in front of Mom who seems to be waiting for Dad's answer. My 7 year old stepson cries, throws things around the van and throws things we have bought him out the windows on the trip back.

2007-03-15 10:09:42 · 13 answers · asked by just me 4 in Marriage & Divorce

a little while back i got to know this girl who i met better over msn, but being shy and all i rarely talked to her in person, even though we share quite a few friends. i have always been nice to her, because shes a sweet girl and i wanted to have her as a friend.

two of my friends told me to go swimming with a group of people including this girl to try and make me less shy. but while i was there her best friend came up to me and said that this girl thought i fancied her. i told her friend i didnt and she said she would straighten things out; yet some of this girls other friends are teasing me about her, even though i have never fancied her. i dont know if she fancies me or not, but it seems unlikely.

she obviously still thinks i fancy her and i dont want to leave things so awkward with us cause i dont want to lose her as a friend. i was thinking of talking to her about it, but someone told me not to. what should i do?

2007-03-15 10:09:38 · 3 answers · asked by schisco45 2 in Singles & Dating

My Mother is extremely and ridiculously strict. Its embarrassing-I have to lie all the time to people just so i wont be embarrassed & Im almost sixteen. Ive never done anything bad i.e. smoking, drugs, wild parties etc.
I cant:
Listen to Music I Like (music is BAD)
Watch TV (well some)
' ' Movies (some but they flip about PG13)
Wear Makeup (they flip out when I barely have any on)
Talk To Guys (again, flip out and Im not whorish at all)

You get the picture. Its frickin ridiculous and I dont know what to do. I feel like killing myself. They just dont understand I want to be my own person and have a social life. I have to 'sneak' everything (like music). Theyre always like 'who are you talking to', 'What are you doing'
I make good grades, Im not blatant, Im not a slut...I dont understand. I want Freedom. Normal people who complain about there life---B.S.-they wonder why I walk around all 'emo', as Ive been called.
Does anyone have any advice?I cant take this anymore :*(

2007-03-15 10:09:35 · 17 answers · asked by xthisx 1 in Family

we broke up like 3 or 4 days ago he wouldn't talk to me for 2 days even if i tried to talk to him so i just stopped trying to talk to him.then last night he starts texting me then an hour later starts talking about sexual stuff, and asking sexual questions. and hes been texting me all day saying we should have sex and stuff.and i'm a virgin..wats up with him.does that mean he stil likes me?

2007-03-15 10:08:29 · 30 answers · asked by annika<3 1 in Singles & Dating

I am a strictly straight, white, 21 year old female. I am also a homophobe.

That being said, last weekend when I went to the movies, I seen 300. When the very chisled guy was standing there in the buff (only showing the backside of him unfortunatly) alot of the people in the audience laughed. Why? I think men are BEAUTIFUL in the nude (of course, men that are fit anyways)

I always hear that women are better looking naked from other women, but to be honest, while the female body isin't ugly (as long as they are fit) a body of a man that is fit, is gorgeous.

Does anyone else feel this way??

2007-03-15 10:08:23 · 15 answers · asked by eemc20072007 1 in Singles & Dating

My friends daughter will be 18 in a few months...any suggestions (realistic responses only please)? Nothing too expensive, but something that she will be able to keep for a lifetime.

2007-03-15 10:08:18 · 6 answers · asked by Million C 2 in Family

I love sex too, to answer part of that one girls answer back to me, sex is great, but if i could ever find a way to orgasm during sex, id be in heaven. My whole life ive only gotten there once. And my man is constantly wondering if hes the one for me cuz of that, and that sux. What can i do? I want to spend my life with him. But he puts me and him both down due to my problem, and now he says that pleasing me tends to get boring cuz he has to do the extra taking time out just to play with me to please me. So i lose out. Help?

2007-03-15 10:08:06 · 1 answers · asked by grumpyme2003 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

nice smile, personality, body, or what do you think?

2007-03-15 10:07:33 · 4 answers · asked by hechoenmexico 2 in Singles & Dating

Ok so my life is about to go crazy my bestfriend/ex bf is going to California this spring break which im totally kool with u know but he wants to noly buy a 1 way ticket which means he does not want to come back to NC and live. This is liek breaking my heart cuzz he is like my rock and he just is like my love. But the problem s that him being here is like killing him he really HATES it here so im at a crossroad
1) Do i tell him go and be happy there even when it will throw my life up side down and will just kill me
2) Do i ask him to stay untill we get out of highschool which is June 2008 even when he is miserable here

Its just driving me crazy b/c i want him to be happy and i want him to be ok but i know that him being here is what he needs to do cuzz in California things where different but i also know that he hates it here

What do i do what do i say

Sorry ik its long but i really need help a.s.a.p

2007-03-15 10:07:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends


2007-03-15 10:07:15 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

my daughters mom has had no contact in over 9 years no in anyway .. no b-day cards phone calls or anything... and want to change my custody papers to deny acess to my daughter

2007-03-15 10:06:38 · 6 answers · asked by fishbouy01 1 in Family

Ok, i like this guy, and im almost positive he likes me
theres this girl who was my friend but shes a total slut
and after i told her i liked him, she developed a (taste)
for him as well
now i know shes a slut because at my party she made out with a taken guy (not the same guy i like) and broke him and his girlfriend up, she told me he was using her, and she knew, she didnt care,
and she told me she liked him better than her old boyfriend
who she was with 4 1 year
and a week later she didnt like him, he didnt like her
my point is, it was just lust, and now shes taking my crush because its lust, again
what can i do to stop her
because i know a guy has to choose all his life between the easy girl and the one they have to work for more
but is there anything i can actively do to stop her in the meantime?

2007-03-15 10:06:08 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I mean the whole bathroom. makeup,curling iron, blow dryer etc. ect. ect. i don't even have room for my shaving kit or toothbrush and it's a larger bathroom. why? women can't live with them can't kill them.

2007-03-15 10:05:31 · 23 answers · asked by bluemist 4 in Marriage & Divorce

2007-03-15 10:05:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am just wondering why so many people have or talk about sex. I mean it is not everything. Why do stupid people pay for it with cash. Why is it when a women sleeps with a man she a bad word. but when a man does he is cool. Why is people engagin in sex when their are diseases,. NO condom doesn't protect you form everything. WHy can't sex just between to people in the bedroom, Why can't sex be private between man and women? Why does virgins get make fun of if you are 30 or 40 years of age. Yes i am a virign.

2007-03-15 10:04:40 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

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