i accidently said somesomethings about my stepfather and now i have ruined my familys happiness and now were entering family therapy. i also like my best friend. both things are stressing me out. the first for obvious reasons, and the second because she has a boyfriend and i feel awfull for liking her. i want it to stop, but i cant. i have her next period in class and when she see's how i look, shes gonna ask whats wrong. every time i see her, it feels like i have a new problem to tell her. i like her a lot and i know she woudl listento me and try to help me out, but i feel awful for her having to hear me ***** and whine. i am trying to think of a way to tel her how i feel about me telling her all my ****, but i cant think of anything, and if she sees me like this, she's gonna fret over me, and she has enough worrys. i really care about her and i need help to say something so she dosnt fret over me. help?
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