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Family & Relationships - 6 March 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Everyone always says to avoid the drama in relationships, but I really never knew what it meant. Today, the guy I am dating asked me if I like to get myself upset and if I like the drama. Is that what relationship drama is? If so, how do I stop?! I don't want to be the girl with all of the drama!

2007-03-06 16:05:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

The guy's my friend. We definitely see each other almost everyday.

2007-03-06 16:05:07 · 2 answers · asked by great_graces 2 in Singles & Dating

If I spend time with either group I am not in the others good books, and then I somehow get dragged into their bitching wars. I am losing friends on both sides, how do I stop this happening?

2007-03-06 16:05:07 · 1 answers · asked by Modus Operandi 2 in Friends

why aren't they interested in the girls that like them?
why do they go after the ones that dont?
if i ignore this guy i like or just stop calling him...will he like me more?
what if i go on a date with another guy?

2007-03-06 16:04:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I love my boyfriend so much and we love being together I think it is stupid not to get married, we have talked about getting married and he say's he wants to marry me but he doesn't ever take a step in that direction. I would like to be married and live together and start a family, but how can I with a man who doesn't seem to ever be ready? I know he loves me and he is great but I feel so inadiquite because of his lack of proposal. I feel like I'm steadily aproaching a time where it's like, marry this guy or move on. And that thought breaks my heart. Let me know what you think I should do, I need help.

2007-03-06 16:04:20 · 28 answers · asked by Cyndi 1 in Weddings

First, this man is somewhat personal with everyone. He's very nice to almost everyone, and often a little flirtatious by nature. My question is this: is he just being himself with me, or is there more to it?...Examples I'm wondering about: Today I had a headache while we were in the car (traveling together for business) and he rubbed my head for like two minutes. I told him he didn't have to do that, and he said, "You don't want me to?" Then at lunch today he said that he misses me every day after I leave work. He touches me often, on the arm usually, or comes up and kind of pokes me in the ribs. Last week he asked me to meet him for breakfast because he needed a "fix" (meaning me) since we hadn't had a chance to talk in a few days. A few weeks ago we'd had a really bad day at the office and the following morning he put me into this big bear hug and held on for quite a while. Is it my imagination? Is he toying with me? Is it just his natural personality? Or is there more here? Thanks!

2007-03-06 16:03:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Peopleusually hate doing their schoolwork. I am very enthusiastic about doing homework. But my parents make my sister and I do it until 9:00-10:00 pm ! homeschool and I start from 9:00-10:00am. I'm not failing in grades and I'm not behind. Even when I work late, they're not seeming happy!? Its liek you can't satiify them and I don't know what to do! Its drivin me nuts cuz i want to have play time with my sister and enjoy life a bit. My mother and father have loud arguments many times that are verbally inappropiate. I am ten going eleven exposed to words worse than the f word. I am exposed to conflict and quarrel that now my sister and I have adopted such a habit-we argue all the time now.
Also, my parents tell me they love so much. Things like-I quit my life and put myself on hold to take care of you, to teach you.... but then later they don't act like they love us!! They say things like-"we need to puth them in a barn!or stick utenseland plunger in our face i don't know what to do!

2007-03-06 16:02:47 · 9 answers · asked by lemon drops 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

How do you fix that? Like how do you cover it up/make yourself look better so that you don't look like a miserable mess.

- i just got into a fight with my boyfriend =( and he yelled at me


2007-03-06 16:02:45 · 5 answers · asked by peaches87 3 in Singles & Dating

I have pretty defined abs but they don't look manly but I also am really short and super athletic. Does it gross you out if girls have shaped legs and arms?

2007-03-06 16:02:35 · 15 answers · asked by Brenna 1 in Singles & Dating

doesnt sound like they are that devoted... now does it

2007-03-06 16:02:21 · 3 answers · asked by foxfire 5 in Other - Family & Relationships

I'm told that I'm hot and pretty all the time, and I know that I'm not ugly. Sometimes I even admire myself in the mirror......

But guys rarely ever come to me, and I've never had a boyfriend before and I'm about to turn 20.

I'm always laughing and am fairly happy (at school anyway, at home it's different, but noone can see me at home). I go hang out with my friends places, so it's not like I don't come across a lot of guys.

I'm getting VERY affectionately frustrated, or else I wouldn't really care......It's pissing me off and making me mad at myself, cuz I don't know what's wrong with me.

What could it be or what should I do?

2007-03-06 16:02:06 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my friiends always make fun of my love handels how do i get rid of em!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!

2007-03-06 16:01:58 · 12 answers · asked by zena12 1 in Friends

I just got Divorced and my exhusband want his cake and eat it too.

2007-03-06 16:00:54 · 16 answers · asked by Nina C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Notice I said generally; of course some circumstances dictate otherwise.

2007-03-06 16:00:25 · 16 answers · asked by Big Brother 3 in Family

2007-03-06 15:59:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

While I was a 7th grader, I liked a guy and I gave him signs about that. After he knew that I liked him, he responded positively but in fact he was just playing with my heart.

from that time on, I started to have a habit of hiding my personal feeling towards someone. (I dont wanna get hurt anymore)

Now I am in college, and the habit is still there.

so there is a guy I found cute in college, and I wanted to give it a shot. The habit prevented me from doing so. So what should I do? Please give me some methods to overcome it.

2007-03-06 15:59:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce


2007-03-06 15:59:37 · 2 answers · asked by AromaAmbience.com 1 in Friends

Please help he likes me a lot!

2007-03-06 15:59:33 · 8 answers · asked by Brenna 1 in Singles & Dating

My x-boyfriend and I dated for about three years (with one break up mixed in). We generally had a very loving, caring, supportive relationship, but he never fully committed to the relationship. He broke it off the first time, and then 8 months later, I took him back. Several months ago (shortly after it started to get serious again), he started saying that he was having doubts. While he was giving lots of positive signals (buying me gifts, spending lots of time with me, bringing me into his family), a week ago he told me he wanted to date other people and admitted that there was s/o that he was interested in, but that they hadn't kissed/started dating! I told him to "have a nice life and not to come crawling back when it didn't work with her." That was a week ago, and I haven't heard from him since. It's still hard for me to accept that he is willing to let me walk away without even calling or having an in person conversation after all we have been through together. Any thoughts?

2007-03-06 15:58:45 · 15 answers · asked by kc 1 in Singles & Dating

2007-03-06 15:58:32 · 12 answers · asked by Chaaarlie! 2 in Singles & Dating

so i just went on this date with this guy last night.. it was amazingly fun... and he kept like being all "touchy" with me.. like rubbed his arm against mine, sat really close to me, touched my leg a lot.. stuff like that.. and we were Kindof "cuddling" in a way... at one point he put his head on mine too for a second.. yeah all that kind of stuff ya know.. and then after he dropped me off, he text me and was like: i know this is lame but i really wanted to hold your hand like all night but i didn't know if you wanted to move in that direction at all. so now we are going to a movie this weekend and i'm pretty sure he will hold my hand.. but do you think he is going to also kiss me or something..? since he got So close and stuff... i have no idea, i have never been kissed before.
i am 17 btw and he is 18.

2007-03-06 15:58:18 · 1 answers · asked by coolio 4 in Singles & Dating

I don't even know how in the world i will ever get a gf. I'm 27 male. All the girls my age are already taken, , or if not, they seem like they want confident guys who have some experience in the dating scene.

one example is at work. All the girls in all the companies where i've worked always have bfs already. it's incredible.

Anyways, I'm getting old and i imagine it's going to be really difficult . I'm not saying that i'm trying at the moment. I don't even have social skills, nor friends. But i just don't see i how i can ever have a gf because girls my age are usually already mature in their social skills and i'm pretty odd. I also enjoy funny things, i'm kind of like a kid. i'm simple and enjoy hobbies and nature but usually girls my age like talking about stuff that's more mature and complex.

2007-03-06 15:57:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

daughter all the time and my mother-in-law hates me too.I am stuck living in her house and I'm so despondent. I feel like I'm losing it. I can actually feel a hindering spirit in this house. Help. It's way worse than what I am telling.

2007-03-06 15:57:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

please answer

2007-03-06 15:57:22 · 7 answers · asked by Abigail n 1 in Singles & Dating

I've known this girl for a while, and recently I was telling her about another girl I thougth was attractive and liked, and now I've realized that it's her I like, not the one I told her about. It might sound flaky, but I've realized the reality now.

The girl laughs at all of my jokes and we were talking about prom dates and she was saying how she would feel really bad saying no to someone even if seh didn't really like them. Do I still have a chance asking her out if I made the big mistake of talking about another girl?

2007-03-06 15:57:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

well.i am very calm and quite and like to be independent...nd have very few good friends....

2007-03-06 15:56:26 · 13 answers · asked by anjani p 2 in Friends

I broke up with him twice and now I think he's mad and he hasn't e-mailed me since the last 5 E-MAILS I sent him! What should I say to make him talk to me?

2007-03-06 15:55:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

what is the chance we are related?

2007-03-06 15:53:49 · 6 answers · asked by Tha Most Shady 3 in Family

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