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Family & Relationships - 22 February 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

on friday's she gets out of school early at about 1:30pm when the rest of school lets out at about 3pm and we stay about an hour apart and she wants to sneak and come to my house and she wants to be able to get back home no later than 5pm without the father or mother, who gets off at 5pm, be suspicious about the situation.

2007-02-22 04:37:50 · 1 answers · asked by boolou55 2 in Singles & Dating

your ex (who is in a steady relationship) starts telling you that he misses you, and asks if you enjoy looking at his bedroom cealing,-im guessing this is a refrence to sex

2007-02-22 04:37:28 · 22 answers · asked by alex w 3 in Singles & Dating

Even if you are cautious.

2007-02-22 04:37:26 · 12 answers · asked by Aunt Lauren 1 in Singles & Dating

I feel really bad about myself, I see these playboy magazines, women with no wrinkles galore! I have 4 children, im full of stretch marks and Im out of shape. Im still young, 30 years old and I feel like 70. Ladies this is true, no exagerations. I really look auful.
I wonder if my husband likes me, he tells me that he loves me and all, wants to help me with housework, is insulted if I dont ask for help, we even fight over him wanting to help and me not letting him. He helps me so that I can finish college and he seems like he is physically interested. But.... I dont trust him because he is so good hearted he wont tell me the truth about me. He does look around at other ladies, just like many men, but is this a sign that he doesnt love me anymore or is phisically unattracted?
when a man really loves a woman, how do you know?
the other day he told me that he has a preference for blue eyes but he overlooked it all and took me because im so special. I was crushed when he told me. help!

2007-02-22 04:37:05 · 2 answers · asked by bkajoyi 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-02-22 04:36:47 · 3 answers · asked by patrick30 1 in Singles & Dating

me and my baby daddy aint together and i need a man cause i need some loving

2007-02-22 04:36:45 · 7 answers · asked by traci_allen 1 in Singles & Dating

My fiance seems to be so insensitive. I am 18 wks pregnant and i feel horrible about myself. I used to sleep naked when we would go to bed and i don;t anymore, i sleep on the edge of the bed cuz i feel that im not good enough for my fiance and he doesn't even notice that. He doesnt cuddle with me anymore and everytime i try talking to him he tells me that im being silly but he doesn't even make eye contact with me. We are lucky to have sex once a week and i wonder if its that way just to keep me happy. we never do it when i want to but always when he does. Im to the point that i don;t even want to shower with him or even have sex anymore. I feel so horrible and gross...what should i do??

2007-02-22 04:36:32 · 8 answers · asked by spacelee666 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

Which is free.

2007-02-22 04:36:28 · 6 answers · asked by Errol 1 in Singles & Dating

for a weekend getaway, who would you rather take?

2007-02-22 04:36:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Well, I haven't been seen her for 2 years now, the last time I saw her, her hair was in shoulder length, and she is Malay, honestly, she love to smile, but she never smile in photos and she never show her teeth either. Someday if I wanna fix a date to meet her, I will love to take photos and using camcorder to video her, do you think she will smile? cause I don't even know how to make girls smile, and her teeth is pearly white & straight, like she wore braces before. (she never wore braces)

2007-02-22 04:35:41 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm a 14 year old guy and I think she likes me. She is starting to look at me alot more these days. When we talk she plays with her hair and she always seems to follow me around. Please! i need help!

2007-02-22 04:35:28 · 6 answers · asked by Ricky429 3 in Singles & Dating

I am going to my cousin's wedding who is marrying my X's brother! I need to look good. So I need the perfect dress! Any ideas on websites, stores, I can get gorgous dresses? (It's going to be fancy!!! Steak & Lobster is on the menu!)

2007-02-22 04:34:49 · 4 answers · asked by Mel 2 in Weddings

I'm married to a wonderful man who's a good father and a loving provider for our family. We do share a different lifestyle from most but we protect our children from our sexual activities as well as ourselves healthwise. The problem we have is physical and it's driving me to my wits end. I'm afraid I'm going to lose my husband if something can't be done.
My husband is large (if you know what I mean) and when we make love he hurts me and it really makes a mess everywhere (it's disgusting), all over the bed and me, oral is out of the question. I'm not a small woman, size 12 and five seven and I've been to the doctor only to be told that nothing is wrong with me. I never have this problem with other men, only him. I've had three children but it hasn't loosened anything up and usually I bleed some after. It's almost as if instead of marrying a man I married a horse. Is there any kind of surgery I could have for this or am I doomed to only having painfull and messy sex with my husband?

2007-02-22 04:33:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

6 months ago i was in my country sicily..i got to know a boy there..he was 17 now hes 18..he was very mature..and nice and he really talked like a man..but now im back here and i dislike this country ..i wanna go back..and i dont ever want to hav a bf here..so my wish is 2 meet guys from other countrys and i dont give up this dream..anyways..then now he dont call me coz he likes me 2 much and doesnt want 2 fell in love..i still luv him but then i got 2 kno a boy from chat he also lives in my country but other city..but hes not dangerous my mother will meet his mom anyways..but hes 17 too and hes not that mature..we phone everyday and he likes me now ver ymuch but how shall i tell him tht when im in his city and back in germany that i dont want him as bf?i dont like telling him the truth that hes not mature 4 a relation ship..he dont ever acts like 17..but hes cute..he sends me a present 4 xmas..valentines day..i like him but im unsure..please help me..im 16 ,..we like mature guys

2007-02-22 04:32:37 · 5 answers · asked by Soul 1 in Singles & Dating

have this guy..who flirts with me but he never really made an actual move, I know for a fact that he's an insecure guy.. there was one instance where he told me to call him if I ever wanted to hang out or go to a movie.. and there was another time where he asked me WHO I spent my holidays with, and on top of that he's always questioning me about how come I'm always leaving when he comes and talk to me... so I thought well he told me to call him if i ever wanted to hang out..so I made the first move and asked him to hang out.He told me that he would like to but it would have to be in a couple of weeks because he is broke....so I called him yesterday..and told him i was going to starbucks and if he wasn't busy after work, he could join, me he told me that starbucks sounds good, however today wouldn't be too good since he's busy, and that we would have to meet up sometime next week..then I asked him if he wasn't interested would he tell me? He said quote on quote "that we can meet up

Additional Details

7 minutes ago
continues..." that if I wanna meet up sometimes we can" But he can't say that he is interested in meeting up as an ongoing thing" How would you interpret that...

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57 minutes ago
He told me that he is shy when it comes to women because he has been rejected alot in the past...and that he chooses not to pursue women, but he didn't give ny explanation as to why he doesn't

39 minutes ago
Well.technically speaking he has asked me on a date..well not a date ..but he has offered that we work out together..and wants to see me play basketball..but then again he never followed through..

42 seconds ago
Not to keep rambling on...But when we did work out togethere a few weeks ago...he kept saying you don't have to be here if you don't want to" and I 'm thinking geez why would he think that...then while we were working out..he picked up my phone and looked at it before handing it too me...and told me who it was...now that was weird to me

2007-02-22 04:32:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have two kids, a 16 month old and 1 one month old. I am a stay at home mom and pretty much do everything regarding our home (cleaning, finances, dinner, etc). Ever since our first child i don't feel like my spouse appreciates all i do. All he does is go to work and come home and help out with one of our kids for a couple hours (i usually am up all night with the one month old though). I ask very little of him regarding cleaning and he only manages to help like once a month, but he can manage to make a mess for me to clean up every single day. He seems to think my life is a cake walk staying home and that he has it harder. I'm not saying he doesn't work hard, but can i get some advice here on how to get him to appreciate me more?

2007-02-22 04:31:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I have been married 5 years in love with my husband then he started hitting me every blue moon when his temper flared or i made him mad so i have decided its over and i told him he must move out i just cant take it anymore plus he has cheated on me over 20 times but as i sit and think when he does leave i have a feeling i am going to wonder who he is going to be with maybe she will be pretty and he will treat her right maybe he will even end up having more kids with another woman he ends up loving i feel jelouse?

2007-02-22 04:30:48 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

he take cold/sleep medicine early....

He was sick a few weeks ago and has some over the counter cough medicine to help you sleep, so I said, you feel okay? You're coughing again, maybe you should take some of that medicine so that you don't get sick again.

He was about to go take it and didn't even realize my plan to get him to bed early, and I had to ruin it because I snickered to myself and he overheard me.

Has anyone else ever done this?

It's not mean, is it?

2007-02-22 04:30:35 · 11 answers · asked by Reserved 6 in Marriage & Divorce

I dont know im 26yrs and single and sometimes that doesn't bother me but at times i feel like im missing out that I should be in a relationship im not getting any younger but for some reason i cant seem to find anyone im interested in...am I gonna spend the rest of my life alone or is there someone out there for me...mind you ive fallen in love a couple of times maybe ive missed the boat? Can you relate?

2007-02-22 04:30:20 · 8 answers · asked by Nokuthula 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm not in this situation as I am single at the time. Just curious to what signifies a sexual relationship with someone as as affair.

2007-02-22 04:29:37 · 13 answers · asked by stillnotsure 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Just need to know girls.

2007-02-22 04:28:43 · 15 answers · asked by rebel12 1 in Singles & Dating

This Saturday is mine and my boyfriend's one year anniversary. I plan on getting him a bi-fold wallet ($35) and a personalized flask ($20-$40). He won't give me a spending limit and won't tell me how much he's spending on me. We're not on an extremely tight budget but we do like to keep things as predictable as possible when it comes to our money. We both spent the same amount on each other at Christmas (around $50). I've never been good at gifts or prices or anything like that so I just need some opinions. Thanks!

2007-02-22 04:28:39 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Is it nasty or OK

2007-02-22 04:28:37 · 11 answers · asked by traci_allen 1 in Singles & Dating

6 months ago I started college and got talking to a guy from the second year of my course. We have a lot in common and talk a lot inside as well as outside of college. We've discussed everything from college work to emotional stress and he considers me one of his best friends. We even got a christmas job at the same place together and had a lot of fun. I'm not 100% sure he likes me in "that" way, he's a secretive person. I have very stong feelings for him that go beyond a crush. I want to tell him how I feel but I'm scared if he doesn't feel the same way, that I'll lose him as a friend. What should I do?

2007-02-22 04:28:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-02-22 04:28:19 · 4 answers · asked by richard r 1 in Marriage & Divorce

It was 5 yrs since we gat married and ours was the love one.Now everything changes. I love him more & more day by day and he knows it very well.He says that he had a lot of work to do and so he was very busy & can't give me enough time.But when it comes to his side he had enough time for his friends and sometimes he spend some time with his friends and not with me.Even on sundays he won't spend time with me and goes for his work as he says and then calls me that FOR E.G i would be late b'coz of my haircut appiontment and i am with my friend.I wonder then why shouldn't he goes with me at that time.Is that means that he aviods me or he no longer love me? How do i get my lost place back?

2007-02-22 04:27:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i met this girl in a pub who claimed to be a councellor and as we got talking i said i never had a girlfreind she asked why so i jokingly said that i like to be tied up and mildly beaten and cant find a girl to do it but her eyes lit up and i barely escaped with my life but something stirred in me and now im wondering what it would be like. should i find out if she is wild and rampant as i think or do you think i should just forget it she looks a wild one and is five years older than me

2007-02-22 04:27:15 · 24 answers · asked by dr strangelove 3 in Singles & Dating

I meet so many married men who are miserable... they all say they love their wives, their wives are their best friends, their wives are great mothers.... but they are all miserable because their wives make no effort in the bedroom, or maybe don't even know what it means to be good in bed... why is this?

2007-02-22 04:27:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

hai im rahul i have never had intercouse with my wife coz she is going through some physical problem i want to know if she she has not enjoyed that life with me will i be an odnery person like her friends in her life i have seen its been only 7 months we got married she have so many male friends she enjoys talking to them they call her on phone late nights i dont mind well i want to know is there any possibility that she can fell in love with any of her friends also coz they talk to her in such a manner that she is driven no matters she loves me a lot but still i dont trust her friends they are always after she is so inoccent she doesnot even realises that they are flirting with her if i try to explain her she gets upset well one goog thing is she never hides anything from me but she forgets some times to tell what someone talked to her or invited her for party small small things but for me matters a lot i dont wana loose her at any cost nor i can share her she knows that i love.

2007-02-22 04:26:55 · 1 answers · asked by blue r 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

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