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Family & Relationships - 30 January 2007

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

this debt is from a bad business deal and his last divorce its about 25k.i can pay it off but i feel its unfair for him to ask me since this happened all before he met me.men can u tell me would u ask your gf to pay off one of your debts?

2007-01-30 13:40:20 · 32 answers · asked by heather4netty 1 in Marriage & Divorce

i lik this kid and im in 6 grade, hes sorta like bad boy type, so nothing tooooo u kno like romantic. im not sure if he likes me, he flirts with me and sometimes he makes fun of me in a mean way, not flirting. but hes really nice to me and really mean to alot of other ppl who i ask. so he eather really likes me or hates me. how shuld i ask him out

2007-01-30 13:40:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I've posted the same question three times in three different departments, now half an hour later, they haven't shown up. So I would really appreciate it if you would click on my pic, click on questions and answer one of the first three(they are all the same) questions on there. Thanks! I really appreciate it! The question is "What can you report someone for on yahoo? I've read some really innappropriate and even illegal things...."

2007-01-30 13:38:56 · 16 answers · asked by Julia 4 in Singles & Dating

She is so beautiful and hot and I really don't want to marry any other girl except her. Is it okay for the two of us to marry and kiss each other on the lips the way lovers and kissers do? She is soooo attractive and her lips... Amazing! So is it legal for us if not to marry at least kiss each other on the lips and go on dates? Thnx.

2007-01-30 13:38:32 · 13 answers · asked by R10- Barca4Ever 3 in Family

when someone make fun of you how do you really feel . or do it matter what they say about you. give me a trueful answer. you no that old saying sticks and stone my break my bone but words will never hurt me. is that true.

2007-01-30 13:36:42 · 18 answers · asked by cynthia 1 in Singles & Dating

When scolding my children in public I really like to make it very clear to them who is in charge. To that extent, should I also scold nearby children who are not mine? Should I scold the parents, too? I really think the parents are as much to blame as the children because the parents are the people who make the children such losers. I know it's right to scold in public, the question is, just how far should I go?

2007-01-30 13:35:50 · 6 answers · asked by David Vann 1 in Friends

she didnt even give herself time for the stitches to come all the way out. is it safe to have sex when you still have stitches ? and whats the conseqeunces of that ?

2007-01-30 13:35:47 · 2 answers · asked by lilly1985@verizon.net 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

Theres this girl who laughs at my jokes (even when there no humor intended) and smiles (and stares) all the time Some times she has her hair up.....she has a nice neck....:) . She calls me by my name and asks me how i am and how my day was. She dresses real cute and a few times with bright red lipstick on! Shes realy cool and i want to tell her i like her but im not sure if she realy likes me or just super friendly. I want to let her know i like her but i dont want to look like a fool......:( PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

2007-01-30 13:34:43 · 6 answers · asked by (A)+(E) 3 in Singles & Dating

I shave my beard and cut my hair on my head. However I have a hairychest, stomach. legs, nmentionables, and arms/armpits. It is soft hair but dark so it's easily noticable. My fiance says it's ok but doesnt talk about it past that. Should I get a wax job though? Do girls more often perfer clean or shorter cut? Or not really care?

2007-01-30 13:33:43 · 12 answers · asked by rezruf 3 in Singles & Dating

I've been on a number of dates and notice they never materialize into anything. Since college, there was one girl I took out who seemed interested but then I seen her at a party and she claimed she didn't remember who I was?

Then another girl basically just liked fooling around with me, then didn't want to hang around with me anymore because I "ask a lot of questions". Then another one made out with me alot on the first date and then I never heard from her again.

All of these girls were interested in me, or at least seemed it. And female friends tell me im "awesome". Don't they realize men have evolved and know that being called awesome by a woman is not a compliment? It's more like "Im sorry, you're nice.....but I'll never sleep with you"?

Im sorry for rambling. Im just flustered.

I have a lot to offer, but I don't need to sell myself on here. That's just to appease the "maybe your hideous" jerks.

2007-01-30 13:32:45 · 5 answers · asked by heymanchase 1 in Singles & Dating

It is her birthday,coming up and i know her size and style but don't want to make the sister mad or her hubby mad.

2007-01-30 13:32:43 · 22 answers · asked by tomterry101 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I really LOVE this guy, but he doesnt like me like me.We are supposed to be friends, so I wanted to call him and see if he wants to goto a movie or something this weekend. I'm
afraid he'll turn me down, like when I asked him out :(. Maybe i should be REALLY gorgeous the day i ask him, lol. Soo any ideas out there????

2007-01-30 13:32:34 · 12 answers · asked by MiMi//Janie 3 in Singles & Dating

I just graduated and am now working for a huge company and loving it my friend had the opportunity to work at an acounting firm but was canned after 3 mos of probation and now works at a factory that will be soon closing. She has not been around much since i began my job. I live with my parents ( high rent) she will come in swear nonstop put down my fave shows and that i read the news. She is a 34 yr old divorcee with kids whom she only see when it is convient for her. An attitude problem & thinks all men find her the sexiest woman to which these men reply no behind her back, lately i have caught her in lie after lie and i don't know what to say i am the only friend she has left. she is trying to be a cougar and it's ridiculous. she actually told her 8 and 10 yr old that santa doesn't have a wife it's a myth he has girlfriends & she is one of them to hide the fact she was talking to her slutty sister about this guy who may or may not exist that got kicked off a dating site. HELP

2007-01-30 13:31:49 · 1 answers · asked by Liz H 1 in Friends

well i am kinda uncomfortably saying this but i have started my girl THING. and I have really bad cramps in my stomach.is there something I can take for the pain? please help well this girl thing accually started in DECEMBER 2006

2007-01-30 13:31:31 · 24 answers · asked by lady_of_chase 1 in Singles & Dating

I find alot of people in highschool dating guys and instantly saying they are in love. I think that it is possible to be actually in love in highschool but not somthing that comes around too much. My aunt has been dating her husband of 30 years since they were 13. That was love. Most people who get married out of highschool get divorced. That must be lust then. What do you think?

2007-01-30 13:31:00 · 7 answers · asked by KatieInk 2 in Singles & Dating

first person to give me my brother's best party wins....
he is having at skating rink he has his buget and his guest list he just needs to have the party ☺☻♥♦♣♠

2007-01-30 13:30:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

My husband and I have been married for over eleven years. We've had good times and bad times. Never great times. But, as a former "wild" child, I liked the fact that he was stable and very intelligent. Not a drinking buddy, but a good guy to have as the father of my children.
We now have three children.
At year seven, I stopped telling him I love him. In mid-September I cut off the sex. I believe he is too scared to ask me why I have held back for fear that I will blow up in anger. To be honest, he doesn't turn me on sexualy. Now I'm even sickened by his bedtime snuggles and goodbye hugs. (he's over 240 lbs)
Is our marriage doomed or is this sometimes the way marriages go on existing?
SIDE NOTE: as a Catholic, and the child of a long line of stable marriages, divorce is a very taboo subject. If I go this route, there is more for me to handle than the usual person of the 21st century. Is it worth the social agony? Is it worth putting my children through pain?

2007-01-30 13:28:39 · 30 answers · asked by Anne d 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I just read a statistic somewhere that said that 1/4 of the women in the USA has herpes. I suddenly find myself very afraid to get involved with women.

2007-01-30 13:27:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Him and I have been together for nearly 2 years....Hes been acting weird since he got this job. We had a talk last week and he was really serious about the changes that needed to be made. The rest of the week, I really tried hard to make changes on my end, but he wasnt... I had a talk about it with him and then he tells me he needs me to leave, that he needs to think about things... Who he wants to become, where he wants to go, and what he wants to do with his life....Ive had a really hard time dealing with this situation, because I love him very much and want things to work between us.... So After deciding that I was going to stay with my mother, the day I planned to leave, he tells me "lets see how today goes" So I do, and it doesnt get any better... Later that night, we talked again, and he says he really needs me to go and to take a break....I was crying histerically and he did nothing but comfort me and tell me that he would figure out what was missing hin his life and he wouldnt.

2007-01-30 13:27:42 · 17 answers · asked by greygirl06 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Me personally depends where I am at in Pittsburgh definitely
dinner at the Le Mont on Mt Washington, Then dancing at
Sheridan in Gbg. If in Fla .also live in Islamarada Dinner at
the Cheeca Lodge , then maybe to Woodys.. Is this O K.?
Foremost ..... I will be a gentleman.... at first..

2007-01-30 13:27:12 · 1 answers · asked by Robert B 5 in Singles & Dating

So i have this plan...for over the summer. My friends and i were talking about how much we missed our childhood. And i came up with this idea to play all these kids games over the summer at a local park.

-My plan is to play: Capture the flag - both teams are going to have different colored shirts on right..and instead of tagging people...we would use balloons filled with water

-We were also going to play 4-square, parachute, tug of war, a big game of basketball and dodge ball.-

--i haven't really told my friends about this yet....
I'm kind-of embarrassed and feel they might think it's stupid. If you were 18 and a freshman in college would you think this was a stupid idea? Do you think it's a stupid idea? Tell me what you think before i go and tell them....about it

Would you do this at 18? Should i get rid of any of my ideas? OPINIONS PLEASE!

do you think 4-square is to babyish?
or parachute? Or tug of war? tell me what you think of my ideas PLEASE Thanks :)

2007-01-30 13:26:58 · 21 answers · asked by Jackie Knows Best 1 in Singles & Dating

my bf mark cheated on her and left her for an old gf 6yrs ago.this happened way befor i even met mark.i have been dating mark for 4 yrs and plan on getting married next yr.she consently talks poorly of me to my future in-laws,bf and anyone who listens.she has told my bf she does not want me to be involved with thier 8yr old child as i'm not his family.i know she still has feelings for my bf but why can't she get over it?he cheated on her why would she want him back?i told him right off the bat cheat on me and your gone.

2007-01-30 13:26:55 · 14 answers · asked by joyce8suhjry 1 in Family

She recently attacked my husband and I so we both got restraining orders against my psychotic mother in law... anyone else have to do the same thing?

2007-01-30 13:26:38 · 7 answers · asked by myparentskid 2 in Marriage & Divorce

my bf mark cheated on her and left her for an old gf 6yrs ago.this happened way befor i even met mark.i have been dating mark for 4 yrs and plan on getting married next yr.she consently talks poorly of me to my future in-laws,bf and anyone who listens.she has told my bf she does not want me to be involved with thier 8yr old child as i'm not his family.i know she still has feelings for my bf but why can't she get over it?he cheated on her why would she want him back?i told him right off the bat cheat on me and your gone.

2007-01-30 13:26:20 · 3 answers · asked by joyce8suhjry 1 in Singles & Dating

my bf mark cheated on her and left her for an old gf 6yrs ago.this happened way befor i even met mark.i have been dating mark for 4 yrs and plan on getting married next yr.she consently talks poorly of me to my future in-laws,bf and anyone who listens.she has told my bf she does not want me to be involved with thier 8yr old child as i'm not his family.i know she still has feelings for my bf but why can't she get over it?he cheated on her why would she want him back?i told him right off the bat cheat on me and your gone.

2007-01-30 13:26:00 · 7 answers · asked by joyce8suhjry 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I also have some sunflower baskets for favors to decorate reception tables with. I really need help with ideas for coordinating colors.

2007-01-30 13:25:55 · 8 answers · asked by beckyse_2005 1 in Weddings

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