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Family & Relationships - 21 December 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

ive been askin questions today about how to deal with my ex shes nuts she still loves me and we still keep in contact not by choice, so ive been kinda seeing someone that i work with and she knows that i work with girls cuz i work at a restaurant and well i havent told her that i'vbeentalkn to someone cuz she will flip out and try everything possible for me tostop talkn to her. I feel stupid cuz she's my ex and she has no rite to tell me what to do, but shes so emotionally attached to me and ive told her b4 about me tryin to get with someone else and she says shes gonna take pills n all this ****, which she has b4 and she drinks as well. I just dont get how someone can fall so deeply in love with someone even more when ur not with them and all she ever does is tell me that she misses me How do u just walk away from that and try to move on? it should b so easy for me but i care about the girl we were together for 6 years i just fear she'll really kill herself am i wrong for caring?

2006-12-21 06:46:40 · 5 answers · asked by confused- 1 in Singles & Dating

Was I too mean?? Read the given situation.(in add'l details)

2006-12-21 06:46:04 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

If your husband asks you if there is someone else and claims to have proof.
You don't even talk to other guys.

2006-12-21 06:45:34 · 3 answers · asked by mommyof2 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

What do you guys think? Should people have a trial period, so to speak, meaning live together first then marry? It does give you a chance to see how the other person interacts on a daily basis but some people say that it takes the fun out out of getting married. What do you think?

2006-12-21 06:44:57 · 62 answers · asked by Ashley 4 in Marriage & Divorce

There this guy and the last time i talk to him was halloween but we had a little something be for that. Well here weres it all starts he went to my school then he moved and went to a new school..... i was so sad that he moved but this was like in 1st grade. Now im in high school and i went to a football game and i saw him there, so we started talking and hanging out. So now we have not talkin in like 3 months. Hes all I think about, what do i do ? call him...... or...... just leave it alone?

2006-12-21 06:44:55 · 12 answers · asked by little Piggy 1 in Singles & Dating

He thinks that he should be the boss of everything, money, kids, cars, home, but he does nothing, works and that is it. always saying things like if i dont like to move out, that i need him more than he needs me.

2006-12-21 06:44:17 · 32 answers · asked by babycake 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-12-21 06:43:19 · 14 answers · asked by streetsmart 1 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-12-21 06:42:37 · 19 answers · asked by Pickcc 1 in Singles & Dating

...she invites her over to her house, chats on the phone, buys her gifts, and gives her money. My fiance and I are both treated like dirt by my future mother-in-law. She's even decided that she and the rest of the family will be spending Christmas Eve with the ex and my fiance is not invited. (He can't be around his ex since we had to get a restraining order against her because she threatened to kill us). My mother-in-law just can't see past this girl! My fiance and his ex do have a child together who is almost 14 years old but they've been broken up for 11 years and my fiance and I have been together for 6. Is is just me or is this weird?

2006-12-21 06:42:15 · 12 answers · asked by Jenna G 2 in Family

he likes it when i rub his chest, or lay on top of him and kiss him, or take my shirt off, but theres gotta be other things that i can do to turn him on.

2006-12-21 06:41:46 · 8 answers · asked by crazy_baby 1 in Singles & Dating

I met this guy and he kept on sending me notes and I kept on throwing them in the garbage bin, but then my bestfriend forced me to give him a chance to be my friend and he bacame my bestfriend I started to like him but now he likes my bestfriend what do I do?

2006-12-21 06:39:54 · 28 answers · asked by digitec95 1 in Singles & Dating

See add'l details. Tell me how you would react!!

2006-12-21 06:38:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I met him at work and he was miserable in his marriage. He left her but never bothered filing paperwork to start a divorce. He went to his parents and then came to live with me and I got pregnant. Now I am seeing many ways about him that I don't like. He cannot support himself to say the least. He's not too intelligent and I need to always explain everything to him many times. He is very nice and wants to be there for me and the baby but these are issues that have driven me away. However, he begs for me to give him a chance to work on the things that are ruining us. His incapability of supporting himself is my biggest pet pieve. I have another daughter whom I have raised on my own and seem to be set in my own independant ways. A non-independant man is a huge turn off. Should I suck it up and keep him around since he IS nice, and nice guys are hard to find, or should I do things the way I usually wind up doing them.. alone.. ?? I need some adivce.

2006-12-21 06:38:19 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

One of my friends wants me to sleep over with her.Though i honestly don't want to.Because she is really annoying,and we don't have anything in common.But she treats me like i am her bested and only friend.And her family makes me uncomfortable.
How should i tell her that i don't want to go,i know that sounds rude,there have been some many times.That i have done with her ,that i would have rather avoided.

And she is just inviting me.

2006-12-21 06:37:53 · 8 answers · asked by Moanika 6 in Friends

i sent my pic through his sister to him and since then he has been vary interested in me. he divorced for the second time, and he has two kids.He calls me more, But my fear is that i ve slept with two other guys his sister introduced me to, i don't feel comfortable at all when i am aroun her cos i feel ashamed of myself. can i discuss it with her to see how she feels or should i end the relationship before i get to involved with the guy?

2006-12-21 06:37:22 · 14 answers · asked by brown suger 1 in Singles & Dating

We had the wedding date, all the reservations, the dress and my ring. He then decided it just wasn't completely right, at least right now, for us to get married, so we broke up. The thing is, he misses me terribly, hasn't thrown away ANY of his pictures and videos of us (on his computer and camera), still has our "wedding music" playlist we made on his itunes for the reception, tells me he misses me, and has hinted around and joked about me kissing him or him kissing me. I know he still loves me and thinks about me all the time. Even the artwork I bought him for his half-birthday is still on the wall in his living room. He asked me to take him to the airport to go home for xmas, when he easily could have had his roomates or the shuttle service come get him (which he's done before). I know I shouldn't give him "me" if we're not dating, but I want to kiss him, even if just on the hand, but know that's probably inappropriate. What do I do? And what if HE kisses me, what do I say?

2006-12-21 06:36:51 · 12 answers · asked by alissa t 2 in Singles & Dating

I just got dumped and i asked her why and she wouldn't answer me, i don't know if we're still friends but i wanna find out, wat should i do?

2006-12-21 06:36:30 · 5 answers · asked by Corinthius99 1 in Singles & Dating

My girlfriend and I tentatively made plans that need to be nailed down for xmas eve, xmas/day and potentially NYE. We are both in 40's. She got back from a family visit sunday and was to call but didnt. I waited till Tuesday and called and left msg. She called back. I brought up that I feel its a courtesy to think to call when back in town. She said I could call too, and claimed she didn't remember she was to call even though we agreed before she left. Anyway, we spoke tuesday, she got quiet, a couple issues we are working through came up (like I'm not feeling the love here). She said she didn't want or have time to talk then, but to call her back after 8pm. I called at 9 and 10 with no returns. Called Wednesday twice with no returns. She is busy organizing a big xmas party tonight for work. I am thinking I should let this sit until she picks up the phone but need to know where I stand with these plans for those events very soon. What gives?

2006-12-21 06:35:48 · 5 answers · asked by Rickso 1 in Singles & Dating

like you know, having a hard time finding a boyfriend? and now shes almost turning 30..

2006-12-21 06:35:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-12-21 06:35:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Which one of this vacations do you pick and why? Both man and woman are single and meeting for fun adult weekend.

1) 3-day cruise
2) weekend at Mardi Gras
3) tickets to Superbowl, Playboy party tickets, and hotel suite for the weekend
4) Other idea; what is your idea?

2006-12-21 06:35:24 · 12 answers · asked by ICARRYABIGSTICK 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-12-21 06:35:01 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

people and the world around us are in a constant state of evolution and change...why then do we place such importance on the permanent state of forever???....is it the unattainable dream...the need to be the first to conquer it???..what do you think?......;0)

2006-12-21 06:34:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i tryed for 2 weeks to get my bf to go to a cencert with me that was only playing for 1 night.2 days before the concert i finally got he to agree to go.there was 2 showings but i could only go to the first showing because of my job and told him this when he said he was calling to book the tickets.well he calls me back and said the first showing was sold out but he and his friends got tickets for themselfs for the second showing!he never even cared to go in the first place it was my idea but when he found out his friends were going he wanted to go.to make maters worse more seats opened up for the 1st showing and told him i wanted to go and he got all mad and said he already had tickets with his friends for the second showing.after 3 hours of fighting he said he will go to both showings but hes now treating me like crap and will make the concert hell for me for sure.what should i do?

2006-12-21 06:32:59 · 8 answers · asked by carriemarie2098 1 in Friends

Interpret this how you may?....and by the way i'm open which one are you?

2006-12-21 06:32:56 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

i tryed for 2 weeks to get my bf to go to a cencert with me that was only playing for 1 night.2 days before the concert i finally got he to agree to go.there was 2 showings but i could only go to the first showing because of my job and told him this when he said he was calling to book the tickets.well he calls me back and said the first showing was sold out but he and his friends got tickets for themselfs for the second showing!he never even cared to go in the first place it was my idea but when he found out his friends were going he wanted to go.to make maters worse more seats opened up for the 1st showing and told him i wanted to go and he got all mad and said he already had tickets with his friends for the second showing.after 3 hours of fighting he said he will go to both showings but hes now treating me like crap and will make the concert hell for me for sure.what should i do?

2006-12-21 06:32:48 · 8 answers · asked by carriemarie2098 1 in Family

my marriage almost ended but we faught really hard for everything and stayed together. we love each other so much, and i feel terrible and sad for mistakes i made that contributed to the bad times. we now get on so much better and hold hands like we just met, its lovely. but i feel so sad for the past, and that my husband spoke to a girl on the phone during this bad time- this was only for one week but it broke my heart. he cut all contact from his friends and that girl and we put 100% into our marriage. but i feel so sad and sometimes i get pain inside when i think about my lovely husband talking to another girl, it was just for one week. im so happy we are together and we are planning a lovely christmas, how can i stop thinking about the past and stop feeling sad about pastmistakes? they creep up on me in my mind and the awful feelings come flooding back and i start crying, sometimes once or twice every day. how can i get over the bad times and move on with my life?

2006-12-21 06:32:16 · 33 answers · asked by Louise H 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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