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Family & Relationships - 19 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

to her boss as I would normally be (I've not met the boss before) because the boss ticked my friend off. I wasn't sure what that had to do with me. When I asked my friend why, she said, "Because you're my friend." I didn't probe because it seemed too weird to involve myself in. But it sounded like my friend (who's almost 60) wanted to "get back" at the boss by telling me not to be overly nice. Is this really childish or what? Am I wrong? Or do friends normally pull this sort of stuff?

2006-11-19 13:38:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Her pay check was in there ( she had cashed it) and so were all of her credit cards and insurance cards.Someone already started using her cards. She was going to pay the house note with that money and now its gone. Now we are probably not going to have a christmas and she already started drinking for the night so she will probably walk around drunk and depressed for the whole night.NOW she is saying that she is going to ask my stepdad to move out.She said that he isnt supportive of her ( it's true).This has happend many time befor but i seriously think it's going to happen now.She said the only reason she has been staying wither him the past few months were for financial reasons , without him she would be able to pay the bills but we sont be able to haveextra things like cable and we wont get new clothes probably once a year we would only get a couple of clothes.I know this sounds selfish but thats all i can think about.IknowIcanAlwaysGetAJobButMyMomWontLetMe.IHateMyLife.

2006-11-19 13:37:15 · 19 answers · asked by nilleh 3 in Family

have not heard back from him yet would you call again?

2006-11-19 13:37:00 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-19 13:36:04 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We are good people.

2006-11-19 13:34:41 · 18 answers · asked by blondepiaga 1 in Family

I am a 40yom that's been married for 18 years; although I love my wife... my relationship is not without its fair share of problems. Over the course of our married both my wife and I have had an affair (mine emotional 14y ago, hers physical 5y ago) while I understand that neither of these affairs carry any greater weight than the other, I have truly learned to love my wife all over again and in many ways with even greater depth. I have long time forgiven her and I no longer hold her affair against her, and I don’t live in the past (although I feel she does). We are both charismatic people and often speak with people of the opposite sex (work or socially) for which I was comfortable until today. I am starting to see Familiar signs of the past. While I shower her with love she dose not receive it and says she fells empty. I am not involved with any one but she has for 10 accused me of having an affair with some one. The accusations and Familiar Things are wearing on me HELP.

2006-11-19 13:33:41 · 3 answers · asked by forevergrowing11 1 in Marriage & Divorce

When I talked to someone from my cell provider they acted like it was impossible. It’s driving me CRAZY. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!

2006-11-19 13:33:29 · 9 answers · asked by Lovely 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over a year I recently found out that he dated another girl in the very begining of our relationship. He had lied to me early on in the relationship about until I confronted him then he came clean told me he was scarred to tell me the truth because he was affraid of loseing me. I love him very much and I know that he is a good person and everyone around me thinks he is a good guy. I am hurt by it but I am trying to move on is it possiable for us to make this work?

2006-11-19 13:33:27 · 19 answers · asked by SunShineBabe 3 in Singles & Dating

i seem confedent around guys but im really not!
i always turn down guys because im so scared
can u please help

2006-11-19 13:32:12 · 9 answers · asked by Roxy 1 in Singles & Dating

Boyfriend of ten months broke up with me. I haven't done anything wrong, he's just young and hasn't been in a steady, long relationship. The last few weeks have been rough cause i tend to vocalize problems, to try to work them out together to get past them. He told me to do that, but when i do it, he gets angry and says i'm getting on his nerves. MAny times i should have broken up with him, but I kept holding on, trying to make it work. Anyone that knows of our relationship says i shouldn't even be with him, as i can do much better. I didn't listen. So why does it hurt so much?

2006-11-19 13:31:34 · 20 answers · asked by smooches! 2 in Singles & Dating

My ex- daughter-in-Law is keeping my Grandson away from me. We were very close and I was told that she has tought him to hate me! I saw him the other day and he wouldn't even look at me his Mom was with him, I was always good to his Mom, I even took her side when she divorced my son my Grandson's Dad. Has this happened to any one here? Do you ever want to call or write your Grandma to see if it is true what your Mom says?

2006-11-19 13:31:07 · 8 answers · asked by Pamela V 7 in Family

I asked this a few days ago but I am still looking for other ideas. My fiance is going to "MIX" a few songs together to make the bridal party's song. Any and all ideas would be wonderful! Thanks!

2006-11-19 13:30:59 · 14 answers · asked by melodi_jean_99 3 in Weddings

I recently saw my lover's porn history and found that he frequently watches porn that involves sex with older people. Mostly it's old women - really old women... But it also includes sexy women over 50, older men with younger girls, older women with younger girls and family sex.

What does this all mean? Should I be worried?

2006-11-19 13:30:55 · 13 answers · asked by gina j 1 in Singles & Dating

After dating a few people, i've discovered that my ex is the only one who i can say really loved me unconditionally. I messed things up numerous times, but he's still willing to get back with me. Sholud i go back to the one who's been there through thick and thin?

2006-11-19 13:30:39 · 15 answers · asked by smooches! 2 in Singles & Dating

She already said she doesn't have boy friend feelings for me....But she keeps on telling me things she doesn't tell any body else....And she always has to ask me if I like her.......

2006-11-19 13:29:57 · 7 answers · asked by keithr2003 3 in Singles & Dating


how do you know if a girl likes you what are the signs that shes redy to have a relationship ?

2006-11-19 13:29:21 · 7 answers · asked by FROST_X 2 in Singles & Dating

Im with my fiance 8 years,we met at age 16 and I knew from the minute I saw him,we'd be together forever.

2006-11-19 13:27:19 · 21 answers · asked by Princess Katie 4 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-19 13:26:53 · 20 answers · asked by timespiral 4 in Marriage & Divorce

We're early 20's and in end of college. together about a year. i live w/2 roommtes but am looking for a new place closer to school. he still lives at home w/parents but moving out but the end of the school year b/c of a job and getting a higher degree. we spend about 2-3 nights together now and see each other every day anyhow, so i think living together would be sensible. how should i go about asking him his opinion on this topic?

i posted this question 2 days ago and due to the responses i got i just wanted to add the following? i think we are both financially ready. i am NOT lookin for this to lead to marriage i am WAY to young for that and i do NOT want it. he wants to see me every day, even when i suggest that we spend a day apart b/c i was afraid he would get sick of me. maybe you think a year isn't a very long time but i think we know each other well enough for this to happen. last the reason i ask this is not to be told i am doing the wrong this just how to say. thanks :-)

2006-11-19 13:26:15 · 9 answers · asked by soccer2music 2 in Singles & Dating

Okay, so over the summer I became extremely good friends with this guy, who I then began to like as more than friends. I finally desided to be honest with him and told him I liked him, which he was fine with. We were still perfectly fine, until one day he stopped talking to me and told me we could be friends LATER. (idk wat that meant) He didnt talk to me for like 2 months, and then he finally just started....what can I say to pursuade him to come back and be friends again? Did I do the wrong thing by telling him? Why didnt he want to be friends for like 2 months...wat was the point?

2006-11-19 13:25:42 · 9 answers · asked by as 4 in Singles & Dating

ok i get online then my bf comes online and then he has to get off right away wat is that is it a sign or wat can someone help me?

2006-11-19 13:25:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have known a friend of mine for as long as I've known my now husband. The guy is his best friend... Well..my husband just recently started talking to him again after a long period of not knowing where anyone was... and he is so fine....I honestly think I am infatuated this this guy...I'm not in love with him...I love my husband..but we're always fighting...and I want to be close to him..hang out with him....I know it wrong... what should I do about my crush?

2006-11-19 13:25:19 · 21 answers · asked by heart'sbreath 1 in Marriage & Divorce

me and this boy we are talking right now but i dont want to get attched to him cuz i dont know if he likes me or how he feels about me and some boys are so indirect that you cant even tell and even if they do they wont admit its hard to decipher whether or not and i dont want to tell him how i feel and feel dumb cuz he doesnt feel the same way and i would ask him but i dont want to cuz i he says somethign like i dont know waht do you mean or somethign indirect ima just feel hurt and shot down....so i can i tell are there any hidden signs

2006-11-19 13:25:12 · 4 answers · asked by lilmizzd2002 2 in Singles & Dating

its been 2 months since my mom married this american guy. he was my stepdad, but every time i talk to him i feel like im shaking. why am i scared of him? he seems like a good person. one time he told my mom that 'why are your kids not taling to me? im really upset' i dont even know the reason why am i scared of him?

2006-11-19 13:25:01 · 8 answers · asked by Janna 1 in Friends

My boyfriend and I have just started to become sexually active. For the 3 times we've been intimate..he has taken over. He wants me to do the work or take charge next time. What are some techniques, positions, and tips I can do?

2006-11-19 13:24:59 · 3 answers · asked by Chyna Sierra N 1 in Singles & Dating

I have joint custody of my son. He lives with me his mother gets him Christmas break and a few weeks in the summer. We agreed to a joint parenting plan saying that she would not have to pay child support but instead pay half of all extracurricular acctivites and medical, dental,vision or any other health care expenses. She won't pay any of this. I tell her about it and she says she is going to send the money but she wont. I was wondering If since we signed this agreeing if I could still try to take her back to court and try to get childsupport. She works has a good job and still nothing.

2006-11-19 13:24:54 · 10 answers · asked by michael s 2 in Marriage & Divorce

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