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Family & Relationships - 11 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

me and a boy friend are talking.. nd i need to turn him on.. what do i say to him???

2006-11-11 01:20:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Very controversial yet a simple ques..

Just try and write what comes first to your mind !!

2006-11-11 01:20:01 · 4 answers · asked by lovely 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

If your mother stayed with a husband she knew molested young girls...would you leave your children with her even after he died?

2006-11-11 01:19:52 · 10 answers · asked by foulweathercatcherman 3 in Marriage & Divorce

This is strange. I'm absolutely crazy abt a chick in college. Though I havent spoken to her much, I think this is isn't an infatuation. Everywhere I look, I tend to see her, though she isn't there. Everytime I'm talkin, her name just slips outta my tongue. I cant concentrate on anything. I skip lunch only to look at her and at a potential oppurtunity to talk to her. Exams are just 2 weeks away but I just cant concentrate nower. Everytime I'm dreaming, I dream just about her.

Is this love?

2006-11-11 01:18:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

U C i was told that in so many words it was not really feassible 4 me 2 completly trust. u reasure me. i will do it now. thanks again my friend. twisteditstrue@yahoo.hueoooooooooooooo

2006-11-11 01:16:27 · 4 answers · asked by twisteditstrue 2 in Marriage & Divorce

I go to another school where all of my friends go but,My bestfriend since forth grade got another best friend.My new bestfriend told me that she dont like the girl because she got all of the boys.And i dont know how to comfront the girl.(Remember were all in a group)

2006-11-11 01:15:32 · 12 answers · asked by sexy momma 1 in Friends

Mind if ur gf was taller then u?

2006-11-11 01:14:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Dont you know when people say they come from a broken home. I wanna make sure I got the right impression. If so, do you come from a broken home and how?

2006-11-11 01:13:29 · 19 answers · asked by hardworkur84 2 in Singles & Dating

OK so there is this guy and I like him and he likes me alot but he has a crazy ex girlfriend and she is one of my friends not a good one and one that I could put up with loosing for him but I don`t want to hurt her feelings but all she does is talk bad about him and messes around with other guys and then I hear from other ppl that she`s not over him and writing him notes telling him she`ll get what she wants (him) and calling just his cell over 90 times and month. Me and this guy have a lot of chemistry what should I do?What would you do?

2006-11-11 01:12:11 · 2 answers · asked by katherine f 1 in Singles & Dating

I try to be supportive and encouraging. Most of my compliments are met with resistance, like she doesn't believe them and hence, thinks I am lying. Moreover, she has said before that she doesn't deserve to be in a relationship. She is such a great woman and great person. I want her to see that. Is there anything I can do to convince her? She knows she has issues with this stuff, so how can we start to get past it?

2006-11-11 01:11:20 · 8 answers · asked by randyken 6 in Singles & Dating

he is on the deed for 1/4 of the house

2006-11-11 01:10:50 · 10 answers · asked by tinygirlfriend 1 in Family

i have this friend called ron. we've been friends for few years and now im kind of kind of fed up with him.not that i hate him but he s movin away frm me. it might be cuz a new person richard came to my life. hes very helpful. but he already hav another friend.. should i leave ron? should i go with richard?

2006-11-11 01:10:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

My husband died four years ago. His brother asked me out and I'm definetly interested, but I con't know what the familiy will say.

2006-11-11 01:09:42 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

Months ago my mother revealed to me a family secret, which only i never knew about...it was of my father having other 2 children out there and being still officially married to this other women- people he abandoned years and years ago. At the time i was 15 and im only 16 now...it slipt out today that i had told my best friend this story, because it is something which schocked me at the time even though im not that close to my dad...my mum lost her mind and became very angry, saying that what is said in the family should have stayed there...i trust my best friend and that is why i told her...i find it hard to talk about these things with my family, because im a shy person and prefer to talk to my friends...I'm just wondering, am i in the wrong or is my mother right?

2006-11-11 01:07:44 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

HI,see i have a friend that has lice and you that know people don`t like it when people say that about them well if me and my sis tell her that she might be sooooo mad i need HELP!!!!!

2006-11-11 01:05:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

my boyfriend is mad because im friends with someone he doesnt like.they keep on being friends and then not. my boyfriend says she talks to much about her personal life..she says he gets on her nerves.what should i do?????????

2006-11-11 01:03:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

are they useful, tacky, etc have you ever used pick up lines? Which one?

2006-11-11 01:02:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Flowers, my hubby does every week, and has done for 20 years of marriage, if not what else does he get you?

2006-11-11 01:01:29 · 31 answers · asked by ? 2 in Marriage & Divorce

1)She never kisses her husband but always kisses on her dog.
2)She prefers to sleep with her dog more than her husband.
3)Its hard for her to take care of or spend time with both so she considers divorcing her husband.
4)She lays down with her dog at least 2-3 times a day
5)Her and her dog are bound to each other, dog follows her every where....like a literal shadow, waits outside the bathroom while she pees, sleeps under her feet all day, every step she takes the dog is right there.

Is this a little obsessive?


2006-11-11 01:01:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

I've been planning a bus trip for months to go upstate. I have 50 paid guests going on the trip. We recently found out that my husband's grandmother passed away and the funeral is the same day as my bus trip. My problem is that I want to be there for him but I can't cancel the trip one week before the date. The bus company does not give refunds this close to the trip and it is a full bus. One of my relatives was going to drive 9 hours to come on the trip to help me out as my assistant. She said she would host the trip without me but she doesn't know anything at all about the area and I can tell she is uncomfortable doing so but just willing to help. I am pregnant with my first and been going through quite a bit of stress lately. This situation is stressful because I feel I have a duty to my husband but also to the 50 people going on the trip and my family going to help out. My husband told me to stay and do the trip since it was planned. What would you do (serious replies only pls)?

2006-11-11 01:00:24 · 9 answers · asked by Lia 1 in Marriage & Divorce

He's not faking it as his heart was beating very fast and breathing shallow.

2006-11-11 00:59:49 · 22 answers · asked by Sky 2 in Singles & Dating

I like this boy but my bff likes him to What should i do?


2006-11-11 00:58:18 · 5 answers · asked by Doaa A 2 in Singles & Dating

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