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Family & Relationships - 6 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

Me and my girlfriend were dating for 8 months. Things were great, and we both told each other that we had never felt this way or been best friends w/ a gf/bf before. I did some stupid things to push her feelings away - I didnt tell her the whole truth about some things, and sometimes I could be arrogant or annoying to others when she was around me, which I know she didnt like. I didnt cheat or do anything physical. It was nothing I did on purpose or to hurt her. I just made some mistakes that I know are not in my nature, and I want to show her the real me again, and that I have grown-up and changed for the best.
She broke up with me about 5 weeks ago. I sent her flowers, letters, etc. I know that I shouldnt have done this, but thats in the past. Her friend told me she just wants to be alone right now, so Ive decided to leave her alone for a month. I know I love her and it hurts me that I didnt tell her that before all of this happened. Anyone have any advice? Thanks...

2006-11-06 03:44:35 · 10 answers · asked by pjammer 2 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-06 03:44:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-06 03:43:29 · 12 answers · asked by complicated 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

She was born in 1985. She went to Pokesdown C.P. School in Boscombe. She has 1 brother and no sisters. Anyone know her?

2006-11-06 03:42:16 · 8 answers · asked by Zara 1 in Friends

2006-11-06 03:42:03 · 37 answers · asked by jetpig_uk 2 in Singles & Dating

I have always had a crush on a family friend of mine. We are the same age and we used to talk all of the time, but we lost contact. We see each other from time to time and I really want to go out with him, but he has a child with another woman. I don't know if their still together or not. It's been a couple of months since I've seen him, but I really want to get with him. What should I do?

2006-11-06 03:41:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have been married for 2 years now, and my husband is the biggest party animal, so he is always around his friends and drinking and does not have a care in the world what goes around him, life is only about him. He is 31 years now. Before I hung out with him and stayed home and partied as well, but now I feel like I wasting my life away. Now it is different, I do my things and he does his…I think it is better that way. Whenever I go to a family dinner or anything, he never comes with me, and I see all these married couples doing things together, going places together – I guess I am little envious and jealous at the same time. I think I just spoiled him too much by not making a fuss about it before. I am much more of a family person – I love being with my family and his and doing things with them, traveling, doing things outside of the home. We don’t have any children, I don’t know if I really want to with him.

2006-11-06 03:40:54 · 17 answers · asked by Yasmin76 1 in Marriage & Divorce

we study in the same college doing studying medicine hes a hindu n i m a muslim i want to marry him but back home it will be a big big issue dont know wat to do ...?? when i leave this college n have to go home i will miss hi terriblely .. i love him plz help

2006-11-06 03:39:25 · 12 answers · asked by meg 1 in Singles & Dating

My mother in law is always trying to control me and my husband relationship . I know she will only do what her son lets her do but I am so tired of all the drama she even trys to control our kids for example getting them when she feels she wants. I have no problem with it her getting them I just don't like how she is so controlling and if I say one thing about my husband mom he defends her when she talks about him like a dog to me! He is to much of a mama boy I am tired of him and her what should I do we all got into a big argument about the kids recently and I am not allowed back to there home but they be wanting my kids over there. What should I do?? I love him but his mom gots to go he turns on me all the time saying I only have 1 mom blah blah blah but I am his wife what about me and my feelings? I want to move on but I do truely love him help!!!!!!

2006-11-06 03:39:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a brother that is 17 years old, he is living with my mother now and she seems to have no control over him, if he dosnt want to go to school he dosnt go to school, if he dosnt want to do his homework he dosnt do his homework. He dosnt do any house work to help my mom out and pritty much bosses her around. So i feel like he isnt going anywhere in life. And he is setting a bad exsample for the two younger siblings in our family. Also he is showing intrest in this girl he use to work with, the only problem is that she is 26. I am worried about him for the futer, I guess i want more for him, and want to beable to help in some way what do i do?

2006-11-06 03:37:50 · 12 answers · asked by girl 1 in Family

ok so we went and met our new neighbors not too long ago and the boy is so hot and i want to get to know him but i'v never really talked to him and dont know what to say so can some one helh mr out?

2006-11-06 03:37:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-06 03:37:29 · 4 answers · asked by Fernando 1 in Singles & Dating

Me and my girlfriend have been with each other for over a year and a half now and we have had the best sex life ever. We never had any problems in that area. I'd say we would have sex probably about twice a week on average. But for a about a month she has been pushing me away and saying she doesn't want to because she's not in the mood. We discussed it and she's telling me that she has bad dreams of being raped when she was little. So she went to the doctor to get sleeping medicenes and shes been using those for about a week. Still no sex. I got really frusterated with her one night and she got mad at me. Am I sexually frustrated or is it her fault. I don't think im a sex-aholic or anything its just making me really mad. All other areas of our relationship are nearly perfect. I love her and want to respact her with all my heart but i have needs too!

2006-11-06 03:37:24 · 25 answers · asked by ableach 1 in Singles & Dating

wot is the worst thing a guy could do
before u kiss or do more than that
ladies give ur opinions please

2006-11-06 03:37:07 · 3 answers · asked by ningamdo 4 in Singles & Dating

Should I talk to him? What about?

2006-11-06 03:36:51 · 19 answers · asked by Dreamer 4 in Singles & Dating

I decided to give him a second chance after he was dishonest about his situation with his ex girlfriend. LONG STORY but I still cant stop thinking thoughts that he will fall for her again and leave me. Or that they sleep together when he visits his son at her house in another state. He calls me when he goes there and on the way home to try to make me feel better but I still get worried cuz he mislead both of us at the same time. Telling me he wants to marry me, telling her he wants to work it out for the baby. This was back in August but what if he is still telling her that? he says she has a boyfriend but how do I know? He lives 2 hrs away from me and she lives 2 hours from him. What do I do??!!

2006-11-06 03:36:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-06 03:35:49 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We dated for several years and have been broken up for several years. I haven't seen him in a long time, and the last time we talked (3+ years ago) we didn't hang up on bad terms. The other day, I noticed him sitting outside a store waiting on his fiancee and I was walking out with the guy I'm dating. He wouldn't even make eye contact & turned his head when he saw us walking out. What does this mean? Why would he do this?

2006-11-06 03:35:29 · 10 answers · asked by cause0im0broken 1 in Singles & Dating

When was the last time you wrote a romantic letter to someone?

2006-11-06 03:34:59 · 5 answers · asked by Pardon Moi? 3 in Singles & Dating

if you met a guy and find out he's a virgin and at least like 20 years old?

2006-11-06 03:34:07 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-06 03:33:55 · 17 answers · asked by dagstakila 2 in Singles & Dating

Sorry for being so vague! Our girls are in their early twenties. My ex husband put or kids in the middle by making them choose between us. I caught him cheating with is second ex wife (i was his third). He is an alcoholic and was convicted of domestic abuse against me. He was also diagnosed as Bi-Polar. He quit taking his meds when he came off of prbation. He is a consumate liar and his children have been pulled into all of his drama by him. I continue to protect them from issues that do not concern them. He, however, turns all situations to make him the victim. My youngest, 25, has always tried to maintain a relationship with me against her fathers wishes. Now, after several years of his verbal attacks, she is making a turn away. He has told her things that are completely untrue. When she asks me I have tried to skirt the conversation in another direction because these are issue that have nothing to do with her or her sister.

2006-11-06 03:33:43 · 11 answers · asked by rivergirl 1 in Marriage & Divorce

Bob joins a very exclusive nudist colony. On his first day he takes off his clothes and starts wandering around. A gorgeous petite blonde walks by him and the man immediately gets an erection.

The woman notices his erection, comes over to him grinning sweetly and says: "Sir, did you call for me?" Bob replies: "No, what do you mean?" She says: "You must be new here; let me explain. It's a rule here that if I give you an erection, it implies you called for me." Smiling, she then leads him to the side of a pool, lays down on a towel, eagerly pulls him to her and happily lets him have his way with her.

Bob continues exploring the facilities. He enters a sauna, sits down, and farts. Within a few seconds a huge, horribly corpulent, hairy man with a firm erection lumbers out of the steam towards him. The Huge Man says: "Sir, did you call for me?" Bob replies: "No, what do you mean?" The Huge Man: "You must be new here; it is a rule that when you fart, it implies you called for me." The huge man then easily spins Bob around, bends him over the bench and has his way with him.

Bob rushes back to the colony office. He is greeted by the smiling naked receptionist: "May I help you?" Bob says: "Here is your card and key back. You can keep the $500 joining fee." Receptionist: "But Sir, you've only been here a couple of hours; you only saw a small fraction of our facilities.....

"Bob replies: "Listen lady, I am 58 years old, I get a hard-on twice a month, but I fart 15 times a day!

2006-11-06 03:33:22 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Because he got lot of things to do. Should I not bug him to much, we are getting married next month near christmass.

2006-11-06 03:33:15 · 7 answers · asked by Fantasy 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

2006-11-06 03:33:08 · 12 answers · asked by jao89122 1 in Singles & Dating

I just don't get that. The person that you should be angry with is the man. He's suppose to be with you and he made the choice to cheat. I've been in a situation where I didn't know that the guy was married but I got a call one day from this guy's wife. I told her the truth...we went out on one date and I didn't sleep with him. I didn't even kiss him but she was still mad at me. I told her that she needs to go talk to her husband. Anyone can answer the question but I really want to hear from the women that always gets mad at the other woman but not the husband or boyfriend.

2006-11-06 03:33:01 · 20 answers · asked by KokoCutie272006 2 in Singles & Dating

this will vastly overstep the £20 rule, but its a dead cert. Oh and its lingerie.

2006-11-06 03:31:51 · 25 answers · asked by jetpig_uk 2 in Singles & Dating

My husband (not his father) says my 13 year olds mouthiness is the reason he wants a divorce. I agree that the boy is mouthy. I flick him in his lips when he's mouthy. He is 13! He is not vulgar or disrespectful, just argumentative sometimes. I told my husband to punish him for talking back, but he won't. Now he wants a divorce because he can't stand my son.

2006-11-06 03:31:09 · 51 answers · asked by Fiery75 1 in Marriage & Divorce

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