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Family & Relationships - 1 November 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

I am in middle school and there is this girl I really like. How do I get here to notice me and like me back? I have never liked some one this much so please help. Thanks.

2006-11-01 16:37:59 · 13 answers · asked by 1Einstien 1 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-01 16:37:51 · 12 answers · asked by edward b 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-01 16:37:50 · 7 answers · asked by genieejj 3 in Singles & Dating

I have been good friends with this guy for a long time now. We have a really great time together and he's so fun. Lately we've been hanging out more and tonight right before he left my house he kissed me (I didn't really see that coming). I think he's going to ask me out and I dont know what to say. He's a great friend but...I don't feel that he would make a great boyfriend. I feel bad and I dont want to hurt his feelings but I dont really feel any..."chemistry" between us. Does that make sense? I'm flattered that somebody likes me and I have been single for a very long time but...but I just don't know what to think or how to feel about this. Is this normal? Should I say yes and give him a chance anyways? Please help!

2006-11-01 16:37:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Some info:
We talked sometimes when we sat nex to each other.
He doesnt talk much though.
I told him I liked the way he did his hair the other day.

But yea...I kinda wanted to know, is it any good to stare at him like every 4 minutes, tryin to get the eye contact thing goin on from across the room?

I really like this dude, dangit! Any suggestions, or advice?

2006-11-01 16:37:18 · 4 answers · asked by jaz 5 in Singles & Dating

This guy that I really really like didnt built enough courage to talk to me when he came to my work(our client). Hes a shy type of person. I told someone to give him my number becuz I am unable to becuz there are too many objectives. Anyway Im not sure if he has my number or not becuz its been about 5 days and he hasnt called me yet assuming he has my number. Some things that I think he is interested in me are 1 everytime before he leaves he looks at me then leaves 2 when i talk to him he listens and laughs at what I say 3 he checked out my bosoms 4 I get really really nervous when he comes around..I never get nervous. I am extremely into him. So is it a good idea if I call him or should I call the person I told to give him my number and find out what happened. I dont wanna let him go by quite honestly but i already initiated that i like him and my number and stuff. So what would be some things that I could do to get the ball rolling? I am 22 btw and he is 25 or 26

2006-11-01 16:37:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What got you through it?

2006-11-01 16:36:11 · 13 answers · asked by Lin_82 1 in Singles & Dating

Ok let me put this question differently. I have found a FREE DATING site. It cost nothing to join nothing to contact people of interest. It is free. When you read about the site, as you join, the guy who built the site says he is the third biggest. Does anyone know the two bigger ones?

2006-11-01 16:34:22 · 2 answers · asked by swami242 3 in Singles & Dating

2006-11-01 16:33:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

me and my husband had a serious argument over the phone about our situation now. he is in fort bragg and i am here in the philippines. he can't give me financial support because he is facing serious charges and he said he is spending a lot of money to pay his lawyer. then we ended up talking about divorce but i told him i will get a lawyer to find the legal way and my rights. I have a military id. i got it when we were in korea after we got married here. I have a sofa visa until january 2007. he was sent back to fort bragg for tdy but after left he never came back and he said he can't go nowhere until he is clear. but the problem is i feel like i am abondoned here. his cellphone was disconnected and he dont answer my email. i dont know now what to do. I want to get what i am entitled to. i am glad i have family to support me and a small business that helps my financial needs. It's more on emotional torture. anyone please help me what to do, my email address is dennia32000@yahoo.com

2006-11-01 16:33:22 · 2 answers · asked by philam 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I wore it to a Halloween party on Saturday, and people really liked it. As you can see, the black top underneath kinda disappeared once I got to the party! HaHa! What do you think???



2006-11-01 16:31:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

We fight occassionaly over finances etc. Last nite had a terrible fight. I feel all this crying takes a toll on me emotionally. I am unable to concentrate on my health and job. Some pointers please.. to help me recover and become strong.I am a sucker for love..and want to be loved. He does love me.. but does nt proclaim it. We are also trying for a child now. Both r in competitive jobs . help!

2006-11-01 16:31:37 · 14 answers · asked by s f 2 in Marriage & Divorce


2006-11-01 16:30:05 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

ok i just had a baby 5 weeks ago and i went back to work .ok i my best friend ask me could she watch the baby while i'll go because she's not working at this time. ok i use to be friends with my baby daddy cousin girlfriend but we kindda fell out so today she told my freind she's stupid for watching my baby she did'nt lay down and have him don't let me use her and get out and get her a job and let me deal with it my self. but before i had my baby the cousin girlfriend was trying to cook for my kids wash thier colthes and always told me when you go back to work bring the baby over her house anytime. so one day last week she ask me do i need her to watch the baby and i said no but turn around and let my best friend watch him (which i pays her 30.00 a day to watch him)but i just can't click with her like that she's the type of person she talk about what she do for people.and everybody is ready to see my down fall too so what you think it is

2006-11-01 16:29:41 · 5 answers · asked by toni m 1 in Family

my ex and I went out for a month on winter break. I was his first g/f. it's a long story but I was nervous and not acting myself that day cuz I knew we were gonna kiss.things went fast. he tried to cheer me up but I just kept quiet and was beating myself up about it.He didn't call me back or return my calls.I told him I don't hate him(in August). I've seen him 2 times recently and he's not avoiding me like he used to.I think he wants 2 talk and possibly hang out.I want 2 have a friendly convo when I see him next and tell him I want to forget about the past and just have fun and hang out again. Is this a good idea and he'll feel a sigh of relief and the pressure will be taken off of him thinking I'll keep asking him questions about our past OR will it make him have flashbacks of our past?

2006-11-01 16:29:30 · 6 answers · asked by dabluschmosprincess 1 in Singles & Dating

I am wondering if any of you have dated out of your league(or dating above your social class) and what problems you ran into if any For example, was it intimating, did you have trouble being yourself..etc?

2006-11-01 16:28:07 · 8 answers · asked by meanpromqueen 2 in Singles & Dating

k so theres this guy at my school who looks at me and then i look too and then he looks away fast. He likes to bother me and he wont stop. And i get the feeling that he likes me but there is one problem. He met my best friend Sarita and now he bothers her andshe thinks that he likes her but were not sure...so the truth is that i like him too but i dont know what i can do to get him back...so if u got any advice please answer thsi question so i can get help and choose u as a best answer. UHHH it sucks being 14 years old....so please help!

thank u

2006-11-01 16:26:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my bf and i broke up a week ago...he broke up with my because he was tired of fighting over stupid things and he said that i always made him late.

well we would have been 3 years in december together but it's too late now.

we arent screaming or fighting on the phone were just talking like were friends. i want to ask him to do something this weekend but i'm terrified to ask because i dont want to get hurt if he says no.

i think if we talk on the phone okay we would be okay to hang out together.

what should i do? i don't want to go through life wondering "what if" because i think if we did become friends we might realize how much we miss each other and MAY decide to get back together. BUT if we do it wouldn't be serious and i would deal with it and so would he.

2006-11-01 16:25:24 · 11 answers · asked by Lisa 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

OK, I have a this friend that I have liked for a long time.It's is very obvious that we both like each other. I just don't know how to tell him. I have thought about writinig a letter. What would you suggest?

2006-11-01 16:24:53 · 8 answers · asked by heather_21_2006 2 in Singles & Dating

My ex girlfriend once said if she got to be with 20 men in her life, she will sound as if she was a whore. How many people you have been with and how old are you so far? By the time she said this she was 27 and I dont know how many she has been with.

2006-11-01 16:24:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

my bf and i broke up a week ago...he broke up with my because he was tired of fighting over stupid things and he said that i always made him late.

well we would have been 3 years in december together but it's too late now.

we arent screaming or fighting on the phone were just talking like were friends. i want to ask him to do something this weekend but i'm terrified to ask because i dont want to get hurt if he says no.

i think if we talk on the phone okay we would be okay to hang out together.

what should i do?

2006-11-01 16:23:54 · 3 answers · asked by Lisa 1 in Singles & Dating

What do you think is a good age to get married? and how long should you have know the guy and dated the guy. and a side question what do you think about sex before you get married? Before when your dating or after you are?

2006-11-01 16:23:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Brothers and Sisters are more powerful role models than friends or parents when it comes to teenage drinking and smoking,research has shown. teenagers were interviewed between 1995&1997 @14yrs old and were asked about how often they drank and smoked and also about their family relationships. on averege,13% of younger sibilings reported smoking and36% reported drinking, but rates incresed when older sibilings also reported substance use. about 10% of younger sibiling with non-smoking older sibiling used tabacoo,compared to 40%of those whose olders sibilings smoked. likewise, younger sibiling alchol use increased from 25 to 53% when older sibiling reported drinking. currently, most tobacco and alcohol prevention programs target individuals for change or are aimed at improving parent-child communication and interactions.
Based on the information i given would u influence your younger brother or sister to smoke or not to smoke?????????????????????

2006-11-01 16:23:36 · 4 answers · asked by g2daezo 1 in Family

Can you resist the sexual temptation if you are in a situation where you spend some times with a girl you like. The thing is that I've told a guy "kinda" like that I want to have sex with him too, but I don't really wanna complicate things. I'd rather spend some times with him and get to know each other first. In the past weeks, we've spent a good amount of time together. I just wanna make sure we won't be going too far and that we won't loose his mind before "the time." Am I being stupid or a tease if I hang out with him too much and make out without sex? How long can he wait and can guys resist temptation at all?

2006-11-01 16:23:28 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-01 16:21:28 · 10 answers · asked by Dana C 1 in Singles & Dating

what is the differance between 5 times a number and 4 is 16?

2006-11-01 16:20:58 · 6 answers · asked by dest s 1 in Singles & Dating

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