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Family & Relationships - 29 September 2006

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Family · Friends · Marriage & Divorce · Other - Family & Relationships · Singles & Dating · Weddings

he's my first boyfriend and i'm still new at certain things

2006-09-29 16:02:34 · 9 answers · asked by ♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥ 5 in Singles & Dating

she thinks i just wanna go to another school to be with other girls but its so not true i can't go to her school idk what to do i really do love her

2006-09-29 16:01:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

The more the better.

2006-09-29 16:01:33 · 13 answers · asked by -PaRadoX- 3 in Family


how much do those headbands with cats ears on them cost?

how could we make a cats tail?

what should we wear for clothing?

how to paint face?

2006-09-29 16:00:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

To me, it seems like more and more people no wearing underwear... men, women, boys, and girls. Is it because clothes are more comfortable? Is it that we are living in a more sexual world? What is it? Where are people getting the idea to quit wearing underwear? When I was on the soccer team at my high school. I was the only one that went commando at first, but then the guys on my team saw me put on my jeans without underwear. They asked why I did it. I said I really did not need it anymore and that it is more comfortable to go without. A couple of guys started doing it.... and it caught on with the team. It is amazing how society can make underwear such a big deal. And know, my "package" never gets caught in the zipper. I do try to buy button fly when I can... like at Abercrombie and Fitch or American Eagle. The same goes with shorts. Just curious what you all think. I think that a lot of teen and college age kids like me today are less likely to need underwear.

2006-09-29 16:00:04 · 5 answers · asked by josh_wagner12 1 in Singles & Dating

I have a great relationship with my girl, the only prob is that we live far far away (south america, states) We were friends for a long time before getting serious and I've tried to send her lil gifts now and then, simple things like cards, pics, teddy bears, etc. I sent her a BUNCH of roses once and she went nuts :) The prob is that her bday is coming up and I don't think flowers are gonna be enough (I already sent her roses) and I feel our relationship is growing even more now!! Plane tickets? we might spend a week together in a few months and I'll buy the plane tickets, but I need a birthday gift idea for this October! I used FedEx a lot so the gift will have to be small ;) ladies, do you have any ideas?? I know it's complicated. Thank you all for your help

2006-09-29 16:00:02 · 9 answers · asked by mchav83 2 in Singles & Dating

motherCordeliaHowardCorn (?) familyconnection&deathJohnHowardGalvestion.Cordelia,borntoJoelEvans&DeloresLittllellEvansgiventoJoelssisterasdeathbedwish.LostallhistoryofJohnHowardonlymemryspaston.DeloresmotherwasMattieLittlell. Littell.LostConectwithLittells&Howards.HelenEvansHowardmarriedFloydGladishinPikeCo.InPetersburgranafeedmill.CordeliamarriedDavidJeromeCorn,sonOfNathional&MableCorn.CordeliaandDavidjerryCornhad3children,Karen,David_deceased-MariaLlynn.Infofromanyonewithknoweldgeofeldersfamiliespleasereply .ThestorysofCordeliaarealwayshappyandmemoriesofherlifebeforeshedevelopedcancer- ,wanttogatherinfotowriteher-DearCordeliarunsinmymindasIgardenandsinghersongs. AndhowIhavemissedhermusic.Shelivedamusical,lovelylifetillcancerstoleherfromus.Anyschoolfriends,anyonetouchedbyanyfamilymembers-pleasereply.fathersJohnHoward,FloydGladish,andlateronFredRichardson,JoelandwifePauleneEvanseverclose.Fredwasahugepartofmylifeandadoredmothertoo.PauleneisstillwithmeandIvisitherinPetersburg

2006-09-29 15:59:31 · 1 answers · asked by Karen B 1 in Family

I really like this guy, and I've been planning to ask him to the Sadie Hawkin's dance. He always makes a point to talk to me... like if he's walking with his friends he'll turn around and talk to me... He asks about my life, like how sports are going and stuff. We played basketball 1 on 1 and when we got into teams, he would always tickle me when I was on defense to try and mess me up... and also, today he asked me what i was doing this weekend, and i just said nothing. Then this other girl was like, "He wants to go out with you." and she kept on saying, "Just ask her out!" but I was right there and I don't know if she was talking about me! I didn't think she would be so obvious... but what if it WAS me she was talking about? Do you think he likes me?

2006-09-29 15:58:10 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-09-29 15:58:08 · 4 answers · asked by joe 3 in Singles & Dating

She keeps lieing to me about this guy that i like on the team:
Like she said he broke up with his gf...did not
And then she said he was a MAJOR druggie ...not true
.....why is she doing this??

2006-09-29 15:56:23 · 10 answers · asked by crzycoolswmr 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My bf who's been away for business trip, just called me at 3am there in London and he was a little drunk and said that he missed me. he said he was tired, so I said to him "good night". Now I’m getting ready to go over my co-worker's house for a little party. well, the fact that he was drunk kinda bothering me. I don't know. what do you think?

2006-09-29 15:55:54 · 24 answers · asked by ? 3 in Singles & Dating

Me and my husband have been growing apart... I have decided I wanted to get a divorce. Actually, I've thought about it a few times but I'm afraid. He can be very mad... and when I think about how he would react when I break the news... he might get very nutty. Is there anything I can do to make things easy for both of us? I still love him, I care for him dearly... like a brother (sadly), but I don't see any future with us together. It took me a few years to realize we aren't for each other... and now I don't know what to do, I'm not inlove with him any longer. Please don't suggest therapy, it won't solve any problem. I just want my life back... I know he doesn't want to get a divorce, niether one of us is doing anything wrong... can I get a divorce without him wanting to do so?

2006-09-29 15:55:43 · 12 answers · asked by xp office 1 in Marriage & Divorce

What was the most romantic thing that your husband or significant other ever did for you?

2006-09-29 15:55:17 · 17 answers · asked by The ~Muffin~ Man 6 in Singles & Dating

My boyfriend was a jerk, I'm 13 and i live in Missouri, if there are any guys out there that aren't jerks and live anywhere near Harrisonville,MO, you can IM me @ r.labat@sbcglobal.net. I'm looking for friends for right now, but friendship can grow.

2006-09-29 15:55:16 · 6 answers · asked by Hot Alex 1 in Friends

Heres a few questions guys can answer to help us ladies out.
1. Blonde or Brunette??
2. Long hair or short hair?
3. Short or Tall?
4. Good girl, or s1ut?
5. If you had a girlfriend, would you consider going out with a differant girl and flirt with her, even tho you have a gf?
6. Prep or Punk?
7. Favorite hairstyle??
*^*^* tell us what turns you on!!*^*^*^*

2006-09-29 15:54:47 · 10 answers · asked by Elle 1 in Singles & Dating

Hi well i kinda like this girl which i noe scince i started Elementary school and know i am in Middle School but i dont want to tell her bc i think she will stop being my friend and all.............. shes told me stuff i am not to tell anyone and ................ she trusts me .......... and so do i .............. but how do i tell her i love her without her getting all................ mad and sad or you know grossed out...............???????

2006-09-29 15:54:07 · 16 answers · asked by Aaron 1 in Singles & Dating

What's the condition?

Is it love?
Is it lust?
Is it money?

Is it worth it at all to let your virginity go?

2006-09-29 15:53:55 · 11 answers · asked by Jimmy the Cricket 3 in Singles & Dating

I really like him both mentally and physically, but I think he has herpes as he told me his ex had it.

I want a friendship but I'm attracted to him.

2006-09-29 15:53:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Hi, I've been meeting w/ a female co-worker (from another department) on a regular basis lately. She's good looking, a little older; but nonetheless good looking. I kind of have a thing for her; but have played it professional for the obvious reasons. While we have one-on-one meetings in her office, she is friendly, but she has a hard time establishing eye contact with me for more than a few seconds. She'll look all over while speaking, but rarely make eye contact. Is this cause she likes me and is nervous, or cause she thinks I'm an ugly dog and is afraid I'll like her if she looks at me too much??? What does this mean? Only serious answers please.

2006-09-29 15:51:26 · 8 answers · asked by dwitejones 2 in Marriage & Divorce

Is it the fact that they're guys and you think of them as marriage material? Is it that they can make beautiful babies? :p Could it be that you just want to get married and you don't care who to? Or is it that they cute and you don't want the other girls to get him? Ack!! Sexy? Does that mean you might just want to sex him? Gah!!

Is there a possibility that you might simply enjoy their company, enjoy talking with them, finding out what makes them tick?

2006-09-29 15:50:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I am planning on going out with one of my friends ( he's gay, and we're not actually "going out" but you know what I mean) But he says that he needs to make sure he has the money to go, so if he doesn't and since it's not a date, should I offer to pay??

2006-09-29 15:49:28 · 20 answers · asked by confusedgirl 2 in Singles & Dating

im kind of shy to have guys over or go to there houses...how do i change that?

2006-09-29 15:49:02 · 4 answers · asked by jen 2 in Singles & Dating

What would stop you from going to the person you wanted to be with.

say you are in love with her or him and she or him was in love with you what would stop you.

cause you parents said not to go?

cause you friends said not to do it?

your values?

if ther person was married?

what would be the determing factor for you?

would you care what anyone said?

what if you knew you may hit rock bottom up there financially

what if you knew she was being abused and no one did anything cause no one wanted to deal with it.

what would you do

how brave are you

2006-09-29 15:47:09 · 10 answers · asked by concrete water 3 in Singles & Dating

i really hate my dad he is so messed up and perverted. my mom was gonna leave him but then he started doing "better" and appeared to HER that he was "trying" so he acts better around my mom and brother but to me he acts the same. when i was 8 i walked down to the basement and saw him "touching" himself. and i called my mom who was picking up my brother from basketball at the time and she was upset but now if i bring that up shes just like well that was in the past and he is doing better (but i odnt think he is). he sleeps in the guest room which is across the hall from my room. i was lying in bed and i saw him get out of bed take his underwear off and put on a new pair. right in front of the door. which was open. its just disturbing things like these. i tell my mom and she just gets mad cause i didnt say somehting like dad shut the door! or something like that instead of bringing it to her in the morning. i just hate him so much. wut do i do and i guess this sounds mean but i wanna....

2006-09-29 15:46:44 · 8 answers · asked by christine 3 in Family

So my friend, "Pamela", likes this guy named "Rick". They are really a great couple. Oh and Rick likes her too.

Now rick has a friend named "sam", and I Think sam is really cool...and he's really nice and cute etc.

Pamela MIGHT get a little bit....edgy if i go after sam, so i'm not sure what to do exactly. I would hate to lose our friendship over freshman guys...lol

So what would you do? flirt w/ sam, or let it be?

2006-09-29 15:45:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I just broke up with my ex boyfriend more than a week ago and his friend who has supposedly liked me for some time but didn't take any action b'cos i had my boyfriend with me asked me out..i went out with him one night for a date...it was fun and he was very nice. After that he told me he liked me and said he wants to hold my hand next time...and he even invited me to his house party to meet his family. He's a really great guy and handsome too. I'm not pretty and i really don't have the self confidence to be with him..but i really like him...i'm afraid he will lose interest in me after meeting me for a few times...

p.s: he's a very nice guy...all my friends who know him told me that he's a great person.

2006-09-29 15:44:36 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I have a good life u no. Just a hard one dad dies mom is crazy . And I have actully been trying to lay off asking these kinnda quistions. But i seriasly I need help. Dont be mean u no this is my life serias answers only please. Okay my older sis is 16 and well wen my mom went on vaca wit some friends from work I came home from my friend savannah's house and i was going to go to the bathroom right. The door was opened well cracked and I looked in and in the bathroom and my 16 year old sis was in the bathtub having sex wit my stepdad. Like they were naked laughing on top of each othet it was sickaning. I just went to my room I was scared. The next day. When my steo dad came home from work he went in my sis's room I fallowed him and they started kissing and then my stepdad john took off her shirt and then her bra and started feeling you know her breast and the she toko off the rest of her clothes and so did he they were on the floor they were having sex. Wat should I do.

2006-09-29 15:44:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

comin bak, i fel 4 him.(we didnt do nethin else dan kis).talkd 2 him regularly wen he was lvin wid his mom.by chance talkd 2 his mom & also his mate,both nice ppl.he has told them things bout me (i am presumin nice).evr since he movd 4m da country side 2 da city we havnt talkd.da emails hav lessnd.nd he only replies wen i mail keepin things short.is he givin me da signs 2 bugger off?? ( i havnt told him nethin about my feelin 4 him or askd him how he feels 4 me). am i being paranoid over a small thing?

2006-09-29 15:43:53 · 13 answers · asked by Shaan 1 in Singles & Dating

do you forgive and forget

2006-09-29 15:43:46 · 8 answers · asked by mayo_girl_2006 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

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