Yeah, there's a song by Gloria Estefan (but it's more like a poem with a little music in the background)... something like "Steal Your Heart and Set It Free" or similar... the lyrics are so beautiful and emotional that it made me run to my then-fiance and tell him that I loved him and felt the same way as the lyrics.
2006-09-29 15:49:29
answer #1
answered by nido_tr3s 5
Ohhhhh, be careful with the poetry stuff and guys and the whole telling-them-you-love-them-so-much. Men process feelings SO much differently than women. We have a portion of our brain that feels great (dopamine is the chemical I think not sure if I spelled it right) when we watch romance movies. Men are interested in action which peaks testerone levels. They like to feel important so make sure you tell him he's so important to you because.......... they need to feel needed. I haven't met too many (that aren't gay) who like the gushy stuff we like. Sorry. and good luck to you.
2006-09-29 22:49:48
answer #2
answered by anneboz 2
hickory dickery dock
your lover was su****g my co**
the clock struck two and I droped my ***
then dropped her on the next block
no need to thank me
2006-09-29 22:50:08
answer #3
answered by jimdamailman 2
not really....... the closest thing is "wanna love you" -Akon and Snoop
2006-09-29 22:57:30
answer #4
answered by Drake ☮ 5