First of all.... this does not sound like a good relationship. Yes, YOU love her. But there is obviously some trust issues going on. She is probably very insecure, and does not love herself- making he not feel worthy of others' love. Have you done anything to her to make her not trust you? If you haven't, then again- she's just very insecure and untrusting. You guys need to have "a talk." And let her know just how much you love and care about her.. and tell her that you still would love to be in the same school with her, but it's just not possible- but that you will definately make time after school to see her, and come to all of the dances, homecomings and proms if that's allowed (I think you can get an "out of school guest" paper in your office) Good luck! Email me on how this is going. I'm really good with relationships and advice and stuff!
AIM: SinginSweetie825
2006-09-29 16:06:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
If she really liked/loved you she wouldn't break up with you over something as dumb as that. You can let her read this, if she really did love you she would also trust you. How old are you? Are you even old enough to know the meaning of love? Or is it just another 4 letter word to you teenagers these days. When you tell her that you love her no need to sit there and give her a million reasons why. When she starts going psycho about you moving to a different school just simply pull her toward you, hug her, them look her deep into her eyes and simply tell her from the bottom of your heart, you DO love her with everything you've got. Maybe she thinks that you aren't loving her enough, she has to pay attention to see if you are loving her with everything you've got. If she does love you as you explain in your question she'll finally see that your aren't going to be that guy who cheats on her with another breezy at your school. Because in this kind of relationship if you don't have trust, you don't have anything.
2006-09-29 16:09:02
answer #2
answered by Liliac 4
Are you loopy??!! for sure she would not love you! except for longer than 5 minutes at a time, in between different activities!!! good grief, guy, you understand you understand the answer! Drop her like a rock!
2016-12-04 01:22:36
answer #3
answered by ? 4
stop talking about love bc if you are both so concerned over who goes to whos school then you are not nearly mature enough to know about love.
2006-09-29 16:03:56
answer #4
answered by johnnys_angel_82 2
So she's insecure. Let her know you love her, and really, you can't do anything else.
2006-09-29 16:04:06
answer #5
answered by LSD 3
She is untrusting and jealous, dump her she will make your life a nightmare.
2006-09-29 16:04:16
answer #6
answered by Pantherempress 7