I am planning a trip to Tanzania safaris. A digital camera is no brainer. However, considering between a digital SLR (dSLR) and a standard digital point & shoot (P&S) camera, I find it hard to justify the cost of dSLR.
Film SLR's provided 2 advantgaes over P&S cameras: a) interchangeable lenses and b) WYSIWYG pictures.
With P&S cameras advancing so much these days, we get P&S cameras that have zoom ranges longer than 400 mm (e.g, considering the 1.6x differential between the 35 mm format and the digital CCD format, a standard 10x optial zoom in a typical P&S digital camera gives you a zoom of about 400 mm). With image stabilization added in P&S cameras, I do not see a distinct advantage with dSLR's.
So, if I choose a P&S camera that has:
1) 10x or longer optical zoom
2) image stabilization
3) manual settings for ISO, aperture, and shutter speed
4) fast lens at higher zoom ranges
5) minimum shutter lag
Why would I need a digital SLR?
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