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Computer Networking - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Computers & Internet Computer Networking


is this router good or not im going to use it for my ps3

2007-10-06 08:22:44 · 1 answers · asked by Arian 3

We have a Qwest DSL Wireless Network setup. Both my PC and my spouse's iMac draw from it and its work fine.

However, my spouse's office gets a weak signal and we are trying to correct that problem. We were told that we could use an Airport Express device to extend the wireless signal. The Airport Express instructions tell about hooking up to an exiting APPLE Airport network. Can I follow those instructions if I have a non-Apple network?

2007-10-06 07:10:56 · 2 answers · asked by gonzldjfwrrr 2

how do i know if all my browser settings are right esspecially for online games lately all my connections are very poor including my wolfenstien keeps loosing connection thanks?

2007-10-06 06:49:34 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was supplied an ethernet cable by my ISP to connect my dsl modem to my computer. Over the years it's gotten old and it needs to be replaced. I'm out looking online for an ethernet cable but I never thought it would be so difficult. What do I need cat5 or cat6? which is best, with gold or without?

Besides what i need, im intrigued, what are the different types of cables used for? anything specific, any better?

2007-10-06 03:28:11 · 5 answers · asked by smotpoker4u 4

Is it possible to make a direct cable connection between an ancient windows 95 computer and hook it up to a windows xp via parallel cable? The old windows 95 computer has information I want to store on my newer windows xp home so I can burn it on a cd and finally throw that junk out.

Alternatively, I've tried pulling out my newer hard drive and placing my older windows 95 hard drive into the newer tower but it doesn't seem to do well...it only asks me to restart (im not computer sauvy).

Anyone know how I would hook these two up so i can get the info on my windows xp comp?

2007-10-06 02:41:43 · 3 answers · asked by smotpoker4u 4

How to catch a hacker?
Somebody is using my unsecured network for free.
I have the name of the PC & MAC#. How can I catch him?
Can my provider spots and found out in what apartment that hacker is? I live in an apartment complex. I am planning to change to a new router soon

2007-10-06 02:24:29 · 3 answers · asked by fredasita 1

WiFi 802.11n has not yet been ratified by the WiFi Alliance Group, infact it has only reach Draft 2.0 up until now. But so many vendors have relased their WiFi products equipped with this new technology (the 11n), will you follow the trend set by those vendors or will you stay put use the standard 802.11g?

2007-10-06 01:55:47 · 2 answers · asked by Dummy Dolls 2

ok so i have a router and with wep i had no connection problem issues, i set up wpa tkip with a fairly strong over 18
character password , but sometimes , especially when generating lots of traffic i get disconnected on off and xp
tries to connected back to my network and really fast on and
off i get connected then no connection signal, i tried to set up
wpa aes in my motorola access point (i hear aes is a little stronger than tkip) but in windows xp it only shows tkip encryption in my networks properties in change order of preffered networks and the key doesnt work, also i use belkin
as my pci card to connect, any feedback would be awesome.

2007-10-06 01:51:41 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know the just on Comp building i built these four on my own and would to expand my abilties so only experts or if you know a web sites

2007-10-05 21:56:29 · 1 answers · asked by chris m 1

The switch has a console port, a number 9 port and 8 ports for output that are upside down! How do I connect the computers to the switch, and in witch of the ports do I put the internet cable?

2007-10-05 21:35:13 · 2 answers · asked by myrmydon_lord 2

like when you check in a web browser, its called "web email"

like yahoo mail, GMAIL, AIM mail, etc!

mines would be ummm. prob yahoo and aim.


2007-10-05 16:11:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a very weak wireless signal (probably a neighbors) but i have a router (NEtgear wireless rouder wgr614 v6) and im wondering if it can pick up that weak signal then i use the ethernet ports as an output to my Xbox 360. and if it works, will th signal be strong enough to send and recive info of online play were talking.The signal I get is (5.5 mpbs):(

2007-10-05 15:46:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got the Actiontec GT704WG DSL Gateway from Verizon and they only had that disk that installs dsl, i guess not the original disk from the DSL Gateway, so i'm trying to make a wireless network, since i have a ps3, and i need, and well i need help, since i tried the home network thing in network setup wizard, and well it doesn't even show up on my pc and ps3, and i tried and it doesn't show the page, please help i'm freakin out.

2007-10-05 14:36:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-05 14:13:41 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

you can find it here (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7424227&st=bluetooth&lp=13&type=product&cp=1&id=1124431844886)

2007-10-05 13:49:50 · 1 answers · asked by no body 2

2007-10-05 12:43:56 · 2 answers · asked by Ryder 1

Here's the dilemma: My cable modem has only one ethernet cable input,so whenever I want to connect my Xbox 360 to the internet,I have to unplug the cable that connects my PC to the modem and plug in the ethernet cable that connects to the Xbox 360 into the input of the modem.What is the best way to have BOTH,the PC AND the Xbox connected to the internet at the same time without switching the cables all the time? I've heard about routers,but don't know enough about them to just buy one.Any recommendations anyone? Thank you very much.

2007-10-05 10:43:06 · 4 answers · asked by Landshark 1

2007-10-05 09:57:35 · 12 answers · asked by handsomeblkbrotha 1

While in school, my teacher sent everyone in the classroom a pop-up message. We have macs at our school that run Mac OSX. How is is possible that I do this?

2007-10-05 09:38:28 · 3 answers · asked by moocowchicken 2

can anyone answer this question please , how to do it

dwl2100ap as repeater : http://www.wifioo.com/showthread.php?p=769#post769

2007-10-05 09:16:56 · 2 answers · asked by mauricio 2

Hi Dunno if anyone can help me but i've somehow forgot my demonoid username and password and i was wondering if someone would kindly send me an invite? I have in the past send others invites so please help me, will love u forever!

2007-10-05 08:06:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

(BELKEN) OK NOT SOME OTHER BRAND since i already have a belekn but it dont suport the ds i wud like to brige it with one that works with it so do ya thin a belken g router will do

2007-10-05 05:17:28 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-05 05:10:42 · 1 answers · asked by leonard t 1

it's an HP latop, it's not that old. It was connecting to the network fine, but now it's not. I open the window to "View available wireless networks" and nothing is there. I took it to another house and it doesn't show that network either so I'm guessing it is something wrong with the computer. Where should I start ?

2007-10-05 04:12:16 · 4 answers · asked by jittered 2

These are the things i did, and i tested it once and it said that the nat settings were open, and then i tested it a second later and it went to moderate:

- changed MTU from 1500 to 1350
- uPnP is enabled
- Disabled Filter Nat redirection
- Talked to a linksys consultant, and he gave me the wrong instructions to forward the ports, which did not work

what do i do? I have a wireless/wired linksys wrt54gc

2007-10-05 03:41:48 · 3 answers · asked by waltb87 3

I cannot access my roomates wireless internet when he is on it. When one person is on the internet the other cannot get on. This is very frustrating. We are using A Belkin G Wireless Router that was given to us without software. I trired to download the software on the interenet but its always messes up. Maybe its because I am Vista... I dont really know. How do I set up a network with only one computer on the internet? The wirelss interenet has its own name "X" but no PCs under it.

None of the PCs are directly pluged into the router. All are in our rooms while the router is in the kitchen.

Another thing is.. When I connect to the wireless internet "X"..it will say I have excellent stregth but still will not get on the internet. Nothing I have done works.. :(

This occurs when someone else is on..

2007-10-05 03:18:01 · 2 answers · asked by piicaso87 2

As I can't get broadband down the phone line where I live I use a 3g datacard. Is it possible to get a router for one of these so more than one pc can get on the net at the same time?

2007-10-05 03:06:18 · 7 answers · asked by Ian F 1

Don't understand why the page is still showing on the browser, I have already deleted it from the server. Is it because of the server cache? or something else?

* don't tell me refresh my browser

Thanks in advance.

2007-10-05 02:32:08 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

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