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Does anyone have any experience with a company called Credit Solutions? They are one of those companies that help people with credit cards. Any ifo will help, good or bad.

2007-12-26 09:27:09 · 5 answers · asked by MARIE S 4

a while back my mother applied for a special credit card in my name and i didn't know anything about it until the card came in the mail. i called customer service to say i had no idea what this card was and had never even heard of them and i wanted the account closed. when i called my mom outraged to tell her what happened it turns out she's the one who got the card in my name. I'm not sure how but the account is still open and maxed plus delinquint fees. i have to accept some responsibility for it because i have made a few payments on the bill but don't feel as though i should have to pay all of it since i did call and state clearly that i didn't know what it was and wanted my account closed. i've asked her for the money to pay it and she just refuses to give it to me....can i dispute some of the bill amount with the company since i did close it once before and somehow it remained open?

2007-12-26 08:47:45 · 7 answers · asked by dreamyjeann 1

hi, i am a HSBC bank manager who is planning to file a bankruptcy petition. my problem is i have 3 credit card debts with HSBC affiliated banks and credit card companies. should i file reaffirmation agreements regarding those credit cards debts? if I dont file reaffirmation agreements, will it affectmy job at HSBC. thanks a lot :)

2007-12-26 08:03:21 · 4 answers · asked by neollakent 1

I have 2 accounts that were closed over 2 months ago. they were paid off way before i closed them but i see on my credit report that they are still reporting, of course they says the payments are current and account is satifactory but, why are they still reporting this. i under stand those account will be on my report for a number of years but they shouldnt still be reporting right. I have other accounts on my report that have been closed and have not been reported since being closed. i just need to know if this is ok and is it hurting my credit

2007-12-26 06:33:15 · 5 answers · asked by Beth F 2

I have only one credit card. And for the past 2 months, I only used the credit card ONCE to buy plane tickets the second month I owned it and paid it off. I don't have to pay an annual fee, but I was wondering if they charge ANY money because I used it once. And I won't be using it much because I like using my debit card. So if I don't use it for a little while, will it be ok? No charges, no fees....right?

2007-12-26 05:41:43 · 4 answers · asked by =) 2

i am totally honest and have no intention on defaulting on the loan. I can and will pay back the loan. I just need it fast and quick without a bunch of red tape. This will totally change my life. I will be able to pay off all current debt and expand my parttime business. I really need this. Please no scams....only legitimate offers.

2007-12-26 05:29:27 · 5 answers · asked by atomicdog 1

If an unpaid debt (credit card debt) has beeen removed from the credit report because it is old, but the creditor is still trying to take me to court. Is this right? Can he do this?

2007-12-26 03:34:13 · 7 answers · asked by Yvette W 1

I am having trouble meeting credit card repayments. I have an endowment that does not mature for another year with another bank. Can the bank I owe find out about this and take the money?

2007-12-26 02:18:58 · 10 answers · asked by kevin2204 1

2007-12-25 17:10:59 · 4 answers · asked by slamdunker3 1

2007-12-25 15:14:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok..so I have been receiving pre-approved credit card offers, mainly from chase and capital one....within the last 3 months I have recieved 12 pre-approved invitations from capital one and 14 from Chase..(Got my mail today)....I even recieved one from american express telling me i am "officially selected". Last time i check I did not have a good credit history...well..I pretty much did not have any credit (have never own a credit card...always got turned down...) at the moment all i have is student loans...I have not applied for a card for about a year now.....My question is, the pre-approved offers that i am receiving if I go ahead and apply for lets say capital one will i get the card?????

2007-12-25 15:04:50 · 3 answers · asked by ? 3

my fico is 652 and vantage is 657 ! how can this be when one is btw 350-850 and the other 500-990? There should be at least a 100 point difference. And yes, they were both updated the same day.

2007-12-25 14:46:33 · 1 answers · asked by dayseeze 1 2

i received a judgement from Aaron and Associates (A.F.S.assignee of GE bank) in tuscon az they said i had been found liable for a ten year old debt. They sent me the court paperwork and all I checked the pima county website, nor are they on any of my credit reports. I could not find the case against me or my wife.
what gives and what should i do?

2007-12-25 13:05:42 · 8 answers · asked by DAVID M 2

I'm in a bad financial situation, and I know my credit it's gonna be hurt, in fact it's bad already!

2007-12-25 11:21:29 · 3 answers · asked by Cesar G 1

2007-12-25 11:05:31 · 5 answers · asked by College Kid 5

do they get paid a lot of money or a little or a decent amount

2007-12-25 09:56:10 · 4 answers · asked by High_fashion CHIC 4

My fiance and I are thinking of purchasing a home. My credit is in shreds - his is perfect. Can a lender take both of our incomes into consideration but only run a credit check on him? (I don't care if his name is on the deed or if both of ours are, quite honestly.)

We live in Ohio, if that helps. (This would be his first home purchase - I currently own a home.)


2007-12-25 08:03:53 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I filed for bankruptcy last year and I am now trying to rebuild my credit. I applied for several credit cards and was denied. I also applied for a secured credit card because I was told it would be the best way to rebuild my credit but I was still denied. What can I do?

2007-12-25 08:00:00 · 6 answers · asked by smashit84 1

When you sell somthing on ebay, the fee can only be payed via Paypal, which can be made with a bank account, So you can pay the fee from bank account instead of credit card right?


2007-12-25 07:29:36 · 4 answers · asked by Gene! :) 3

What are the specifics for obtaining an American Express Gold Card? (ex: Credit Score, Income, Credit Length)

Most importantly I'm looking for how long you need to have credit for.


2007-12-25 06:31:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have quite few credit cards that I haven't used for a couple of years, some of them maybe longer than that, but creditors still send me new cards after old ones expired. My question is what will happen if I don't use these cards anymore, should I call them up to close thees accounts (will this hurt my credit score) or will creditors close my accounts automatically (will this hurt my credit score?)

Any suggestion that I should do that WILL NOT harm my credit score?

2007-12-25 05:18:59 · 5 answers · asked by Mochi 3

2007-12-24 19:21:15 · 5 answers · asked by DaKidWonder 2

I am 14 and I have a savings account. I have 153$ in it because of shares/stocks my grandparents have for me.I spent the money they gave me on hair extensions but I still need to buy more cloths because I got rid of all my old ones that didn't fit or I haven't wore in a long time, but I lost my atm card. Is there any way I can take my money out without my atm card?

2007-12-24 16:33:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I currently share a joint tenancy in rented accommodation with my gf who has recently suffered mental illness & is in recovery. I am currently her carer. The problem is she has an unsecured personal loan (in her name only - which she had before I met her) and currently cant afford the usual monthly repayment due to her being ill & on benefits & I have no money to pay her loan with. The issue is that about 99% of the items we have in our home belong to me and not her and i'm wondering if things turn really nasty with the bank involved how can I protect myself against my stuff being taken? I have a lot of computer equipment, audio, TV and games consoles which I don't want taken. We have already contacted her bank to try to arrange a smaller repayment temporarily while she is in recovery but they still wont accept it! B*stards! Their only solution is to charge her and make her more overdrawn. Would appreciate some advice. I can provide some invoices/receipts but some items are s/h! Help!

2007-12-24 16:29:08 · 5 answers · asked by jasybee2000 1

So I need to take out a loan to pay off my bills...I know the bank will look at my credit score but is it possible to take out a loan for 6k?? Anyone knows? Has it been done before?

2007-12-24 11:53:45 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

this is a credit card found at walmart

2007-12-24 11:06:27 · 19 answers · asked by teddybear 1