We have GREAT credit, steady jobs,nice equity in our current home, and are pre qualified(30yr fix)(no credit card debt, only current mort., an available line of credit and car loans). We found the worst house in a good neighborhood with a slow market.Its at the beach in an area that is predicted to skyrocket later( Multi million dollar golf courses there, new marina,downtown revitalization completed, business growth, no crime) We are placing a bid contingent on inspection...His family says wonderful!! My family says I am crazy,not right time.I have done the work before to my home and tripled its value. My mom says I have 3 kids,putting the fear of God.It would be a little bit tight ( little bit) for two years...then easier (no day care).Do I just do it if it it passes inspection? (The price will be great) How do you KNOW to take the leap? I dont want to be kicking myself for not doing it!! We have both always wanted this.Are we TOO cautious?Most shore towns dont depreciate,right?
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Renting & Real Estate