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Business & Finance - 19 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I am interviewing with a manufacturing company next week. The company manufactures central a/c units. I have about 3 years experience in finance and costing and a Finance Degree from Texas. Personally I do not know that I qualify for the position but they asked to interview me. I am not an accountant, as a metter of fact I only have 12 hours of accounting. I do not want to waste their time, however I feel that if I get my foot inthe door the sky will be the limit b/c I will do everything in my power to exceed all of their expectations. How can I relay that mentality without sounding like I am begging for something that I may not be ready for right at this very moment? How can I sell myself for this position? What can I do in the next week and half to prepare for the questions that they may ask? What kind of questions can I expect? What skills in particular will make me standout and be chosen for this position? Thanks.

2007-07-19 03:49:31 · 2 answers · asked by JP 1 in Corporations


I applied to an apartment 4 weeks ago with a $20 credit check fee and $80 fee to reserve the apartment. If I was accepted they would put the $80 towards the $500 security deposite(that is the amount the app. that I signed says). I was denied and they said I could get the apartment if I could either get a co-signer or a $2400 security deposite. Well I couldnt do either and we went are own ways. The lady there called and said she would mail me the check for $80 back (2 weeks ago). Yesterday I called to see where my check was and they said that since I was accepted but with stipulations that they got to keep my $80 and that I just couldnt accept there offer. Now I have to take it up with there corporate office and they are the ones that broke the contract. It clearly states that the $80 will go towards a $500 secutiry deposite not a $2400. If I dont get my money back I will take them to small claims court. Please let me know what you think.

PS. I live in WI

2007-07-19 03:49:04 · 4 answers · asked by Steven C 3 in Renting & Real Estate

I have recently been posting my resume and it seems that all the positions that are posted in my career feild (mortgage/ finance/ credit) are mostly commision only now, what happened over the last five years to change things so drasticly ???

2007-07-19 03:47:21 · 6 answers · asked by nimisisprime 3 in Other - Careers & Employment

Real Estate

2007-07-19 03:42:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anissa H 1 in Renting & Real Estate

ok i've been at work since 6:30 like i am every morning and i am going bonkers, i have no work to do and my supervisor is gone, i dont really want anything to work on, but i just need to look busy...which is why im on here.....either way im bored here anyways.....what is everyone else doing?

2007-07-19 03:22:11 · 6 answers · asked by devilgirl5383 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-07-19 03:14:57 · 2 answers · asked by newcomer 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I just want a Generic credit card that can be used online, that I don't have to put my name on it.

2007-07-19 03:07:38 · 7 answers · asked by emailinmyroom 1 in Credit

we have HSBC for a morgage company and when we had to replace our roof for 20,000 we fell into finacial hardship.we are not behind but they have turned us down to qualify for any help. They are awful to work with and we had to put the house up for sale but the value is less than what we owe. forclosure is a strong possibility. I think they will fight us to the end they have already turned down our hardship letter. I also took a lower paying job for health reasons. What can we do about a company who is only out for money?

2007-07-19 03:06:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

with the American economy going to the wall, why is the DJ still making new records? is it another case of 'The Greater Fool Theory'??

surely its gotta give up the ghost soon..

2007-07-19 03:06:04 · 5 answers · asked by bluecow 5 in Investing

I'm in the process of purchasing a foreclosure house for a flip. I just found out that it's in a flood zone. I know I have to get flood insurance. I was wondering if it scares people from bidding/buying since it's in a flood zone. Any thoughts???

2007-07-19 03:04:36 · 8 answers · asked by T-Money 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I'm Japanese who's been living abroad for more than 12 years. I've been proposed by my bf I met in UK last week, and though I'm happy, I'm very worried by how he works as a contract worker.
In my country, contract workers recieve the same or less amount than full time workers, hoping to become one themselves. I heard contract workers in UK earn more, but is 450 daily usual, or low? Is it enough to have kids and have familly in future?
I don't know anything about earning in UK, and if I'll move, I have to find a job myself but I'm doubting I can get a job that will cover the rents...
Also I'm worried about the class system in UK. He is definately in the working class, where I think I'm in middle...from what I'm guessing from the lifestyle differences.
I know I love him, I'm just worried about the future realisticly.

2007-07-19 03:02:00 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Technology

Salesman like to imply that one should cover a risk. Where does this start and end? How prevalent is miss selling that one is bound to be better off? The range and complications of insurance seems to be increasing rapidly.

2007-07-19 02:55:43 · 4 answers · asked by Robert A 5 in Insurance

Ok here is what has happend. I had a phone interview went great they flew me to Raliegh for a F2F they went great. I had a phone screen with the Regional VP for 50 minutes on a Sat. He told me I seemed to be qualified. They checked my references (spoke 2 one for 20 minutes) and completed my background check. The file on me is complete. I ve been waitin 4 over a week for an answer (lady was off due to holiday) then next week boss was out all week. Everytime I called or emailed I got a response with an update. Is there a good chance an offer is coming. what is ur take on the proceding thus far. thanks in advance

2007-07-19 02:54:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-07-19 02:52:41 · 4 answers · asked by starsgirl021687 2 in Personal Finance

I work in a telesales environment selling an online credit checking system. I have all the closes under the sun for creating urgency in getting the buyer to buy NOW with discounts, but is there any way to get a YES now with out the cliche line of "i have to think about it" ?
Everything is explained to the buyer perfectly, so they don't need to think about any thing as we do it all for them, but is there a winning line that works to get them onboard today? rather than letting it go "cold" if they have to have a few days to think about it - no discounts.

2007-07-19 02:51:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marketing & Sales

I've been using Traditional CD's to get it this far. I didnt know if there's anything else I should try investing in for the next year or 2 that could help me gain as much as possible to afford a better apt.

2007-07-19 02:50:05 · 11 answers · asked by Marlin 2 in Personal Finance

I have been renting this town home for 24 months and leaving. Are there any California laws regarding deposit refund. I was told by a friend that if I have stayed for 18 months or longer (which is true in my case), the land lord can't charge cleaning fees or painting fees. Is that true? Are there any laws that protect the tenant in California. BTW, I have kept the rental unit town home very clean. It might just need a carpet clean in my opinion.

2007-07-19 02:50:04 · 5 answers · asked by . 4 in Renting & Real Estate

I have had late payment which did me in. Any one know where I can turn to?

2007-07-19 02:46:40 · 8 answers · asked by JERRY BOY 1 in Credit

I just turned 22 and I want to rebuild my credit. I got into a bunch of debt (approx 6-8k) when I was 18 and I owe several creditors but I am not sure who all I owe and what the amount is. I have no idea where to start but I am just now starting to save my money to pay this off.

Please help me out I am so lost! :(

2007-07-19 02:39:09 · 10 answers · asked by Skinny Blonde 3 in Credit

We are both currently employed , we work in a call center , is a good job but we are starting to feel sofocated ... We like thebidea of a cafeteria or Lounge coffe shop , a Bed and breakfast ( dont know that we would have enough $ for that )Or should we try and buy a already running bussines ? We have a small capital to work with , and probably have to get a loan to get the bussines working ... and also we just had a Baby ... so you know we have to be responsible ... cant be something to crazy ... But i definetly dont want to work in a call center for the rest of our lifes ... My husband got a masters in marketing and bussines Im a very creative person , and we are both really hard working ... I know that most likely I wont get a solution to our problem threw this , but this is more like an outlet to what Im feeling .. Still any cool ideas would be apreciated !!!Tnxs for reading all of this !!!

2007-07-19 02:39:07 · 11 answers · asked by nanie07 1 in Small Business

What would make someone an ideal canidate for a possition as Administrative Assistant

2007-07-19 02:38:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Administrative and Office Support

My husband and I are buying 46 acres, we will be building our dream home. What are some features you have thought of in your life that your dream home would have? To all the ladies, what would be a great feature to make our lives easier, what about the "ahhh" factor? Men, what kind of features would my husband love?

Thanks for the answers!

2007-07-19 02:36:18 · 10 answers · asked by GreeneyedCowgirl 5 in Renting & Real Estate

My son's friend had a retirement plan at work, (a SEP, I think) and left his job. The AG Edwards broker's assistant called and told him he had to take the money if he wasn't going to add to it anymore. The kid didn't know his options and got a check, minus 20% withholding and another 10% for the early withdraw penalty. He then endorsed the checks and put them into his regular IRA as a rollover. I know the rollover isn't taxable, but what about the 30% that was sent to the IRS? American Funds said it's too late to get it back from them. Please help. Thanks.

2007-07-19 02:31:23 · 5 answers · asked by fsfa 6 in United States

I own a home with my father - who is in huge financial debt. I am fearful that he will default on the mtg and in turn that will effect my credit. I currently own a condo and my mtg has a high interest rate due to the ownership of the first home. What are my best options to get myself out of this situation. He wants to refinance to pay off his debt - but I believe he will be unable to do. I just want to save my credit before its too late.

2007-07-19 02:27:46 · 7 answers · asked by Carolyn D 1 in Renting & Real Estate

fedest.com, questions and answers