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Business & Finance - 19 July 2007

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Can anyone tell me where to find (web add.) a detail (whole)road map of Penang. Malaysia just like the one pizza hut using for delivery ?

2007-07-19 02:19:22 · 1 answers · asked by evostormrider 1 in Small Business

2007-07-19 02:07:39 · 7 answers · asked by hamburner 1 in Personal Finance

they want to put 10% down

2007-07-19 01:56:21 · 8 answers · asked by davey 4 in Renting & Real Estate

Can you be an unlicensed rental manager if homeowners authorize you to rent their property for them in the state of Pennsylvania?

2007-07-19 01:14:20 · 1 answers · asked by rick 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-19 01:10:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

How should a builder show yearly profits/loss in case of Construction (real estate) of a building which shall take many years to complete?The building will eventually be sold out on completion.
Please suggest a website if any which demonstrates / explains the Book-keeping and accountancy of a construction firm.

2007-07-19 01:07:26 · 5 answers · asked by happy 2 in Other - Business & Finance

customers' vehicles??
I am starting a windscreen repair company and need to know how I can go about getting automatic authorisation to go ahead with the repairs and to invoice thm directly.

2007-07-19 00:59:32 · 1 answers · asked by CASSIE T 1 in Small Business

The agency is also a sales office, but as their commission would usually be for the marketing and 'buyer-finding', surely there is no basis for paying. It would be better to sell directly to the tenants, yes? This is in QLD, Australia.

2007-07-19 00:27:43 · 9 answers · asked by nzfiona 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My Experian credit score is "Excellent" but my Experian one is "Very Poor". I appreciate different credit companies use them differently but how can they be so different!?

2007-07-19 00:23:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

Honestly, are these people promoting MLM scams really that stupid or are they aware how much of a scam it is and just don't care because they want to scam people.

What are the requirements these days for getting into MLM? y the looks of all the people trying to get others to sign up on yahoo answers, I guess its only that you are A. breathing and B. willing to part with you money.

I think the only dumber people are those who actually sign up with these idiots. Are these the same people who send money because the son of some king in a foreign country emailed them directly for help?!!!?!!!? MLM is SOOO ridiculous isn't it?

2007-07-19 00:19:26 · 3 answers · asked by Megan S 2 in Small Business

Can you build a home on federally designated wetlands that you own privately?

2007-07-19 00:19:17 · 4 answers · asked by rick 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I need advice about a house buying situation where the sellers estate agent is making my life really uncomfortable.

I am concern with way this house sale is going. I feel that I am being bullied into buying house by the sellers Estate agent sales representative despite me being proactive.

I am being advised by the sellers’ representative on a continuous basis that the seller will pull out of the Sale. I was advised that if we cannot complete by the date in July then the Seller would pull out as the Husband is in France and wants to complete ASAP despite me explaining why its not possible politely. I feel intimated at times and it’s making me feel very uncomfortable.

We received forms from the seller where they left the section blank regarding servicing and guarantees. I was advised by the sellers rep. that it’s normal not to have homes serviced. I felt that I am being accused of being to picky.

2007-07-19 00:14:19 · 27 answers · asked by prabo 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-19 00:04:51 · 2 answers · asked by snowy c 1 in Technology

I was on Ebay this morning and came across an item I wanted to buy for my little sister (Since I'm not 18 my aunt uses her pay pal account and we pay her for whatever she charges). I always read a sellers feed back so I can see if he or she has had many problems before. I came across a bratz doll at a reasonable price and then checked his feedback, to my discovery he's had many problems. Apparently he's sold quite a few refurbished items and listed them as new. I read on a website somewhere that it is illegal, but I'm not sure how trust worthy that website is. (not saying it's bad but since anyone can post stuff on a website, it's hard telling what's fact or fiction anymore). I'm just curious as to what the law states, if there is even such a law.

Thanks Much! ♥

2007-07-19 00:02:57 · 4 answers · asked by ♥ The One You Love To Hate♥ 7 in Other - Business & Finance

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