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Business & Finance - 19 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

2007-07-19 12:01:25 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

I've been trying to find one thats not excel, can you help?
Thanks ahead of time.

2007-07-19 12:00:02 · 2 answers · asked by okayokayokay 5 in Personal Finance

since he doesnt works? or my 2 dogs? because 130 is alot of money.

2007-07-19 11:58:46 · 6 answers · asked by Daniel R 1 in United States

i have recently landed a well paid job but to be paid i need a bank account which until i get paid i can not buy a passport ? any ideas?

2007-07-19 11:58:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

how many american dollars is 18 pounds sterling?

2007-07-19 11:48:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

2007-07-19 11:46:55 · 15 answers · asked by just_imagine@rogers.com 1 in Credit

I have a rental house, with tenants. The A/C went out at the house, and they have been calling me...I use a management company who handles everything for me. My property manager has other units as well, and has another property with a broken A/C, so he is attacking one at a time, in the order in which they were called in. He won't get out there until tomorrow, rendering my tenants without A/C for a day. Is this a violation of the Florida Landlord/Tenant Statute? They are saying they will need to go to a hotel, it's too hot....I'm assuming they mean to ask me to pay the bill for that. My management company has much more experience in this than I do.....so I trust them, I just don't want to get hit up with charges for the A/C being out for a day. Any people out there who know Florida Landlord/Tenant Law? I'm reading through the statutes, and I can't find anything specifically pertaining to fixing an A/C unit.....Thanks in advance

2007-07-19 11:43:53 · 3 answers · asked by Cara D 2 in Renting & Real Estate

im a tenant and due an inspection i want to know if they can look in cuboards

2007-07-19 11:39:30 · 7 answers · asked by nutter 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I've been hearing a lot about penny stocks lately, but haven't done much investing so I wanted other peoples point views on them.

2007-07-19 11:37:07 · 10 answers · asked by I'm Just A Girl 4 in Investing

without stealing, wthout applying for a loan, or selling or try to win a scratch off or asking relatives. Can you please help?

2007-07-19 11:31:51 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I rent a 3 bedroom house from my grandmother, I am the only one on the lease. One of my best friends rents one room and we let a coworker of our move into the other with her boyfriend. Two weeks ago she told us that they would be moving out at the end of August. A week later she mentioned leaving at the beginning of August instead and my friend and I scrambled to come up with the extra rent, which we did just barely. Without telling us they moved out today! Breaking both agreements they made. Still, they're not on the lease! Is there anything I can do to get this money!? With utilities and all this is going to cost me $500-650. Any ideas?

2007-07-19 11:23:14 · 7 answers · asked by Sam 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I'd like to manage money. How do I get on the financial TV shows?

2007-07-19 11:22:40 · 1 answers · asked by Oh Boy! 5 in Investing

If I sell my rental property this year as opposed to next year will I have to pay capital gains? I am in the 10-15% income tax bracket. Will the capital gains be calculated as income for the year I sell it and possibly send me into the next bracket? Does this have to be a long term sale to qualify?

2007-07-19 11:21:07 · 3 answers · asked by josh609 1 in United States

the forms and needs advice any one know any websites whaere he can get some help?

2007-07-19 11:18:50 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

McDonalds have FINALLY started to accept debit cards in the UK as payment..who else thinks it was ridiculous that it took them so long to start?!

2007-07-19 11:16:39 · 19 answers · asked by alanpartridge_ahaaa 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I was told I have an inheritance in this bank, that came from Nigeria. When sending it to my account in the US, it tells me it has been detained due to anti terrists organization. But from what I have been told they do that in NY-USA with money coming to the states. I was givin a # to the supposed director of the bank but his number and the bank number are the same CELL number. I doubt the director of any bank is going to put the director of the banks personal number on the site. Can you help me? I have been to a site that was e-mailed me, I was givin a persoanl log in access code of 10 # to check my account. Just wish I know the truth

2007-07-19 11:15:30 · 5 answers · asked by Sherrie63 1 in Personal Finance

2007-07-19 11:15:18 · 1 answers · asked by 6th Finger 2 in Other - Business & Finance

So we were under contract with a bank to purchase a foreclosed home and close on the 27th of this month. We just found out today that the bank that owned it sold the mortgage today to another bank. Luckily, the new bank is honoring the contract, however, we have to sign all the paper work all over again and the bank says the closing date might have to be pushed up the the 31st of this month. Was it legal for the original bank to sell the mortgage on the house when it was already under contract?? My realtor said he's never seen or heard of this before. Anyone ever heard of this?

2007-07-19 11:14:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

bought a new car, signed contract, finance co. wants a phone in our name, wants to pay for it, but, we will actually not have a cell phone contract, the cell phone company is faking a contract and sending it to the finance co. Is this illigal? Isnt this fraud? The car dealership is paying for a cell phone in our name for 30 days and says we can cancel the contract, or the fake contract after 30 days is up. When we signed the note on this car, there was no mention of a phone being in our name, now 2 weeks later, the finance company wants to change their decision if we dont have a phone to show our address on a bill. dont know what to do..dealership wants the car back if we do not do this cell phone thing today....HELP!

2007-07-19 11:13:06 · 7 answers · asked by petsmom6 1 in Credit

What is the calculation for finding fixed assets?

2007-07-19 11:11:02 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I'm looking at musical theatre or a career in publishing (preferably editorial or in production), but I'm not sure which will be more stable. I was also wondering if there are actually jobs outside of New York to be had in publishing. Thanks in advance.

2007-07-19 11:07:28 · 2 answers · asked by Jake M 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

I know my balance sheet and income statement, but I cant get the cash flow statement to work. I was wondering if there was a website i can go to that will give me the cash flow statement if i enter the balance sheet and income statement.

2007-07-19 11:06:48 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

before the event my nephew went in and got "measured", a month later the day of the event he was changing and noticed that the shirt was torn, pants were too big, vest was 10 sizes smaller and so on... when we returned the tuxedo the we explained the problem to the manager, she was overall rude and we felt disrespected, we didnt even get our deposit back. should i contact a lawyer and talk to him about it or just leave it?

2007-07-19 11:02:02 · 5 answers · asked by garciaa286 1 in Renting & Real Estate

for an apartment with two rooms, one bathroom, one kitchen and a small yard, in Flagstaff Arizona

rooms and kitchen are about 110 square feet each, bathroom is about 40 square feet

there will be no pets allowed

what would be a reasonable rent for a place like this?

2007-07-19 11:00:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

I was looking at some jobs posted at a hospital, for each job they have a paygrade, like one was a 5 and another was a 9. Can anyone tell me what that means, I live in indiana, and I am just trying to figure out what the diff. in paygrade means.


2007-07-19 10:59:37 · 2 answers · asked by Tiffany P 2 in Law & Legal

2007-07-19 10:59:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Taxes

I'm not an accredited investor, so any other source that does not require me being one would be great!

2007-07-19 10:57:52 · 1 answers · asked by qdaddyo 2 in Investing

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