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Business & Finance - 13 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

Haven't had a "real"job where you dress up every day in 10 years,getting very nervous because I have an interview coming up at a financial establishment.I already went to the office but I only met a few males working there,didn't have a chance to check how my gender was dressed.Please,give me some ideas.I know nowadays that is important.Thank you very much.

2007-07-13 07:21:40 · 3 answers · asked by AB 4 in Food Service

I'm 17 and have three part-time jobs. However, I would like to start making more money as neither of the three jobs pay very well and I live in a very remote and rural area so I'm stuck for choice!

I don't want to hear about any scams or anything. Just genuine ways to make money.

I'm currently selling items through eBay on my mum's account as I don't have PayPal and am not old enough for it yet. (You have to be 18)

Wondered if anyone could help me out.

Thanks a lot.

2007-07-13 07:21:36 · 6 answers · asked by realistic_fantasies 2 in Personal Finance

This full-time position pays 50 cents less but offers benefits, which I'd have to wait much longer for with the temp agency. I interviewed with the company yesterday and they called me with the offer today. Should I accept the position, or stay with the uncertain temporary position? And how do I deal with rude agents who get upset when their workers are offered outside positions? Thanks.

2007-07-13 07:18:01 · 6 answers · asked by roderickantonio76 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

most of the bank require me to close my other account b4 i can apply for their account. is it a law??

2007-07-13 07:06:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance


2007-07-13 07:05:19 · 5 answers · asked by C'est Comme Un Rêve 3 in Canada

I'm being charge a late fee of $40 for nothing!! I owed $27 for the month but after I returned something and got the credit on the card the balance was $1.06. I sent it on time and everything but they say i have to pay $40 because the minimum balance wasnt sent even though only $1.06 was due. Ive never sent a late payment or not paid in full or minimum and they dont want to take it off. Any advise?

2007-07-13 07:01:12 · 10 answers · asked by Jaime 2 in Credit

could someone explain what i can do with that money?

2007-07-13 07:00:40 · 5 answers · asked by zesty 3 in Investing

has any one heard of the debt program transforming your debt into wealth by john cummuta? i have heard aboput it on the radio and online and i want to try it so bad, but i just don't have the money to pay for the course? does any one know where i can get it any cheaper or maybe someone has it and has used it and wants to pass iton to someone who really needs it... i know that sounds so weird but if that was the case i promise i would give it back, I'm just so desperate and i'm trying to get a handle in my life and im barley making it as it is, and i dont even have anything put away for teh future because i don't make enough. can anyonme please help me!!!!! thankyou so much

2007-07-13 07:00:19 · 6 answers · asked by Jesus luver 2 in Personal Finance

Does anybody have any ideas or reccomendations?

What would you expect or be happy to recieve from a health club?

2007-07-13 06:57:50 · 8 answers · asked by windycityg16 1 in Small Business

if so what companies should I be looking at?

2007-07-13 06:57:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

2007-07-13 06:57:01 · 10 answers · asked by negoshable 1 in Investing

i dont want to walk with $7,000 to another bank across town to open an account up there. can my old bank write me a $7,000 check or something so i can open up a different account with that? how long does it take for a check like that to clear?

2007-07-13 06:51:56 · 10 answers · asked by Lacey 4 in Credit

My home was recently damaged by a flood. I am having to fill out information with FEMA and the Red Cross, etc. And I am also having to apply for permits for repairs. Since I am buying the house on contract from the owner (the contract is for 10 years, I have < 2 years left) and not thru a bank, am I considered the owner? Or is the person I am buying the house from still considered the owner?

2007-07-13 06:45:02 · 7 answers · asked by duncan_jr 1 in Renting & Real Estate

If I want to get a stock, say Yahoo's daily trading data (High, low, close, volume) in the last year, where can I get it?

2007-07-13 06:43:27 · 4 answers · asked by Stanyan 3 in Investing

I just got a part time job that i'll work the whole summer and weekends when i go back to school-i'm 16 and i'll get 7.25 an hour-can i file exempt? I've never had a job before-so i'm not sure if i can or not.

2007-07-13 06:39:11 · 8 answers · asked by Britt 2 in United States

What r crooks gana do with your mastercard if they steal, found, or get their hands on it that is not theirs?? what can they do with it, that give you massive problems?? can they do anything with it?

2007-07-13 06:37:18 · 2 answers · asked by petersmith 2 in Credit

Here is the scoop, metro DC, is an expensive area, and I found this CHEAP condo at $75K, 2BR, 1.5BTH, BUT I don't want to work with my own realtor b/c it will cost me, and I just barely have enough for this place as is. Now I would like to negotiate it and have him pay closing cost, because it would cost me about $5K. So how can I go about negotiating the price down? Please help, thanks

2007-07-13 06:36:38 · 9 answers · asked by T-girl 3 in Renting & Real Estate

I had one job from Jan to Aug. One from Nov, Dec. I earn in excess of $97.5M at each job. Does TaxCut automatically pick up on FICA overpayments?

How do I know when I reached the limit? I will also have two employers this year (merger...). So same situation two years in a row.

2007-07-13 06:35:01 · 3 answers · asked by cathoratio 5 in United States

I'm looking for one that will report any changes within 24 hours for around $5.00 a month. Now I have heard of some that do this but I have heard good things and bad things so I want to see what you guys think.

2007-07-13 06:26:44 · 5 answers · asked by Bri up 1 in Credit

Or should I grow some balls and just remain with the job? I didn't fight with my supervisor or the manager in my department; I fought with some other department's supervisor and manager.

Will they hold a grudge on me? I know I hold a grudge on them.

2007-07-13 06:26:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Lets just say i own 4 grand in Credit Cards charges say they send in for ganishment of wages... How do they do that, say i make 700a week, do they take my whole week pay check or do they take a certain about from my check per week? Give me some example, exspecially if you experienced this one on one with yourself. What did they do to your pay and what percentage did they take out your check?

2007-07-13 06:25:21 · 7 answers · asked by Conspirisea 1 in Credit

it seems like people are talking behind my back at work and i didn't do anything wrong and now for some reason the new boss is cut my hours and should i talk to him. i have had one incident and that was a harassment issue which i was the victim not the accuser. which is still in pending but should i talk to the new boss or just leave the matter alone i don't know who is spreading the rumors about me i have been faithful have came in every time the needed me to so what is going on i need advice please

2007-07-13 06:20:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

In thier debit form of course.

2007-07-13 06:20:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I want to present my problem and i appreciate if you tell me your opinion honestly. I have made a discussion with my manager about my salary because i have finished my trial period. During the discussion, i tried to have higher price but he insist on his number so i said ok. when i went home, i felt that this price is really unfair and do not satisfy me. So in the next day i went and discuss him again to have higher price. He was little surprised and i felt he didn't like it and wasn't happy. So, he told me that he will give me an answer in few days. Is it very bad that i came again in the next day? is it very negative for me? how i can fix it ? what he may say about me?

2007-07-13 06:18:47 · 4 answers · asked by Rosalinda 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

My gross yearly gross salary would be 100,000. I'm married with a year old kid. My wife doesn't work.

2007-07-13 06:13:36 · 3 answers · asked by nic questions 1 in United States

I saw something that said C-3-G Commercial District and have no idea what it means. So I'm wondering what the different types of zoning are.

2007-07-13 06:11:26 · 7 answers · asked by marcz007 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I recently worked for a guy, doing landscaping. I worked for him 2 summers ago and everything went great. I just graduated college and needed an interim job before starting my career on June 1st. I worked for 3 weeks and never received a paycheck. I worked 81hrs at $9 an hour = $729. I have called him at least 4 times a week since May 27th (the day I should have received my first check) and every time he tells me, "The money is being processed, we will have it to you tomorrow". No exaggeration, this happened 20 times. Well, recently he changed his phone number and didn’t call me. Someone else told me his number and I called him, same story. I am not the only employee he has done this too this summer, there are three more. What should I do?

2007-07-13 06:08:26 · 9 answers · asked by chuckblah 2 in Law & Legal

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