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Business & Finance - 13 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

About 6 months ago my lease expired in my apt and I didn't renew because I knew I'd be moving at some point this year. I'm currently paying an extra $100 a month to live here on a month to month basis. I think I may of found a place I'd like to move to next month, but that starts in just a few weeks. Does anyone know exactly how most complexes work on notice? I'd assume not being under a lease I should be able to just tell them I won't be living her next month, don't expect rent, but I'm not sure how it works. Anyone else ever been in this situation?

2007-07-13 13:55:25 · 8 answers · asked by Tabby Cat 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I will be working in Sandy, Utah and I need to make sure that I am within the food regulations.

2007-07-13 13:44:52 · 4 answers · asked by norajen955 1 in Small Business

We are about to buy a house in California, but the sellers do not want to turn on the water for the home inspection. To prove them wrong, I would like to find the California law stating that they have to turn on utilities. Any idea where to look?

2007-07-13 13:43:51 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

Hi, I'm Alex and wanted to ask everyone a very important question. About a month ago I called Bank of America and applied for a personal loan, and they told me right that second I wasn't approved.

Today, I got a letter from Bank of America explaining my declined application for a loan. There is a sentence that doesn't make any sense to me can you please tell me what it means?

"Bank of America"
After careful review, we were unable to approve your request because your credit references have not been established for a sufficient length of time and "there are too many inquiries on your credit file. What in the hell does that mean.

I only have 3 credit cards, Capital One, and 2 others. As far as I know I have NEVER missed a payment or sent it in late, so why is there problems with my credit at all? Please any advice is welcome, I want to keep my score in good standing. Thanks for your time and any help is greatly appreciated.



2007-07-13 13:40:31 · 10 answers · asked by money mike 3 in Credit

Two years ago my uncle was hopitalized for a diebetic coma. He was in for a year. Now hes out and nearly in good health. He cant walk around to much. He needs a good desk job to support himself and the massive bills hes racked up. Do you know of any jobs? He lives in chandler Arizona.

2007-07-13 13:32:08 · 7 answers · asked by chris 1 in Health Care

im getting my house appraised this week and i want to know what can go wrong? what if its not what the loan (refinaceing for)?

2007-07-13 13:27:39 · 10 answers · asked by free taco 1 in Renting & Real Estate

How do I contact the credit reporting agencies?

2007-07-13 13:26:30 · 7 answers · asked by clevercomedy 1 in Credit

I accidently charged too much on my debit account for north fork bank. Are they going to automatically charge me a fee or do i have some time to put the money back into the account before i get charged an extra fee.??

2007-07-13 13:25:38 · 4 answers · asked by buttercup 2 in Credit

how much can i afford to get an apartment ? Does anyone know the max amount i could afford (rent)? I will be living by myself with no pets or kids.

2007-07-13 13:25:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I am asking because I am selling avon products through the internet wabsite but i have no listings of the local email adresses so that i could communicate and let them know that I am selling theese products so thay would be interested and I would be more successfull in my business. thank you for your help!

2007-07-13 13:23:31 · 2 answers · asked by evakhan35 1 in Search Engine Optimization

this is my answer I am not sure if is right

$60 = .065 X

2007-07-13 13:22:20 · 11 answers · asked by sweetdeseos 2 in United States

Im 13 and im lookin for a way to way to get money and im thinkin about a job can anyone give me sum suggestions i live in Houston, Texas and i would like a neighborhood job in meyerland.

2007-07-13 13:21:59 · 4 answers · asked by i dunno 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

I was recently fired from my job for sending un-related work emails. You know, the funny jokes emails millions of people forward everyday. In my case, because I was a supervisor I was told that I should have known better/funny emails to subordinates/coworkers was inappropriate and against company policy. Although I saw it as boosting moral, I have learned from this and vow to never do it again - ever. My question is, how do I put this on a job application without getting my application tossed in the trash? I have excellent work history and references. I spoke to my previous supervisor (who was crying when upper management let me go) and although he thinks I was an excellent employee - the company policy forbids him from giving any type of references (only HR can do that). I'm applying for a position in the police department so I want to keep my integrity without disqualifying myself from the applicant pool.

2007-07-13 13:16:12 · 7 answers · asked by ThaKnowItAll 2 in Other - Careers & Employment


17. Negotiation is defined as “working to reach an agreement that is satisfactory to either the buyer or the seller.”T

18. The foundation for win-win negotiations is a relationship with the customer built on trust and rapport. T

19. Customers who perceive added value are less likely to choose a competing product simply on the basis of price.F?

20. Research shows that a neutral third party’s testimony tends to provide a weak argument when answering a customer’s concern.

2007-07-13 13:14:05 · 3 answers · asked by new B 1 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

I hear some "Product Deminstrators" get paid good money $25. to 30. dollars per hour, no commission, to travel and sell products. Who offers these kind of jobs?

2007-07-13 13:13:36 · 4 answers · asked by sotagirl 2 in Food Service

How do I get a late mortgage payment off of my credit report? I mean I'm totally current on my mortgage now. I want this off of my report. Thanks

2007-07-13 13:11:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I filed to evict a tenant for non payment of rent. Well she isn't one to communicate well. I found out from the downstairs tenant that all of the utilities have been shut off (she let them in to shut of water and gas). The tenant has also moved most of her stuff out of the apartment. However, she has left a few things behind.

My question is at what point does the law considered the tenant moved out?

I am thinking about going in, after verfying that the utilities are shut off and moving her remaining stuff (a bed and pc) into storage. This way I can move on with renting the apartment out.

If I do wait until the hearing I suspect she won't show. It doesn't matter because I will win either way. So after I am granted the foreclosure what happens if she still doesn't remove her few remaining belongings? Do I have to still get a bailiff to remove them?

I am curious as to what others have done in this situation and what the outcome was. Thanks!

2007-07-13 13:08:16 · 6 answers · asked by Jas 3 in Renting & Real Estate

Recently, I’ve become increasingly disturbed with a number of my female co-workers. About three months ago, the new human resource guy decided to “re-image” the company. As part of this new experiment, he went out and hired four extremely gorgeous women as outside sales representatives – none of which had any measurable sales experience at the time. Unfortunately, so far, they have accomplished very little. What they have accomplished, with astounding proficiency, is to strain customer relations, not to mention overall employee moral. After almost three months on the job, only one of them has shown an interest in being a part of the team or improving her overall product knowledge and presentational skills. The rest act as if they are on some sort of fast tract to the top. It’s as if they feel they “are” the new “image” in our “re-imaging” initiative and they can’t be touched. It’s starting to get out of control!!!

Obviously, this need to be addressed. How would you proceed?

2007-07-13 13:05:59 · 7 answers · asked by JM 2 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

I'm about to be evicted. Whats the worst that can happen? I owe 3months rent and only received an affidavit notice letting me know that the landlord filed a complaint.

2007-07-13 13:03:38 · 6 answers · asked by Cherry 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have printed off the internet a 400 page lighting manual. What are my options for getting it into a book-like format so that I can easily read it?

As far as I can tell, most office stores only will bind something for you if they print it off. I opted out of this because of cost considerations. Are they able to bind (or 3-hole punch) documents that they did not print? If so, then at what price?

Doing this at home is not an option. The pages are a combined thichkness of 2 inches. I am looking for any service that can hole punch or bind already printed documents for a reasonable price. If they can hole punch it, I can put it into a three-ring binder myself.

2007-07-13 13:02:26 · 1 answers · asked by wil 3 in Other - Business & Finance

Im 23 and facing the reality of life.I have no parents or guardians just friends. My life is pathetic and I want to turn it around. I make $1200 per mo. doing part time of work, part time that is because I would like to go back to school. I have a car loan and 2 credit cards(33k owe); And yes, gas bills, cellphone, dogfood, my food, and rent. In a nutshell, all those bills stated above came up to $1400/mo. ( now, you might say that's not too much debt, I should get another part-time job and that will solve this.) Well, my plan is long-term, I want to get rid all of my bills by filing chapter 7 ( now all i have to pay is my rent and small bills) by doing so, after i filed, I will go to school full-time(4-6 yrs) and pursue a career that pays very well. While in school, I can save up a couple of thousand and after i graduate, I can use that money for downpayment to purchase a home with a cosigner (i know my record is not clear by that time). Is this a better idea in a long run?

2007-07-13 12:56:49 · 8 answers · asked by Dennis L 1 in Personal Finance

Hey everyone. I have a Bachelors degree in Business. Major is Finance, Minor is computers. I have 10 years experience in the retail industry. I would like to pursue a career in computers now but don't know how to do it. There are degree programs in my area for Bachelors and Associate degrees. However, I already have a Bachelors. Should I go back anyway and get another degree? This can be expensive. Or, is there some place else I can start and further my experience in computers that is less timely and more cost effective? Career counselling is expensive and sometimes doesn't work. I am depending on Yahoo Answers for some thoughts. Any?

2007-07-13 12:56:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Will it help my credit score if I pay it off now, or has the damage already been done and there is no need to. (P.S. I have not paid on it for 8 years)

2007-07-13 12:42:12 · 6 answers · asked by Darryn L 2 in Credit

I have kept the right to sell my house myself but I also have it listed with a realtor. Can I have the price lower as FSBO?

2007-07-13 12:38:51 · 8 answers · asked by ♥ Elizabeth ♥ 4 in Renting & Real Estate

Firstly, i am well aware of how difficult it is to get out of a fixed term contract. My landlord is an idiot.
Myself and my wife have a bought a house and it is due for completion in september.
We are in month 2 of a 12 month lease.
Having looked into it, the contract is in breach of a few of the unfair tenancy contract points laid out on the OFT's site at http://www.oft.gov.uk/shared_oft/consumer_leaflets/general/oft381.pdf

So basically, if its deemed unfair, can we whelch on the contract??

And does anyone know what we would be liable for if we breached a few of the billion points in the contract to break the contract??

Oh, and i want practicle advise not personal opinions or rude ness please!!



2007-07-13 12:34:47 · 11 answers · asked by ian h 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Ok, so does anyone know if you have a Manufactured home, and only own the home, not the land it is on..will it ever appreciate in value? or will it only depreciate?

I'm thinking of purchasing one, a VERY nice one you'd never know it was a manufactured home, but I cant afford to buy the land to put it on (we live in AZ!)

2007-07-13 12:14:31 · 13 answers · asked by amandaa_ok2 1 in Renting & Real Estate

is less an estimated amount of depreciation from fixed asset on the balance sheet at their original cost the best way of accounting for fixed asset?

2007-07-13 12:13:28 · 3 answers · asked by ackee66 1 in Personal Finance

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