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Business & Finance - 13 July 2007

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What is a timeshare. I see them on sale at ebay and want to know what they are. Do you make money of them. What is the point of having a timeshare.


2007-07-13 15:51:58 · 7 answers · asked by Kyle C 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My boyfriend was recently in a car accident and at the time the accident he didnt have any injuries or pain but now hes starting to feel stiff in his neck and back and he has some pretty bad bruising and cuts on his hips where the seatbelt dug into his skin. He did tell the girls (the one who hit and admitted fault to the accident)insurance company about his injuries and they offered a pety $150 bucks to cover the expenses of future doctor visits and his pain in his neck, back, and shoulders. My question is can you try to get more money out of this girls insurance company or do you have to take this offer.

Thanks for ur help and sorry for the lengthy question

2007-07-13 15:50:47 · 6 answers · asked by msX 6 in Insurance

Market cap is now 500 billion! Its such a cash cow, I wish they would split so I could buy some more, I can't afford it at 90.73.

2007-07-13 15:50:44 · 7 answers · asked by George 3 in Investing

I have custody of the child and the state still garnishing my payroll check and tax returns what can I do legal , also it's a out of state case

2007-07-13 15:49:56 · 7 answers · asked by ron c 1 in United States

I wish to start investing at minimum risk and without pay brokers' commission. wanting to simply learn how to read stock reports. Determine which early stock may be profitable.

2007-07-13 15:45:23 · 7 answers · asked by cshaq2 1 in Investing

need to know ASAP

2007-07-13 15:39:58 · 8 answers · asked by anthonyjasmineshenice 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-13 15:33:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

Foreclosure is imminent; Non-Judicial state (California). The homeowner has run out of options (short sale, deed in lieu, etc.) and is prepared to walk away.

They respond to a road sign that says "we buy houses".
The company represents that they will "buy" the house in an attempt to sell it to a 3rd party or private investor.

To do so it requires the owner to sign over title. No promises are made that they will be able to sell the house and no promise is made that the owner will in any way be able to regain title. Unlike equity skimming scams, the intent is not for the owner to rent or lease the property and regain title later. Disclosure is made that any equity in the home will be lost and the only goal in the transaction is to avoid a foreclosure on the credit of the owner. Even that is explained that it is not a guarantee that this will occur and it is up to the owner to dilligently communicate with the credit credit bureaus.

2007-07-13 15:31:56 · 7 answers · asked by 321 3 in Renting & Real Estate

I am 15 and want to get started in the stock market. can anyone give me any help on understanding and getting into the stock market for the first time. i dont wanna do anything big for awhile, maybe i can start out with a couple hundred dollars. any books that you read that helped would be good to.

2007-07-13 15:29:01 · 8 answers · asked by da_jtac_0 2 in Investing

2007-07-13 15:23:27 · 4 answers · asked by Jessica 1 in Other - Taxes

I have heard of grants or loans, federal or state, that pay you to relocate to remote or developing areas in Alaska?

2007-07-13 15:20:47 · 3 answers · asked by 1001001 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I have 3 bad revolving credit cards that I closed years ago. At that time, I had to "Pay them Off" and were closed. On my credit report, they are reported as paid off, closed and still revolving. How can I remove the fact that they are revolving. Will it be removed in 7/10 years or do I have to call the companies to remove the revolving part. I really don't know. Please Help!

2007-07-13 15:14:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

just want to know

2007-07-13 15:13:47 · 15 answers · asked by kelsey m 1 in Personal Finance

I have just finished researching every state and almost every city in the Americas for the purpose of moving. And what the bloody heck, it's all the same cost! same rent costs, almost the same fuel costs, job market is bad everywhere, especially if your a middle to lower class income like myself. as far as I can tell, the only reason to move is for a change of scenery. am I wrong, or did I just bloody waste 2 months of my time?

2007-07-13 15:10:53 · 9 answers · asked by 1001001 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My friend said that with okay credit and no down payment, the terms they are offering me are impossible. I hope she's wrong as I already see the house I want and have had the approval letter and ALL the paper work written up with my terms. I'm just told to expect a bait and switch at closing. Also a friend of my said to try ditech. I had a car loan through GMAC that is Ditech so maybe that will help. Any advice? Thanks and God Bless

2007-07-13 15:00:29 · 5 answers · asked by paschaderk 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I want to buy this house using the contingency that my house will sell.

How long is norm for me to have to before I have to sell my house???

2007-07-13 15:00:08 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but my first question may not have gone through. Does anyone know anything about the agency Talent6? Good or bad, I'd like to hear it.

2007-07-13 14:57:58 · 2 answers · asked by Cheatsy Koopa 1 in Corporations

2007-07-13 14:44:14 · 7 answers · asked by Artsy 1 3 in Personal Finance

The business is based in ohio, and I'm filing my new taxpayer peronal property tax return. I don't keep any inventory for my business since it is all drop shipped. Do I need to claim anything in this return?

2007-07-13 14:28:10 · 1 answers · asked by Nerdified G 2 in United States

How long does shipping from Thailand (Bangkok) to the United States (Kansas) usually take using standard flat rate shipping services? I would just like an estimate. Thanks!

2007-07-13 14:24:20 · 3 answers · asked by DogLover 2 in Other - Business & Finance

Need to find a start hour on a company that works 12hours shifts , 24hrs a day.

2007-07-13 14:19:57 · 8 answers · asked by ricky 1 in Small Business

I am trying to get a second part-time job but seems like everytime I fill out applications and I fill them out the correct way and also give my resume, I never get any responses back from the employers, I think its because of my age I'm 48 and all they would hire now is the young people, I thought age was a discrimination, I filled out applications for like dunkin donuts several times and retail stores and for foodservice positions, right now I'm an assistant manager where I work at but its not an everyday job its mostly a weekend job like fri, sat, and sundays, every once in a while we may work for a whole week and then we may have sometime 1 or 2 weeks off until something else comes up, the young people gets hired before me. can someone plz give me a good answer? Thanking you in advance

2007-07-13 14:18:48 · 5 answers · asked by J T 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

If someone was working at a restaurant and he or she attends college full-time and be out of town taking care of a woman with emphysema, would that person be able to choose the hours he or she is available to work?

2007-07-13 14:15:00 · 6 answers · asked by Berry Nice 2 in Food Service

i applied at the hyatt and they want me to go in for a screening interview.

2007-07-13 14:07:27 · 3 answers · asked by Little Bit 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

I just started a job as a package handler and I thought it was a bad decision for me to choose that shift. So how long do I have to wait in order to change shift?

2007-07-13 14:05:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

We are considering doing so, but can't get past the sticker shock of second homes right now. How has it worked or not worked for you?

2007-07-13 13:58:12 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

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