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Business & Finance - 13 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I'm working on short sales and would like some advice on finding distressed property.

2007-07-13 08:42:24 · 1 answers · asked by bendario64 1 in Renting & Real Estate

They are willing to wavie the first year annual fee.

2007-07-13 08:37:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I'm not sure what steps to take to find out where my money is. I've received no communication from my former employer or the financial institution that had my money. Is it possible that I will never see it again? Please advise.

2007-07-13 08:36:49 · 7 answers · asked by my3boyz 1 in Investing

I am working at this job and I like it but I feel that I can come up with things that would make a lot of improvements but I'm afraid to speak up bacause I've only been here 9 months. I feel I could come up with simpler ways to do things but I'm afraid my ideas may sound stupid. I work at a company that does primarily engineering type work and my degree is in English. I dont want to sound stupid to them. Also, alot of people don't know what is going on in the company as there are really not a lot of set procedures on doing day to day tasks that are a part of your daily job. How can I go about in not a bossy attitude, that I have a lot great ideas that could help the company. I dont know a lot of business but all my ideas would really make people a lot happier in doing their jobs and there would be a better understanding of their work. That feeling of being lost would be done away with. How can I go about getting this done and show em that I can get the job done easier and quicker?

2007-07-13 08:36:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-07-13 08:36:11 · 5 answers · asked by Tyler S 1 in Personal Finance

i paid cash i need cash back to buy another sofa they say they can only pay me by cheque. as i dont have a bank account this is useless to me. how do i stand regarding my consumer rights

2007-07-13 08:35:11 · 10 answers · asked by parker 2 in Personal Finance

Hi, is there a card that will help me save money. I don't use my card that much. I try not to but if I did buy some thing for my family is there a card out there that will put some thing like 1% in a saving accont. I thought I saw some thing like that on T.V. Thanks

2007-07-13 08:33:21 · 3 answers · asked by Bioman 2 in Personal Finance

what's the monthly rent range for Ames, IA apartments both newer apartments and older ones.

2007-07-13 08:31:18 · 1 answers · asked by Stoney 1 in Renting & Real Estate

She signs my time sheet and would dock me if I left early too....Boooooooooo!

2007-07-13 08:31:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anglcake 5 in Other - Careers & Employment

My husband and I are thinking of buying a new construction home in another state this year and would not like the house to be completed until next May (if possible) So my question is would we have to start paying on the mortgage immediately or when we move in? Also would we start paying state taxes for that house even if it hasn't been completed yet and also homeowners insurance?

2007-07-13 08:29:51 · 7 answers · asked by labtecbunny2002 1 in Renting & Real Estate

What on Earth is wrong with this person?

2007-07-13 08:22:26 · 9 answers · asked by B0NER 3 in United States

It's my land, right? I may "own" the land, but I have to pay propety tax on it for the rest of my life even after the debt to the bank is paid off. Aren't I just paying rent to the government who really owns the land?

2007-07-13 08:16:13 · 3 answers · asked by trer 3 in Renting & Real Estate

I want to buy a house. It comes with a barn suitable for conversion into a second cottage or two apartments and a second barn which is currently rented out to a number of people for storage. There is also 2000 m2 of land, on which the town mayor has told me that there would be no objection to a new residential building or two.

I need 100,000 euros in the first instance to buy the property, and then further funds to renovate it.

As I am self-employed, getting a mortgage is very difficult (the property is not in the UK) and the finance companies won't accept the true current value of the property as sole security.

The interest in the property is low as it is not normal to invest to renovate in this area, but all the same, I am worried I will miss my chance with this.

Can anybody help? Or do you know someone who can? Serious answers only please.

2007-07-13 08:12:27 · 3 answers · asked by Laura 3 in Renting & Real Estate

how would u go about finding out about a house that is emty and u can't get any answers any where? i need some new leads.

2007-07-13 08:12:19 · 4 answers · asked by Kat 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-13 08:07:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

When you buy a company's stock, you are buying a fraction of the company.

If a company has 10 million shares

and if the stock price goes up $20 dollars in a given year

then is it logical to say that all the buyers and sellers during that same year, all of their "monetary gains and losses" will add up to $200,000,000.00 ?

Because if it is, then it sorta implies that to make profits in the stock market, you either make an "average profit" and if you do superior, your gains are at the expense of those who do inferior.

I define these in the following inequality

I ask this because I have studied finance and there are losers who are smart yet not logical enough to see that people who simply "hold stocks" for an entire given year simply shrink the amount of shares available for trading during that same year.

Therefore concluding people who "actively trade" only do so at each other's expense, and their group makes no "magic profit"

2007-07-13 08:07:08 · 7 answers · asked by Voltaire's book Candide 3 in Investing

I started working at Dunkin's Donuts for about 3 days but so far I'm thinking that this is not the job for me. Its obviously a fast-paced job and I can't handle it mentally. I'm in training right now and I'm not sure if I'm able to tell the manager if I can quit. And I'm not sure if I can quit during my training. If I can, what is a nice way to tell him that I want to quit the job even though its too early.

2007-07-13 08:07:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food Service

Does anyone know if the company i work for are breaking the law. Reason why is that they have us sign sheets which are for expences but we do not get expences.It shows it on our wage slips as expences. We feel we are frauding the tax office. the company say's it is a loop hole in the system. Can anyone sshed any light on this.

2007-07-13 07:59:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

If I sell some stocks that I just recieved from my company my understanding is that I have to pay short term capital gains. Is there any way to avoid this? Could I put the cash in some type of tax differed account or trust? The amount that I am talking about is high six to seven figure payout.


2007-07-13 07:57:55 · 5 answers · asked by ted j 2 in United States

i dont have a computer,i use the public library's so it can't be something online.

2007-07-13 07:53:04 · 9 answers · asked by jackklin d 1 in Personal Finance

I have one business account that is in the red (has been for more than a month) and one personal account that is in the black. I had money put into the personal bank account and the bank immediately transfered it into the one that is in the red without asking me. Is this legal or allowed? Is there going to be a section in the terms of service? Is there someone or some government body/website where I can find out more about this?

2007-07-13 07:44:58 · 8 answers · asked by lfcmedia1 1 in Personal Finance

I want to start my own small business but this is my first time and i do not know how to get started i all ready found a loocation and i know what i want to build their, any help will be appreatched thank you.

2007-07-13 07:41:12 · 9 answers · asked by leps004 1 in Small Business

I got the loan over 15 yrs ago. Everytime I tried to enter the field, I was turned down because of inexperience even though I finished the school. Now Im stuck with a loan I cant pay back. My first daughter was born and I was forced to seek employment elsewhere. I cant afford to have my wages garnished and I cant afford to pay the loan on my on.

2007-07-13 07:34:55 · 3 answers · asked by Zman 1 in Credit

I bought my home last November (2006). Ive now lived in it for 8.5 months and it is up for sale. When it sells, am I going to have to pay capital gains on it at the end of the year? If so, how much are they generally? The house is listed for $115,000 and I owe $87,900 and it is located in Pennsylvania.

2007-07-13 07:32:23 · 8 answers · asked by mikki080 4 in Renting & Real Estate

I'm just trying to help out my friend.. she got divorced last year, but still living together with her ex (I know it's weird). Her ex got his 2nd stroke last year (after divorce )and has not been able to work ever since. He can complete simple tasks such as eating, walking, carrying objects, driving, and following simple instructions, but he can no longer work like he used to. He is also having short term memory loss. She is currently supporting him for all his financial needs, but is really having a hard time financially....her current income is no longer enough to support her family. She was told that they are eligible for getting disability money but first he has to get a psych test. However, ex-husband is refusing to get a test saying that "there's nothing wrong with me". He can't even fill out a job application !!! any suggestions would be appreciated !!!

2007-07-13 07:29:22 · 10 answers · asked by eni89 2 in Personal Finance

I'm looking to buy a 1296 sq. foot home in Sugar Land Texas. The asking price is almost 44 thousand dollars. I don't know how many bed or bathrooms. Or what kind of condition the home is in. It was buil in 1974 and homes in the area are priced at around 100 thousand. I have never purchased a home, only rented, and am wondering what I need to know or do. I don't even know how big 1296 sq feet is.Please help!

2007-07-13 07:28:58 · 9 answers · asked by misslaney 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-13 07:26:09 · 9 answers · asked by schunkwc1952 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-13 07:25:19 · 18 answers · asked by Llerrytz 1 in Insurance

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