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I want to start my own small business but this is my first time and i do not know how to get started i all ready found a loocation and i know what i want to build their, any help will be appreatched thank you.

2007-07-13 07:41:12 · 9 answers · asked by leps004 1 in Business & Finance Small Business

9 answers

learn from others experiences, so if you can find someone succesful in your new business venture and follow there steps.

2007-07-13 07:45:33 · answer #1 · answered by Gengis 6 · 0 0

i have been doing alot of research on my business. If you know what you want to do just check out what other websites have on thiers. I just started mine about a month ago and it has been a struggle to get it out there. Also the best thing to do is see how many websites that there is out there because the company that i have has alot of distributers out there. Its like shopping at one of the many Walmarts.
Good luck
To give you an example, My website has to do with Herbalife. Just type it in the browser and you will see along list of them and see what I mean.
But not all of them have a discount like mine, Some have 5%, many have 10%, Right now mine is 15% only because I am running a special for the week.

2007-07-13 17:14:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Take a class at your local community college - in starting a small business.

Or go to the Small Business Association in your area for help. Do lots of research on the business you are interested in and see if it is feasible.

I'd love to tell you about the small buisness I'm in.

2007-07-13 14:48:43 · answer #3 · answered by anniebammy 3 · 0 0

Go to http://www.score.org/ to find the nearest SCORE chapter. In the upper left hand corner is a box to enter your zip code. Your nearest SCORE chapter will be on the next screen. Contact them to arrange for a free one on one meeting with a SCORE counselor to discuss starting your business.

SCORE is a nonprofit organization and is part of the Small Business Administration. They provide a public service by offering small business advice and training.

SCORE's 10,500 volunteers have more than 600 business skills. Volunteers share their wisdom and lessons learned in business. The volunteers are working/retired business owners, executives and corporate leaders.

2007-07-13 14:54:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Find out as much as you can about licensing requirements in your area. Research potential competition. Look into small business loans from banks, and grants from the government. Get all the legal issues correct from the beginning, it's much easier than dealing with the hassle of fines later.

Check out the small business administration in your area:

2007-07-13 14:47:27 · answer #5 · answered by J P 4 · 0 1

It's called a business plan. Go to the library. Start taking responsibility now, or you're going to have problems. Owning your own business is not easy, and you need to take responsibility now.

2007-07-13 14:48:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Work at home on the Internet. Free quick courses shows you how. We supply free training to start your business. There is no cost to you. Start part time and make money in your spare time. All you have to do is sign up at http://www.moreinfo247.com/9721079/FREE

2007-07-13 15:03:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What kind of business are you starting? There are lots of books that can help. Without more info from you, there's not much for me to say.

2007-07-13 14:45:56 · answer #8 · answered by hottotrot1_usa 7 · 0 1

YOu can always use http://www.mm-review.com they have alot of helpful information on finding your "niche" and marketing. Anyways... its worth a look. Best of luck!

2007-07-13 15:05:07 · answer #9 · answered by Mark A 1 · 0 0

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