I'm 19 years old, and I'm trying to get financing for a car (among other things), but I'm having a problem with my credit. It's a 588, there's a cable bill on there from my stepdad that was opened when I was 11 that my parents never paid. So, it's hurting me now. I've been told to contact the credit agencies, but I don't want to get my mom into any trouble, she was the one who called and opened the account. The only other things on there are cell phones, one of which was default (because I opened it at 16 and never paid it until about a year ago, irresponsible kids, eh?) and one of which is current and paid.
I really don't make a lot, and my mom needs a lot of financial help with her house in forclosure, so a secured card at $200 plus other fees isn't something I can just shell out. But, I need a car, and an apartment once my mom moves, and a credit card would be nice for college books and such. Anyone have any suggestions, or know any card companies that might issue me a card?
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