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Business & Finance - 25 June 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

How do I know what a low float stock is, is it a percentage of the total of outstanding shares? if so what is the percentage figure of the oustanding shares that would make the stock more volatile?

I use yahoo finance and have noticed that volotile stocks often have a lower float.

Any help or examples would be appreciated

2007-06-25 19:11:52 · 7 answers · asked by David C 3 in Investing

i live in king george,virginia and i need to get a loan...is it possible ?? if so where...i get ssi thru social security

2007-06-25 19:05:18 · 3 answers · asked by TOUCH 3 in India

does anyone have ideas or websites that will provide info on bear market portfolio strategies?

2007-06-25 18:57:28 · 8 answers · asked by johnkwt 1 in Investing

2007-06-25 18:57:25 · 2 answers · asked by Jack Hongru Z 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have been looking and cannot find a good source, most realtors don't want to be bothered.

2007-06-25 18:21:47 · 3 answers · asked by K Nick 2 in Renting & Real Estate

and i'm thinking of what may be a high number... 10%.

here's my reasoning:
- salary.com says i should be making that much.
- my reviews have been very good
- i love my job and show it by working hard
- my boss seems to like me
- i spent the last year managing a project which i inadvertently took over through really hard work and the fact that i fixed some major problems that i discovered when i first came on....
- i am now one of the main consultants on a new software we're using because i've been able to pick it up very quickly

so i am thinking i deserve it. is this going to reflect badly on me? or should i just go for it and hope that it'll at least get me something close?

2007-06-25 18:17:44 · 3 answers · asked by archichick 2 in Other - Business & Finance

What constitutes a sponsor to be platinum, gold, silver, bronze? Is there a certain money limit that each gives?

2007-06-25 18:10:31 · 2 answers · asked by sam 3 in Personal Finance

I am just wondering what have they done with the extra money, because they sure haven't improved the schools, hospitals and roads....

2007-06-25 18:07:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

In Texas, my friend married a man that had purchased a home several years prior, with his first wife. Three years after the original purchase, be had another Deed and Deed of Trust done, releasing his ex-wife from all responsibilties for the home. About eight years later, after he and my friend were married, he told her he wanted to refinance the home and have his ex-wife removed (which we find out later had already been done) have my friend put on the home and refinance to get cheaper payments. A Deed of Trust, but no Deed were issued in both their names when they refinanced. Now they are getting a divorce and he is telling her that even though she is on the Deed of Trust, she has no ownership in the home. She has talked with three different divorce attorneys who tell her that this is possible. How could this be. My understanding was a Deed of Trust was held by a Trustee until the note is paid in full, at which time the Trustee releases the property to the borrower, which she is.

2007-06-25 18:05:17 · 2 answers · asked by Birdlegs 5 in Renting & Real Estate

I was a Junior Network Administrator for a fortune 500 company mid 90's to early 2000. I turned my attention to another profession for some time and am looking to re-enter the IT field after completing my degree. In beginning to prepare my resume, I began a search for my former company. As it turns out, they are no longer in business under their previous name and have since changed businesses altogether. I've contacted their HR department and was told that they do not keep records after seven years. I want to list this experience on my resume, however there is no way for someone to verify that I did in fact work for them? What is the best way to address this in a resume and on an application.

2007-06-25 18:01:52 · 4 answers · asked by ITSupportTech 1 in Technology

Was owed like 50 dollars from a state after working their for 3 months. Its not even worth the money to file.

2007-06-25 17:59:46 · 9 answers · asked by g 2 in United States

I went and looked at a apartment yesterday, and talked to the landlord just a bit. I said i liked it and was interested in renting it. He said he didnt have any applications on him but he would contact me later. Well today he called and said he want interested in renting to me, because he pulled my credit report and it wasnt good enough. The thing is I only told him my name. I didnt even tell him were i live now. Also my credit isnt bad. I think i was discriminated against.

2007-06-25 17:49:29 · 5 answers · asked by mojojojord 1 in Credit

Here is the question
What are your top 2 strengths?
If someone had a resume identical to yours, how would you describe what makes you unique? What’s not on paper?
If you can, please explain significance testing in your own words?

2007-06-25 17:29:23 · 4 answers · asked by Shr 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

like i just signed up and only 3 months in i have to use my insurance for a knee surgery, which will cover just about 100% will he see any backlash from that, im new so i dont know?

2007-06-25 17:29:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance

First of all, i just recently turned 16 at the beginning of this month and i have no previous emplyment experience. I have also managed to apply for 3 jobs: Toys' R Us, walgreens, and Academy. I am a US citizen and I am able to work legally :]
I know that each place is different in terms of emplyment and time, but i'm just a little extra anxious since its my first time trying to get a job. How long should the usual waiting period for them to contact me to tell me whether i got the job or not?

Thanks in advance.

2007-06-25 17:21:06 · 2 answers · asked by Joktan 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

Basically, we received a letter from a company that has the same name as ours and are alledging trademark infringement. They are based out of Texas and have a plant in Rice Lake, WIsconsin and we are in Milwaukee, WIsconsin---we are very far away from eachother...but we have completely different products/services. They manufacture window and door components (parts on the windows) and we install windows, siding, and doors. They sell products we offer a service. Also, they want the right to our domain name. Is this trademark infringement since we offer two different products/services or do we have to surrender or name and domain?Please help fast! Can you give me any advice on what I should do?

2007-06-25 17:12:14 · 6 answers · asked by Kristina E 1 in Small Business

My uncle found out today that his wife (who moved out last July) took their joint state tax return check out of his mailbox and cashed it... She would have had to forge his signature... Right? He's been waiting for 2 months for it and just found out today that she cashed it already without him knowing... And she's filing for divorce... What can he do about it and what is the offence? Is that tax fraud? Sorry about all the questions Im just trying to get as much info as I can for him... Thanks!

2007-06-25 17:11:43 · 8 answers · asked by ? 2 in United States

Not that I have large amounts of money, but I wondered...what should one do if they have millions of dollars and FDIC only insures $100,000USD. If they are retired for example, and looking for a low maintenance account with relatively high return.

Also if you ask a question as a reply, please check this question as I will update it to answer those as best I can.

2007-06-25 16:54:37 · 12 answers · asked by Nick V 2 in Personal Finance

i went to byerly's grocery (liquor store department) in eagan, mn and looked over my receipt, which included my full birth date along with the last four digits of my credit card number. Isn't printing my birth date on a credit card or cash purchase an invasion of my privacy? What would justify this?

2007-06-25 16:53:16 · 2 answers · asked by butterflylover120804 1 in Credit

I sell home automation products. I am looking for a phrase to use to get the point across that I have something "for every budget" but without using that exact phrase because my focus groups thinks it sounds cheap.... Any ideas?

2007-06-25 16:49:11 · 3 answers · asked by wildfl0wer 1 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

2007-06-25 16:45:10 · 3 answers · asked by queenie q 1 in Other - Business & Finance


i am 19 and have never had a credit card...just tons of debit cards. what credit card can i actually get to start off with?? i would like to build some credit while i am away at college.

2007-06-25 16:44:57 · 10 answers · asked by Nico 5 in Credit

my employer gives me hand written checks and doesnt show how much is taken out in taxes. ive heard its illegal but im not sure. is anyone positive that it is illegal.

i have a hunch that im being paid under the table and my taxes arent really taxes. and im not registered as an employee. ive worked at this place for 2 months and have no clock in number and everytime i ask for one. my manager makes excuses. can someone help me please.

2007-06-25 16:34:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

fedest.com, questions and answers