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Business & Finance - 22 December 2006

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

it says plan type : PPO. Deductible. 2,500. Coinsurance 20%. Office Visit. $30. Monthly Premium. $60..what does all that mean??

2006-12-22 06:46:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance

How many of you are at work getting nothing done due to the Holidays? What are you doing to kill time till you are released from your cell of a cubicle?

2006-12-22 06:45:43 · 2 answers · asked by Special Ethel 3 in Careers & Employment

i am currently majoring in literature, but i don't know if i should swich majors or what.

2006-12-22 06:39:44 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

It is ovious that the company is not being managed properly.

2006-12-22 06:38:54 · 4 answers · asked by gcarter901 1 in Investing

I am a Loan Officer and also just got my AZ Real estate lic in November. I will have about 7000 in taxes due for my income as a loan officer. I wanted to purchase a larger vehicle since I am now a real estate agent.

How can I purchase a vehicle this year and use it as a tax deduction for a business vehicle. Can I only write of mileage? Or can i write off so much of the vehicle over a set amount of time? I have two friends, one who builds homes, and he buys a new truck every 2 years to write it off for taxes. The other has a corporation and does the same thing.

Can I purchase a used vehicle? or does it have to be a new vehicle to write it off?

Can I write of the purchase of the vehicle? or only the miles in my case?

2006-12-22 06:36:48 · 4 answers · asked by timbug330 1 in United States

Here are the details:

We live in the SF East Bay area. We bought our home in 2003 for $442,000 and--after some work done we owe $500,000. Yesterday I took my daughter to daycare in a neighborhood that I'd love to live in and saw a friend in that hood outside of his house. We got to talking and we both expressed interest in selling our homes. Our house would probably work for him because he can stumble home from the local bars. His house is in a good family-oriented neighborhood. I told him we wanted to downgrade--that we probably couldn't afford his house and he said "we can work something out." I zillowed our house and it's worth about $600,000. His is $530,000. He bought it in 2001 for around $50,000. It would be cool to avoid transaction fees and the like and I need to ask him if he's interested in our house. He invited us over for a NY party during the day and I want to have a few tricks up my sleeve when we attend. What would you do?


2006-12-22 06:34:17 · 6 answers · asked by Mythical Creature 3 in Renting & Real Estate

my friends say they do i dont think so.

2006-12-22 06:34:01 · 1 answers · asked by Matthew M 2 in Other - Business & Finance

I would like to get it online if possible.

2006-12-22 06:33:27 · 3 answers · asked by stevejost23 2 in Careers & Employment

2006-12-22 06:30:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

Me and my husband want to buy a house. A fixer upper has crossed our path here in Gainesville FL. It's 1600 sqf and in a good neighborhood. We are young (19 and 21) and skilled and can do all the labor ourselves. We plan to sell the house in six or seven years and we want it to sell quickly! lately the market has sucked so much, I don't know if it's a good idea to pour an extra 10 grand into a house when people are selling at the prices they bought them for. Let me know what you think!

2006-12-22 06:29:27 · 15 answers · asked by Michelle T 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Please what do i do

2006-12-22 06:28:28 · 5 answers · asked by Spanky 1 in Other - Business & Finance

Credit cards are unsecured debt, so what can they do if someone simply stops paying them instead of going through bankruptcy?

2006-12-22 06:27:15 · 8 answers · asked by Alexander K 3 in Credit

It's a multi-million dollar, multi-state, corporation that employees approximately 75 people. What companies offer the best plan. Who do you currently use for your business and do you like that company / plan?

2006-12-22 06:27:15 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I did get a lot of helpfull answers from my last query,
but the main Number on the card is 19 DIGITS long
NOT 16. What do I do??, Only give first 16 or the whole 19.???

2006-12-22 06:22:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

or is she trying to get more money out of me

2006-12-22 06:19:23 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

Today if the Friday before Christmas. Work is so slow. I actually have nothing to do. Nothing!! Both my bosses are already gone for the day. There are on a handful of employees here. The ones of us who didn't wanna use our vacation time to get off early for Christams. We have nothing to and are bored out of our minds. We need ideas of things we can tell our boss to make him wanna let us off early today.

2006-12-22 06:17:57 · 2 answers · asked by warriorchic84 2 in Careers & Employment

The UPS man delivered a package to my house but its not for me. I dont know where the right house is at. What do I do?

2006-12-22 06:17:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

I can't see any flaws in leasing, except that there is a possibility of having to pay for extra mileage. My boyfriend worked for a car dealership temporarily and overheard another salesman saying "leasing is the smartest thing to do, but don't tell customers that".--Because they obviously miss out on commission. So what are your thoughts?

2006-12-22 06:17:09 · 8 answers · asked by PlasticTrees 2 in Other - Business & Finance

I live in a smaller town, about 8,000 people. Houghton, Mi, and I'd like to start a career in broadcasting, but I'm not sure where to start. I'm young, but already have started a career in business, but this isn't what I really want to do. There are two local radio stations in the town I live in, but I've never seen any jobs posted. I'd like any suggestions that anyone has.

2006-12-22 06:15:13 · 2 answers · asked by Ch Clark 1 in Careers & Employment

Went to an interview last Monday and they spent more time telling me about the company and benefits then letting me sell myself. Is that their way of being polite to me instead of telling me to leave immediately because they aren't interested? I was interviewed by three people back-to-back (not at the same time) the same day. One of them wanted to know why I wanted the job since it is below my education and experience. He gave me alot of dirty looks with these questions. I wanted to tell him because there are few quality jobs in America thats why dumbass and this one even though I'm a little over qualified. I was seconds away of telling him this. The other people were nice to me but still didn't let me speak that much.

2006-12-22 06:14:53 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

just wanted to know because i think we should and so does my co worker who has been working as retail and retail management for about 20 years. We were told differently.

2006-12-22 06:02:31 · 3 answers · asked by Helios64 1 in Careers & Employment

I'm serious!! I'm in my early 20s finished college last year and been looking for a job since May. Got laid off my last one. Every employer tells me I'm either overqualified or don't have enough experience. Went to an interview last Monday and they spent more time telling me about the company and benefits then letting me sell myself. I guess they must have been turned off by me. Went in a nice suit, clean cut, etc. Why are employers so picky upon hiring? It wasn't like this in the mid-90s when litterly anyone after college got a good job and the works.

2006-12-22 06:02:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

I know that the wages are going up soon, but where can i find out what certain people should get. Averages even. (my boss is ******** me over i think)

Does this pay rise also apply to people between 16-18??

2006-12-22 06:00:30 · 5 answers · asked by Helios64 1 in Careers & Employment

Has anyone heard of buying houses for back taxes owed?? Is it legit?? Or are they homes that have been abandoned for years and need a lot of work!

2006-12-22 05:55:07 · 3 answers · asked by mamaexfour 4 in Renting & Real Estate

i need some manufaturer's gely ice maker machin name from europe such as germany , nederland ,etc.

2006-12-22 05:51:06 · 1 answers · asked by david_nikoo 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I'm looking to locate some lost savings bonds and am wondering where I can go to research and locate them.
Can it be done by someone's social security number? what are the options?

2006-12-22 05:46:12 · 2 answers · asked by David A 1 in Personal Finance

I have this very annoying boss who takes pleasure in making fun of me, either in private or in front of others. How do I deal with him?

2006-12-22 05:44:13 · 7 answers · asked by R C 1 in Careers & Employment

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