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Arts & Humanities - 14 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

I can't find the summary for it! i checked gradesaver.com and they don't have it. so can you please summarize what federalist paper is talking about and it's main point and stuff. please! it'll be a great help! thanks!

2007-08-14 12:25:11 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

my friend come working in Singapore. she learned piano and she afraid if she don't get practice will forget. So she wonder where can she pratice piano for free?

2007-08-14 12:17:53 · 6 answers · asked by chow 2 in Theater & Acting

2007-08-14 12:17:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1808.
John F Kennedy in 1908.

Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and kennedy in 1960.

Both lincon and kennedy were short dead in the back of there heads in front of their wives on Friday.

The killer of Lincoln and the killer of kennedy both were of same town and both died before they were brought to court.

Booth killed Lincoln in the theatre and ran to the car...
Oswald killed kennedy in the car and ran to the theatre...

The name of the PA of lincoln was kennedy and the name of the PA of kennedy was Lincoln.

The next president of U.S.A. after both was JOHNSON....!!!

2007-08-14 12:12:22 · 14 answers · asked by Sana 3 in History

I thought it was really lame. =[

2007-08-14 12:11:03 · 7 answers · asked by i like turtles 3 in Books & Authors

2007-08-14 12:10:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I have always thought about it and it confuses me a lot, maybe I'm just thinking too deep, but why do we have to live? Do you have a reason to live, if so, what is it? I don't have a reason to live. Don't worry im not depressed or suicidal or anything, im too scared to die haha.

2007-08-14 12:07:48 · 25 answers · asked by Meow~ 4 in Philosophy

2007-08-14 11:57:39 · 2 answers · asked by otello19@sbcglobal.net 1 in Painting

Hi I have come to a cross road in my family tree search and not sure what to do.

While searching i have came across the below how would i know which was my relative??



Christening: 14 NOV 1830 Ansley, Warwick, England

Mother: HANNAH


William Wright Male

Birth: 20 APR 1830

Christening: 10 MAY 1830 Birmingham, Warwick, England

Father: Charles Wright Family
Mother: Mary

I have no one else to tie either sets of parents to me.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation

2007-08-14 11:46:26 · 3 answers · asked by samw1984 1 in Genealogy

Does anyone know who actually came up with the wording for the sign?

2007-08-14 11:26:07 · 15 answers · asked by Dave H 1 in History

are there any songs in this play? if so what would be the best part for a saprono who can also sing some alto? or what would be the best for someone who likes to have center of attention parts or funny parts? whats the lead girl part!??


2007-08-14 11:26:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

Aside from a spouse or partner has anyone really impacted your life and motivated you to do something or move in a different direction?

2007-08-14 11:22:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Does anyone know any popular (or later popular) band that played at this venue crica. 1962-64?
My Gran used to go there with her friends, and most other girls were screaming at this band or person, yet she doesnt know who they were!
It mgiht have been beatles, Rolling Stones etc... I really dont know, If theres a website you could direct me to also, that would be great.

2007-08-14 11:20:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting


2007-08-14 11:19:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

you could always just be "normal" and give what you have to somebody who needs it, right (by the way, i am not rich, :))

ps) i have one more question i can't seem to find a satisfactory answer to. the issue of forgiveness; if you forgive somebody for how they have behaved, what they've said, etc, you're in no way obliged to keep them in your life, right (as friends)? thanx

2007-08-14 11:15:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Where to start - I'm stuck! Any help appreciated!

2007-08-14 11:11:24 · 2 answers · asked by Delay 5 in Books & Authors

hey. if anyone lives in HOWELL MICHIGAN, and you are an actor of some sort, please IM me on AIM [dudexitzxtyler]
please i need help on starting out.

2007-08-14 11:10:57 · 5 answers · asked by strandxtyler 1 in Theater & Acting

I have been trying so very hard to pursue a dream, my career and I come so close and then I get sent back down. I hate that I am now lower than dirt and feel like what is the point with even trying. I feel alone and feel like life is not really worth living. I am trying to keep the faith but I have been doing that for more than 5 years now and still with the same old life and doors slamming in my face.

2007-08-14 11:06:41 · 15 answers · asked by gamerchix 2 in Philosophy

1. all of v.c. andrews novels
2. all of mary higgins clark and her books with co authors

2007-08-14 11:02:23 · 1 answers · asked by silverrose252000 2 in Books & Authors

if you could do me a favor and tell me what it was about please cause i can't buy it right now : ]

2007-08-14 11:01:49 · 4 answers · asked by lydiasolis1993 1 in Books & Authors

Does anyone know if there is any sites that have a list of supernatural themed books. Or could someone suggest something besides the usual of dean koontz and such.

Thank-you in advance

2007-08-14 10:57:57 · 6 answers · asked by lilvampiregirl101 2 in Books & Authors

if those were the only choices.

2007-08-14 10:56:05 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I would like to have immortality but not in the sense that I would live forever, but in the sense that my name, my work and my acheivments would be remembered for hundreds and thousands of years and would inspire future generations.

People like William Shakespeare, Sir Isaac Newton and Leonardo Da Vinci have true immortality, don't you think?

2007-08-14 10:52:09 · 29 answers · asked by sprinter575 2 in Philosophy

I'm auditioning with Sins O The Flesh to play Janet Weiss in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I'm making a screen accurate costume and need to find a white church hat like Susan Sarandon wears during the church scene. It doesn't have to have the ribbon, I can add that on myself. Please don't refer me to eBay. I've already searched eBay up and down. Thanks.

2007-08-14 10:43:44 · 3 answers · asked by theteabegreen 3 in Theater & Acting

Gloria the seamstress,
Had a breaking down sewing machine.
One day when she was adding buttons to a coat,
The needle came out from where it had been.

Gloria the seamstress,
Burst into tears right there.
The two had been together for years,
And she had no other machine to spare.

So Gloria the seamstress,
Still in much distress,
Put on her nicest, blackest dress,
To mourn the loss of the machine she possessed.

“It’s time to let you go,” she said,
As she threw the machine in the trash.
She lit a match right on the box,
And watched the trash can burn to ash.

But just then, as she was crying,
She noticed a man at her door.
“Excuse me, madam,” he said rather sweetly,
“I’m selling sewing machines for only 144.”

Gloria looked at the burnt rubbish bin,
And thought about all the time the two has spent.
“No thank you,” she replied, remembering her machine ,
“For no one can replace my old friend.”

2007-08-14 10:41:07 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

Who sent the Howler to Petunia? And what did it mean "Remember my last, Petunia"?
I'm rereading it this summer and I can't for the life of me remember who sent it. I would just continue reading but I have to read required reading books for school now since my school starts in less than a month.
Pleas and thank you.

2007-08-14 10:35:15 · 15 answers · asked by Dusty DayDreams 6 in Books & Authors

Have you heard about the police officer that left his canince partner in his squad car to. And the dog died? Talk about a stupid cop.

2007-08-14 10:30:16 · 6 answers · asked by Belgariad 6 in History

2007-08-14 10:29:29 · 3 answers · asked by chris p 2 in Books & Authors

I have a play that I want to read excerpts from for a high school forensics (debate) meet. Its copyright warning says that I need to obtain permission from insert-adress-here. What sort of letter should I write to ask for permission, and what kind of red tape can I expect (I've had bad red tape experiences while getting past the copyright laws for our drama club play).

2007-08-14 10:28:32 · 4 answers · asked by petzjazz 2 in Theater & Acting

When I look at the world around me. I see lots of things that are redundant and unnecessary.
When it comes to mathematical models for predicting results, well I agree, the simpler the better.
But when it comes to theories that are trying to describe actual reality, getting rid of 'unnecessary bits' must be a mistake.

2007-08-14 10:28:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

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