I just posted a picture of a black hole on Flickr to see how they would rate its degree of "interestingness." I mean, it's a black hole, for crying out loud! As soon as I posted it, Flickr's algorithm decided that it was my 124th most interesting photo. This makes a picture of a black hole more interesting than 9 of my other pictures. Okay, I admit that most of the others are not very interesting, as they were taken for a reunion of sorts and they are just typical snapshots of the event, but a black hole...
The black hole to nowhere is more interesting than the road to nowhere.
Black Hole #124: http://www.flickr.com/photos/samfeinstein/1012467852/
Road into the woods #133:
How does Flickr decide what it "interesting?"
Where did they come up with an interesting word like "interestingness?"
You gotta love Flickr, though. It's run by real people, it seems.
6 answers
asked by
Picture Taker