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Arts & Humanities - 4 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

"Pain is something we cannot explain for it has no words. Anyone who knows grief knows that it stays. "

2007-08-04 16:16:30 · 7 answers · asked by the lioness 4 in Philosophy

In this revolving door
Am I forever trapped
The path to get out
Not yet mapped
Round and round I go again
Looking for my escapes
Repeating parts of my life
Unfortunately most of it mistakes
I know theres more
Outside this revolving door
Some of which I've seen before
Yet still no sign of escape
Round and round I go again
I see myself eye to eye
Asking the question
Will I get out before I die
Would I answer the question, no
Feel theres no time to slow
Round and round I go again
Very tired now
Need to escape
I know theres a way out
Of this horrible place
I'm determined to find it
Put my mind and body at ease
I can't wait to try out
Let me out of here please.

2007-08-04 16:09:44 · 4 answers · asked by kidfisher420 1 in Poetry

do you like my new pic?

(its a sheep!!!)

2007-08-04 16:06:32 · 7 answers · asked by Sheeeep! 3 in Other - Arts & Humanities

Please check out my photos and let me know if you have any suggestions on making them better. I am wanting to eventually wanting to become a photographer. Thank you

2007-08-04 16:00:22 · 6 answers · asked by capturedmomentsbylinda 1 in Photography

2007-08-04 15:50:31 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Visual Arts

Mind you, i am no weakling, but I do not want any weak moments ever again. Any suggestions?

2007-08-04 15:41:29 · 5 answers · asked by Pansy 4 in Philosophy

ok, I am 17 years old. My family is all set for me to go to college in the fall. One problem, I may be pregnant from a guy that left me after I told him that I am a lesbian. I am totally against abortion, but I don't want this baby, but can't see anyone but me raising it. After all, it is my blood. What am I going to do? Do you think I will end up alone? OMG..................

2007-08-04 15:36:46 · 29 answers · asked by Jules 2 in Philosophy


2007-08-04 15:35:28 · 14 answers · asked by Cheshire Riddle 6 in Philosophy

How much is enough?

2007-08-04 15:33:16 · 19 answers · asked by IslandOfApples 6 in Philosophy

How can I release the concept of the ego? It seems almost impossible. Also, does doing this contradict the "know thyself" sentiment, if there isn't a self?

2007-08-04 15:32:36 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

My last name is Batteiger and I have looked everywhere for its meaning and place of origin but I can't find anything on it. If someone could please tell me I would be so happy.

2007-08-04 15:30:35 · 3 answers · asked by kbatteiger 2 in Genealogy

2007-08-04 15:28:45 · 15 answers · asked by the_honorable_spm 2 in Philosophy

2007-08-04 15:17:32 · 18 answers · asked by Jules 2 in Philosophy

If not, wouldn't this imply that your consciousness today is proof of "life after death", or at least "life after non-existence"?

2007-08-04 15:13:35 · 10 answers · asked by tahojamon 1 in Philosophy

My hair is Blonde and curly/wavy. I need a new haircut and hairstyle can u please suggest some ideas 2 me.

2007-08-04 15:11:00 · 7 answers · asked by emolover 4 in History

It's like there was some central planning somewhere so that it felt like three or more out of the ordinary nuisances happened in one day. How is it that when a "bad day" happens all really does go bad? A bad day is when ordinarily oblivious people get on your case for no apparent reason.

2007-08-04 15:10:11 · 6 answers · asked by Pansy 4 in Philosophy

Right now I am living a big lie.... What's worse is I don't know if the one being affected most is me or my family. I don't know if being myself is worth potentially losing my family. But if I dont, I end up losing myself in the process.
Do you get me and are you going through something like this too?
How do you or would you go about it?

2007-08-04 15:04:31 · 11 answers · asked by Jules 2 in Philosophy

I'm VERY interesed in acting and I LOVE to act. I want some experience so that I could have a good acting career in the future. I'm 13 years old by the way.

2007-08-04 14:53:09 · 4 answers · asked by cantwaittillthefuture 3 in Theater & Acting

I'm not interested in stances, weather for or against. My question is what does morality have to do with what either biologicaly or psicologicaly appeals to you. Morals have to do with what is good or bad for society and how choices affect other peoples lifes. So if two conscenting adults 'choose' or 'are' gay, why is it a moral issue?

2007-08-04 14:52:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I am looking to buy my first guitar and I'm pretty sure I want it to be an acoustic. However I'm not sure if it would be best o buy a steel string. What are the advantages and disadvantages of steel strings as opposed to nylon strings?

2007-08-04 14:52:07 · 10 answers · asked by Agent 007 4 in Performing Arts

The youngest said ''daddy!''
he just ignored..
the oldest said ''daddy!,
..daddy im bored''
he yelled leave me alone.
-dont talk to me.
-get outa my house,
-and leave the key.
the gurls were homeless.
didnt no what to do
so they called there mom,
she said ''i dont wantchu!''
they sat under a bridge
cold and hungry
fell asleep in tears
saying daddy were sorry

2.) what can i do
to make this come true.
he is my everything
my nickname is boo.
he does not understand
i want this to last
i broke his heart once
he needs a cast
iv told him im sorry
he dont seem to care
**** this ****
lifes not fair.

2007-08-04 14:49:59 · 10 answers · asked by nicky 1 in Poetry

I'm trying to figure out what two colors go good together with black.Any ideas??

2007-08-04 14:49:16 · 18 answers · asked by ily<3 2 in Drawing & Illustration

Take my hand and lead me to your heart.
I want to feel your dreams that shine light in the dark.
Your smile caresses my soul and makes my life complete.
Your love has changed the way I feel; I am no longer me.
You have made me a follower in your angel parade.
You have given me wings to fly through each day.
I imagine us together for the rest of our lives.
We have so many memories and so many happy times.
To feel this way is something new.
I give my world, my life, and my heart to you.
I will never break a promise; I intend to keep all.
If you are ever in need I will not let you fall.
The truth of the matter is that I love you.
Forever and always my love will be true.

It's for my BF :)

2007-08-04 14:46:13 · 14 answers · asked by Susan 3 in Poetry

I just posted a picture of a black hole on Flickr to see how they would rate its degree of "interestingness." I mean, it's a black hole, for crying out loud! As soon as I posted it, Flickr's algorithm decided that it was my 124th most interesting photo. This makes a picture of a black hole more interesting than 9 of my other pictures. Okay, I admit that most of the others are not very interesting, as they were taken for a reunion of sorts and they are just typical snapshots of the event, but a black hole...

The black hole to nowhere is more interesting than the road to nowhere.

Black Hole #124: http://www.flickr.com/photos/samfeinstein/1012467852/

Road into the woods #133:

How does Flickr decide what it "interesting?"

Where did they come up with an interesting word like "interestingness?"

You gotta love Flickr, though. It's run by real people, it seems.

2007-08-04 14:40:57 · 6 answers · asked by Picture Taker 7 in Photography

2007-08-04 14:39:48 · 9 answers · asked by ruby 2 in History

2007-08-04 14:38:26 · 19 answers · asked by the_honorable_spm 2 in Philosophy

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