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Arts & Humanities - 4 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

"If you care, don't let them know, don't give yourself away"

Thank you for your answer! :) Have a wonderful weekend! :)

2007-08-04 02:42:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

i have been drawing on & off all my life, i think its about time i tried digital art. i need a cheap, basic drawing tablet so i can harness the full capacity of photoshop, paintshop pro etc.
As i will be learning i dont want to buy a new one yet. I have alredy looked on ebay. Anyone know where i can find what i need to keep up with technology in my love of life-drawing?

2007-08-04 02:38:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Drawing & Illustration

I recently read Plato's "Republic", and more specificaly, the simily of the cave. I reflected on what he was trying to say...and I came up with this analogy for life using my experiance at McDonalds:

During the day at McDonalds, the only thing that is important is making burgers quickly, not running out of meat patties or fried products, and keeping the kitchen clean. At the end of the day when I go home, I couldn't care less about being more efficient at work.

Is this life wasted on things that we think is important to us now, only to realise that reality lies outside of life itself? If we are those tied to the posts, looking only at this world and the pleasures of wealth, are we not all guilty of being ignorant prisoners of ourselves?

2007-08-04 02:36:21 · 9 answers · asked by carabatzis_2000 3 in Philosophy

For anyone who's self published a book who did you use as a service and what was your experience with them? Not as far as sales afterwards, just during the production phase, were you happy and feel like you got good service, or was it a nightmare? Thanks to all in advance.

2007-08-04 02:33:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

2007-08-04 02:30:18 · 25 answers · asked by rebecca s 1 in Philosophy

Its called, A Soldiers Way..........
Where are you America I long to be ,
My wonderful home across the sea ,
Where is my home I can no longer see
Where all my friends are waiting for me.
I miss you all so very much....

2007-08-04 02:21:53 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

since i was 5 i always wanted to be a vet, but suddenly 2 years ago i heared that acting was a great job, most of the time. im good at memorizin scrips, the only problem is that im a little shy..but im very determined...on the other hand i absolutley love animals and i have seen a vet operate a dog and im not bothered by blood.. so which job should i take?

2007-08-04 02:19:48 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting


Virtual comedy

Who are these day dreamers,
Spider web weavers,
Tangled in a language,
They barely understand,
Expressionless bumblers,
Affectionless stumblers,
Begging for praise,
Trapped in a maze,
Of mindless keystroke mumbling.


I must apologize in advance to everyone whom this will offend. This one is dedicated to whomever it is that keeps flagging me. To my friends…the new situation is growing. There will soon be a real virtual coffee shop.

America was built by men who did their business in the open air, face to face, hand to hand. There was no need for a written agreement, as long as the secretary recorded the transaction.

When you decide that someone else does not deserve a voice because what they have said offends you, it is YOU that has offended. Free speech is the only real freedom. It costs money to buy a gun, a newspaper or to start a church.

Richard Brotbeck

2007-08-04 02:10:20 · 6 answers · asked by TD Euwaite? 6 in Poetry

i have my views what are your's - a blind, deaf and dumb person is locked in a empty room all their life, regardless of informalities like needing food. does this person percive things have thoughts or see things in their mind. does it have the concept of colour hunger pain love lust etc. how will it ever communicate. (please no pinball wizzard jokes).

2. look at your table, describe it. is it really how you see it, whats the colour of this tables, the shade, are you sure go to another angle the light shines differently so it appears a different colour correct, how do you know its a table if i sit on it doesn't it make it a chair or working on a chair does it make it a table. whats the texture you may say smooth yet a microscope will prove it to be rough.

3. why do we have noses that run and feet that smell

4. do you exist, what do you exist at, are you sure, is what you experience reality, or is anything as it really seems

5. do i exist, or am i a mellicant demon fooling u

2007-08-04 01:59:54 · 9 answers · asked by wierd and wounderful world of me 5 in Philosophy

...and it's "Your" turn to say grace now, "You" have the floor...

...please begin...?

2007-08-04 01:57:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I want my picture have 300 dpi, but donot change it size. When adjust in Photoshop, it change its size and it is not meet the requirement in my homework. Can you have me?

2007-08-04 01:50:51 · 5 answers · asked by nguyen h 1 in Photography

2007-08-04 01:46:34 · 17 answers · asked by MariaAntonietta 4 in Philosophy

The clock stops ticking. I
Stand her listening
to what?...nothing.
My black suit covers my
Exhausted body. The
Color describing
The event
Before my return. I
Cannot hear you, though I
Can feel your presence,
Though I know your
Existence is well beyond
My reach. Where have you gone?
Answer me...aren't you
Thankful that I've
Witnessed your departure-that
I cared for where you
Disappeared into
Mid-light? Did you
See me? Erect upon the
Grass, not lying adjacent
To you? Did your wish
For my warmth to
Bring life to your flesh? The life
I would have given you,
Was what you desired
Of me? How can
The darkness commingle with
The light? I do not, and
Will never exist
As you did. My
Jar of life is filled with filth
From my garden. The
Clock stopped ticking this
Very hour. Make
It tick once more. I wanted
You, I needed you. Your
Light is gone. The clock
Stops ticking. I
Stand her. I listen.

2007-08-04 01:44:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anthony C 4 in Poetry

My great grandfather was Francisco Espina, he was a lawyer from Spain, intermarried with a Cebuana. That was from my Mom's side. My Dad's side has Kapampangan and Tagalog heritage. What makes me then?

2007-08-04 01:34:51 · 8 answers · asked by Brian_Galang 4 in Genealogy

2007-08-04 01:27:14 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

If we choose to not use our genitalia for its natural purpose - i.e. procreation - what does this mean?

Can we accept it as being the norm for not choosing to use what was given to us to use by nature? For example, homosexuality. However, if one suffers from infertility and thus cannot procreate, what does this mean? If one argues that homosexuals are useless by nature since they choose to have gay sex, it can be argued that a person who suffers from infertility, too, are useless. Or anyone in general who chooses not to have children.

Is our purpose in life to procreate, hence our genetilia ?

2007-08-04 01:17:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

what are the present family oriented traditions ?????like in old days when kids kiss their grandparents hand but know they only say hello and don't even kiss thier hand already!!!!!!!
in the philippines?????????????????
please help me??????????

2007-08-04 01:12:29 · 2 answers · asked by no__one 1 in History


Those golden days of sorrow-filled adoration
Along the canals and in the forests
Vastly lost on God’s estate,

Waiting for you in an ancient cafe
A half glass of aged Madeira
The old fear that you may no show

But then, around the bend
Into refracted cathedral light
You carried grief to me.

Your face, a too-often read story
Of how things wouldn’t be
And I half listened, studying your radiance

Cheviche and uneaten truffles watched
As I argued for us-- and you said no,
Then disappeared into cobblestone shadows

I learned gilded lessons of love and isolation
And left us in the past for thinner-rooted places,
Thin promises of new days.

Love and mourning twist in the traditional way,
Pulling me back to a café on the river
To see you again in Siena.

2007-08-04 01:07:11 · 4 answers · asked by ObscureB 4 in Poetry

2007-08-04 01:05:06 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

how can you know is you are right , at least you are on right way in your life ? .
how you know if your regletion is right . or at least to be sure

2007-08-04 00:54:35 · 3 answers · asked by mostafa s 1 in Other - Arts & Humanities

Enasics is posted at http://wwf.totalh.com

I like to know - Whether it is meaningful or nonsense?

2007-08-04 00:51:57 · 3 answers · asked by The Knowledge Server 1 in Philosophy

i dont see what the big deal is with the childs face, people tell me they see her face then dont, i see her face, it doesnt go away...am i suppsed to look closer?

2007-08-04 00:47:15 · 3 answers · asked by M 3 in Painting

Which of the Deathly Hallows would YOU choose?

2007-08-04 00:44:01 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors


Few ques about the 7th HP book?
How can Voldemort fly?
Who death was the sadest?
What did you think of the ending?
Hermione and Ron-was it too obvious?

2007-08-04 00:42:35 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

How easy to read and can you recomend a version of it as there are so many to choose from.

2007-08-04 00:26:09 · 8 answers · asked by angel eyes 3 in Books & Authors

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