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All categories - 19 December 2007

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I mean look, Hardly any questions being asked.

2007-12-19 13:17:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Australian Rules

What do you make of the following case?

A person moves into the city and rents a room after obtaining a job at a restaurant. The landlady allows her niece to move in without notice after she decides to leave her home town to finish school. She comes down and forces herself on the landlady. The woman begins beating and verbally abusing the three-year-old daughter immediately. There are twenty-one incidents counted in less than two weeks. The matter is mentioned to the landlady by the new resident, who has been there less than one month and did not expect this lady to move in.

The landlady sides with her niece and insists that she'd 'cut off the child's hands herself' if she keeps going into items at the grocery store. One late afternoon the new resident comes home and goes downstairs to avoid the chain-smoking, verbally abusive, -oriented and Internet crazy woman yelling at her child. She goes downstairs and begins to work on an art project, with the radio on full blast to drown out the sounds of the yelling. The niece starts to beat the three-year-old. The new resident runs upstairs and tells her to stop doing it, to distract attention. Her cell phone is upstairs along with her uniform and her keys, shoes and purse are downstairs. There are no locks on any inside doors, no way out of the basement and she'd have to return downstairs to get her things.

The niece begins slapping and pushing the new resident after an exchange of words, mostly insults with no meaning. She yells, pushes and gangs up on the new resident, not allowing her to leave. They are located in the front living room. The niece has the phone by the computer, which is behind her. She pushes the new resident twice against a loose shoe rack against the wall, which nearly falls on her. The niece slaps and threatens to kill the new resident.

She gets away and grabs a glass. She tells the niece to get away from her or she will hit her with the glass. The niece jumps her, pushes her head into the hardwood cement floor (which leads later on to a concussion), busts her knees open and it starts bleeding and after a struggle with the niece on top, the new resident gets up and gets away and strikes the niece on the head three times after she (the niece) lunges at her. There is little difference in the strength, body size and physical makeup between the two as described.

The niece grabs a towel and the phone. She is bleeding. The child screams. The new resident tells her she is going to the police and goes upstairs and then downstairs to get her things and then leaves, walking two kilometres to the police station. She reports the matter to the police who tell her to return to the resident, wait outside and then they will come. They agree that it was necessary and they are worried for the child because of the niece's actions towards her. The new resident returns after a quick stop at a convenience store and is unarmed. The police arrest her and take her in, charging her with assault with a weapon.

The defense counsel agrees that it is self-defense but that is 'was excessive'. The crown prosecutor pays to have the woman brought down, but has no idea what the 'weapon' was, believing it to be a beer mug or a tea cup. There is no motive. The defense concludes that they have little evidence and no motive. There is no presentation of physical evidence, no doctor's reports, no eyewitness accounts, no samples, no pictures, no police present at court, etc. just the niece who has healed completely with no damage or physical scarring. The crown prosecutor is convinced she was struck ten times but there is no evidence to support this claim. What do you make of this case?

2007-12-19 13:17:42 · 0 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

Do you know any libel lawsuit attorney who is willing to take cases in contingency-base, and represent the plantiff? It should be around Los Angeles metropolitan area.

2007-12-19 13:17:41 · 4 answers · asked by Saranghae 1 in Law & Ethics

I don't care if Christians feel all special and better than atheists, but why do they want to convert us so bad? They can do all the "good" things and go to Heaven but they try so bad to "prevent" us from Hell. Before they blame other people I think they should make themselves a better example. I don't think they should try to force it on us.

Atheists are the most untrusted minority in US(vote). 10% of ppl in US are atheists and 75% Christians. Only 0.2% of jail population are atheists. Christians have MUCH higher crime rates than Muslims or other religions, meaning most criminals are Christians. And yet JUST because we lack god in our lives we can't hold office in 11 states, blue laws exist, and atheist boys can't join Boy scouts. Christians try to control science educations and teach bibles instead in schools, Bush Senior says that he doesn't see why atheists should be considered citizens b/c USA is ONE NATION UNDER GOD.

We aren't bad people, and yet we get treated so unfairly

2007-12-19 13:17:32 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-19 13:17:28 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I am a female and want to join the Army, I cannot decide between a Military Police or a Medical education. I am 22, I am willing to dedicate 4-6 years of life and am willing to travel to Iraq (yeah I know I will end up doing it anyways!) I want my military education to transfer into a civilian world. Waht do you suggest, medical or law enforcment?

2007-12-19 13:17:24 · 12 answers · asked by Big B 1 in Military

i will be baking: snickerdoodles; choc. chip; oatmeal/butterscotch & thumbprint...want to make sure they are fresh for christmas day & beyond :) thx

2007-12-19 13:17:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

i sent a reply to a girl i like when she asked how i am. weve become quite friendly
this is the reply:

'im good, but dont worry about me. good to hear your'e happy lol. i just have a few important things to take care of this evening. have a nice day, well whatevers left of it lol'

is it a good reply?

2007-12-19 13:17:12 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

how come regular airbrushes are like 100 something, but on ebay, theres some for only a dollar. do you think that there gonna rip me off if i buy one? cause i really want one.

2007-12-19 13:17:05 · 3 answers · asked by whereami? 1 in Hobbies & Crafts

I (used to) live in western connecticut (west= yanks fans, east= sox fans) and Im a Yankees fan and a Patriots fan. I grew up with my family being Yankees fans and kinda Patriots fan.
Lol, is this okay?

P.S. Patriots almost moved to Hartford, CT a few years ago

2007-12-19 13:16:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Football (American)


2007-12-19 13:16:57 · 0 answers · asked by pembertonkaleem 1 in Languages

just for fun. any site that combines the mom and dad picture?

2007-12-19 13:16:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Internet

Hello, all:

I apologize if this question has been asked before, but a search turned up no similar questions.

Up here in Canada, Coke Classic disappeared from our shelves quite suddenly a few months ago, replaced with a product labelled as just plain "Coca Cola". It tastes different, and we don't like it very much.

I haven't been able to find anything on the Internet about this change, or why it happened so suddenly and without any publicity or fanfare. If anyone can shed some light on this mystery, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to respond.

2007-12-19 13:16:45 · 11 answers · asked by prairiecrow 7 in Non-Alcoholic Drinks

i have a few of demos downloading, so i wanted to know if they would still download when my ps3 is suspended....please help me

2007-12-19 13:16:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in PlayStation

I (used to) live in western connecticut (west= yanks fans, east= sox fans) and Im a Yankees fan and a Patriots fan. I grew up with my family being Yankees fans and kinda Patriots fan.
Lol, is this okay?

P.S. Patriots almost moved to Hartford, CT a few years ago

2007-12-19 13:16:27 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Baseball

my family r Irish but sum 1 told me its a welsh name

2007-12-19 13:16:24 · 6 answers · asked by minni 3 in Genealogy

thankyou thankyou (:

2007-12-19 13:16:22 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Ethnic Cuisine

Ok, so im kinda short on money....is it wrong to sell stuff i get as gifts from family and friends?

2007-12-19 13:16:19 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

im not sure, but im open minded for it but lol i swear i believe i jus have the worst luck all the freaking time

2007-12-19 13:16:14 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know that Christians usually disdain from references to the late John Lennon, but he most often referred to the late great St. Thomas More in his music. But here is the real question. Do Christians really think that atheists hate them? Because , I for one do not. My mission, as it has always been, is to show some of my fellow humans that there is some other way than what our parents told us about. You don't have to believe in god. You only have to believe in yourself, and with that grace, bestow upon your fellows good works.
What do you think?

2007-12-19 13:16:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I have way too many knives. Kitchen, fishing, hunting, fillet, etc.. and can't keep them all sharp. Do you own a tried and true gadget for sharpening knives that really works? Does it put an edge on straight blade knives without destroying the knife? It seems like new knives are really hard to sharpen anymore. The name of your miracle gadget would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you!

2007-12-19 13:16:07 · 14 answers · asked by farm-gal 4 in Hunting

Is it a good model, do you thik $1.300 is a good price.

2007-12-19 13:16:01 · 1 answers · asked by Quatro 5 in Laptops & Notebooks

“That lack of restrain arises from the lack of an inner core of faith emerges from Conrad’s continual linking of evil with hollowness and of goodness with devotion to or belief in something.”
this is a quote i have to compare two characters to and relate. I already have the hollow character (obviously) Kurtz here is what i have

Kurtz is a man, who in spite of his genius and lofty idealism is "hollow at the core." If put in relation to the quote, this hollow man ruthlessly kills Africans, steals their natural resources in order to forward his own goals for rising in the company and in the world, and presents himself as a deity to be worshiped by the natives, and there for there is a relative connection between hollowness and evil.

Im thinking of making Marlow the not hollow character but how could i relate that to the theme of goodness with devotion or belief in something? where is the link?? Does Marlow have something he strongly believes in that could prove the statement about good

2007-12-19 13:16:00 · 2 answers · asked by harryfreek304 1 in Quotations

Who do you think are better?

2007-12-19 13:15:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

2007-12-19 13:15:52 · 8 answers · asked by Mz. Massachusetts 5 in Polls & Surveys

Are there any online churches, or organizations of some kind that would donate or loan someone in need money to pay bills? I am in desperate need. I'm broke from medical bills and can't work because I'm very ill, and I can't get welfare because I'm not a pregnant single mother. I am so frustrated. Where can I go for help? I can't really get out, that's why I'm hoping for an online solution.

2007-12-19 13:15:48 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

like, if their avatar is wearing a bandana, do you automatically think hippy?

2007-12-19 13:15:45 · 42 answers · asked by emily-182 3 in Polls & Surveys

fedest.com, questions and answers