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All categories - 19 December 2007

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Hi, ive heard, is jamie lynn spears pregnant?

2007-12-19 13:20:31 · 31 answers · asked by ILoveDogs101 1 in Celebrities

Temporary changes in inflation lead to adjustments in the price level, What causes permanent increases in inflation and why?

2007-12-19 13:20:23 · 2 answers · asked by Jason 1 in Economics



2007-12-19 13:20:15 · 3 answers · asked by ESSJ 2 in R&B & Soul

like, not the color itslef, but the name, can anyone give me some? the name has to sound good, too.. tks!

2007-12-19 13:20:14 · 3 answers · asked by tanjellokiwi 3 in Drawing & Illustration

2007-12-19 13:20:05 · 6 answers · asked by Tigri ♥ Ventola 4 in Polls & Surveys

Can Halo 3 or any other Xbox 360 game be played on the original Xbox because I don't want to pay for it

2007-12-19 13:19:55 · 7 answers · asked by Therese P 2 in Video & Online Games

Is photography your main job, or just side work to bring in a bit more money? What is it that you do you do for a living?

2007-12-19 13:19:47 · 13 answers · asked by electrosmack1 5 in Photography

Obvioulsy it's MUCH harder to be accepted into University of Michigan than Michigan State, so therefore wouldn't a doctor from U of M be better/smarter than a doctor from MSU in the same field? Wouldn't a Harvard grad be better/smarter than a doctor who graduated from Central Michigan University?

2007-12-19 13:19:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)

_____ I know this is probably odd receiving a card from someone who acts like a grinch all year round but this year I felt like spreading some Holiday Joy. Trust me, I'm baffled too :) Anyways, just wanted to wish you a wonderful holiday season and a great new year.

He's been my manager for 2 years and I know him but not too well. At my job, I'm known as a B-Word by some people but not by him (at least I hope not lol) He's cool and we get along really well and I think he gets how I am.

2007-12-19 13:19:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Christmas

2007-12-19 13:19:46 · 13 answers · asked by It's MIRANDA!!!! 4 in Polls & Surveys

What can I do about it? :(

2007-12-19 13:19:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Or maybe both?

2007-12-19 13:19:36 · 11 answers · asked by Bob Loblaw 7 in Hockey

What do you make of the following case?

A person moves into the city and rents a room after obtaining a job at a restaurant. The landlady allows her niece to move in without notice after she decides to leave her home town to finish school. She comes down and forces herself on the landlady. The woman begins beating and verbally abusing the three-year-old daughter immediately. There are twenty-one incidents counted in less than two weeks. The matter is mentioned to the landlady by the new resident, who has been there less than one month and did not expect this lady to move in.

The landlady sides with her niece and insists that she'd 'cut off the child's hands herself' if she keeps going into items at the grocery store. One late afternoon the new resident comes home and goes downstairs to avoid the chain-smoking, verbally abusive, -oriented and Internet crazy woman yelling at her child. She goes downstairs and begins to work on an art project, with the radio on full blast to drown out the sounds of the yelling. The niece starts to beat the three-year-old. The new resident runs upstairs and tells her to stop doing it, to distract attention. Her cell phone is upstairs along with her uniform and her keys, shoes and purse are downstairs. There are no locks on any inside doors, no way out of the basement and she'd have to return downstairs to get her things.

The niece begins slapping and pushing the new resident after an exchange of words, mostly insults with no meaning. She yells, pushes and gangs up on the new resident, not allowing her to leave. They are located in the front living room. The niece has the phone by the computer, which is behind her. She pushes the new resident twice against a loose shoe rack against the wall, which nearly falls on her. The niece slaps and threatens to kill the new resident.

She gets away and grabs a glass. She tells the niece to get away from her or she will hit her with the glass. The niece jumps her, pushes her head into the hardwood cement floor (which leads later on to a concussion), busts her knees open and it starts bleeding and after a struggle with the niece on top, the new resident gets up and gets away and strikes the niece on the head three times after she (the niece) lunges at her. There is little difference in the strength, body size and physical makeup between the two as described.

The niece grabs a towel and the phone. She is bleeding. The child screams. The new resident tells her she is going to the police and goes upstairs and then downstairs to get her things and then leaves, walking two kilometres to the police station. She reports the matter to the police who tell her to return to the resident, wait outside and then they will come. They agree that it was necessary and they are worried for the child because of the niece's actions towards her. The new resident returns after a quick stop at a convenience store and is unarmed. The police arrest her and take her in, charging her with assault with a weapon.

The defense counsel agrees that it is self-defense but that is 'was excessive'. The crown prosecutor pays to have the woman brought down, but has no idea what the 'weapon' was, believing it to be a beer mug or a tea cup. There is no motive. The defense concludes that they have little evidence and no motive. There is no presentation of physical evidence, no doctor's reports, no eyewitness accounts, no samples, no pictures, no police present at court, etc. just the niece who has healed completely with no damage or physical scarring. The crown prosecutor is convinced she was struck ten times but there is no evidence to support this claim. What do you make of this case?

2007-12-19 13:19:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Would you let your 14 year old son watch a movie with the rating:
Answer yes or no, explain if you want
-Strong Violence, language, drug content and brief nudity?

-strong language, violence and disturbing content

-perverse drug content and some language

-language and sexuallity

-Violence and brief language

I'm not naming the movies, so just by your best judgement

Copy and paste to answer.

2007-12-19 13:19:01 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Grade-Schooler

and why is it that so many club members have gone on to become president?

2007-12-19 13:18:48 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-12-19 13:18:45 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

this is what it says....

In 1-4, find the probability of getting the given result when two number cubes are rolled.

1.a sum of 4
2.a sum less then 6
3.a sum of 7 or 11
4.a pair of 5s

2007-12-19 13:18:45 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

First alot of my answers disappear then they reappear. I'm forgetful enough. Afew were gone so long I had forgotten all about them. They just came back the past hour. My profile has the wrong best answers amount.

OH well, alls well that ends well we are led to believe. I am going to take this opportunity to wish you all "Happy Holidays". My son will be picking me up shortly to spend christmas with them, so I won't be back until the 27th. Have alot of good questions on here when I get back as always and some good jokes. Peace and Comfort!

2007-12-19 13:18:38 · 14 answers · asked by Star doodle 2 in Senior Citizens

Do you think the answer is because we all have been living in an "Altered state of consciousness" ?

Do you think someone else is living their live through us; robbing us even of using our own common sense?

What say you all?

2007-12-19 13:18:31 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-19 13:18:20 · 6 answers · asked by Bryant A 2 in Earth Sciences & Geology

And there are Many here....

2007-12-19 13:18:03 · 4 answers · asked by conundrum 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-12-19 13:17:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-12-19 13:17:53 · 2 answers · asked by isabel 3 in Earth Sciences & Geology

Here's the catch though you are stuck with them in that house for a whole year. Lol.

2007-12-19 13:17:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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