Please help me here. I am struggling to keep alive right now. I tried to commit suicide a few months ago and those feelings are lingering and worse. First, my mother, she is driving me insanse..most negative person you would meet always convincing in her secretive ways that my husband doesnt love me, wants divorce, and is messing around. I have an autistic son 12 who has not a clue whats up but I protect him the best I can from it. My husband always thinks I cheat on him, etc. but I have done of the following. I take off hours at a time to be alone and cry to myself as I am not one to do it in public or let anyone see me like this. My hubby lost his job recent and its been stressful and he has made me juggle everything. Its hard for me as I am on disablity with advanced lupus and the pain is unreal. My group of freinds left me right when I went through the suicidal thing because one mad up a lie about me and the others believed. The one I thought would never leave me has now
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