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All categories - 27 November 2007

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Do yoou feel fine, rexalxed ynurved, thoughts creeping across the top of the head, Wondering is this my moment now,

2007-11-27 11:20:28 · 10 answers · asked by 40inApril 2 in Mental Health

I got this from EBSCO HOST Research Databases
This is what I have so far but I think I need to cite it under database status.
Leary, Warren E. “Craft Nears Venus to seek Global Warming
Clues.” New York Times 2006: 155, 53545, A12-A12.
Thanks for the help anyone. I hate citations they are so complex and difficult I think they are stupid because they frustrated me everytime.

2007-11-27 11:20:22 · 2 answers · asked by the worr e ore 5 in Quotations

Also, what is on it, besides the meat, I mean?

2007-11-27 11:20:09 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

it is getting spark and plenty of fuel

2007-11-27 11:19:55 · 5 answers · asked by bmosher1985 1 in Dodge

hey im thinking about moving out of the states like to australia, what have yall heard about australia? (climate, people, language, jobs etc,) what do yall think about it?

2007-11-27 11:19:40 · 6 answers · asked by jordyn 1 in Other - Australia

Who supplies Iran with their nuclear material?
I have heard that China and Russia give them nuclear things.

Any link would help

2007-11-27 11:19:33 · 3 answers · asked by spartan080692 2 in Current Events

bleeding out

I try to stop myself from crying,
But I can't cause my tears are now dead.
I can now cry on your command,
Until both of my eyes start to bleed

I can stare at my own reflection,
And watch as you're laughing at me.
I pretend in my mind I would kill you,
But I'd rather it was me dead instead.

I crave your touch,
I need your kiss.
You make me bleed,
I wish I would fall in love.

2007-11-27 11:19:32 · 10 answers · asked by The Dark Prince 3 in Poetry

With the help of a fertility specialist, a 65 year old woman has a baby. All her relatives come to visit and meet the newest member of their family. When they ask to see the baby, the 65 year old mother says, "Not yet."

A little later they ask to see the baby again. Again the mother says, "Not yet."

Finally they say, "When can we see the baby?"

And the mother says, "When the baby cries."

So they ask, "Why do we have to wait until the baby cries?"

The new mother says, "I forgot where I put it."

2007-11-27 11:19:17 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

When 87 octane is $3.15, 89 is $3.25, and 93 is $3.45, why does 91 cost $3.42, not $3.35? Why is the jump so high? Is there a good reason, or are the oil companies just sucking us dry?

2007-11-27 11:19:07 · 6 answers · asked by wendy 1 in Mazda

He is a great pitcher, but I don't think the yankees should waist their future on trading for Johan and then signing him to a mega-bucks extension. I'd rather have Phil Hughes, Joba Chamberlain, and Ian Kenndey pitching in their primes with the yankees (3-5 years) than have just Johan putting up good numbers every year for the next 5 years.

In this question, I want you to factor in that Johan has pitched in Minnesota all his career. The yankees have tried to buy world championships in the past when they traded for Javier Vasquez in 2004. However, he was inconsistent in the second half. The yankees tried to right those problems by trading for Randy Johnson a couple years back but he couldn't get it done in the postseason. When the Mets first signed Tom Glavine, he struggled his first two years in the big apple before finally coming around.

Yankees fans: Evaluate this question based on risk vs. reward

2007-11-27 11:18:55 · 6 answers · asked by Brian B 6 in Baseball

its comes out weirdishly REDDDDDD help!!!!!! pleaseee someone tel mee!!!

2007-11-27 11:18:53 · 4 answers · asked by sunsshiinee 1 in Cameras


I found this stuff at Bath & Body works that is HEAVENLY!

2007-11-27 11:18:48 · 14 answers · asked by MamiZ fa shizzle! 4 in Polls & Surveys

Jesus was the WORD...right?

The only WORD that existed was TORAH at the time of Jesus Arrival. He was an OLD TESTAMENT SCROLL, walking, living and breathing.

So when you reject the OT, but say "Jesus was the WORD" , you are saying "I'm a democrat" "But I LOVE those Republicans!"

Anyone see the LOGIC?

I'm sure Paul quotes are being readied to justify your Torahless lives. But lets keep it to Jesus, the OT scroll. Paul wrote to specific groups, and you apply it to your lives cuz its convenient. If Paul was in America, would he write a letter on how damn holy you all are and that you need to stop living such a legalistic life? Or say "REPENT!!!"" ?

So, no Paul just for once.

2007-11-27 11:18:46 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Complete with roller skating ladies?
I overheard some people in the store saying that. Wouldn't that be a trip down memory lane?

2007-11-27 11:18:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

We would love to adopt a child rather than to have our own. Not because we don't want to have our own... but we both realize that there are so many MANY children overseas AND in the US that will grow up mentally damaged because there was no one around to love them. And rather than bring another child into the world to raise, we would love to raise one that is already here. The only problem is the cost. We really do not want a child from the US because the judicial system has given adopted children back to birth mothers before. If we go through with this, we would not be having any biological children and do not want to deal with being separated with our adoptive children. There are so many children in Russia that go insane from not being hugged or held. Why can't we adopt one for the cost of raising and loving a baby of our own? I don't mind paying for air-fare, health, compensating the orphanages, etc. But is there any way to do this without losing everything we have? Thanks!

2007-11-27 11:18:44 · 11 answers · asked by Elise 4 in Adoption

2007-11-27 11:18:39 · 21 answers · asked by throw_away_your_television_2 6 in Polls & Surveys

its a 70's or 80's song ......

2007-11-27 11:18:24 · 4 answers · asked by chikodacarpenter 1 in Other - Music

Does anyone like not go past making out anymore these days?? How long do you wait? And anyone that does not go past making out in a relationship? I'm talking about ages 18 and under

2007-11-27 11:18:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I'm 16 and I got a traffic ticket, I was caught on the radar at 78mph according to him. I'm usually a perfect driver but the road was completely deserted and I decided to go 75-80 in a 55 zone. The officer gave me a ticket for 65 in a 55, but wrote this under the "remarks" area of the ticket:

"Remarks: 77-78-78 m/R"

in light pencil. My dad will be much more understanding if I just show him a ticket for 65/55 but he's a lawyer and I'm sure he will know what the remark means. I'm assuming it means he had me on radar at those speeds.

I was wondering if I can just erase what the officer wrote there, without getting into trouble when I bring it in to court? Or if I'm wrong in what that actually means then please correct me.

2007-11-27 11:18:13 · 14 answers · asked by cams19 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

If so, what breed is it?


2007-11-27 11:17:49 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

i have knee pains when i bend it on my left side. sometimes it just kinda collapses. i sometimes where a knee brace and it kinda helps. anyone know whats wrong?

2007-11-27 11:17:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

ok. the girl of my dreams just broke up with me because she said that she is not ready for a boyfriend just yet. so rite now we are back to being good friends. this crushes me because i like her a lot lot lot and care about her super lot! i think this could work out but she is not ready.. do u think she could still be my dream girl?? or should i just stay friends and keep looking?? i want to wait but i also dont want to miss any opportunities if she decides that were not meant to b. my heart is telling me to wait and be there for her wen shes ready but my mind is telling me to let go and find another girl. idk wat to do.... please help!!!!

2007-11-27 11:17:33 · 27 answers · asked by Anthony I 2 in Singles & Dating

im sorry, please dont insult me. im just a HUGE fan! a stalker is someone who tracks you down! why would i track her down!?!?!?!?! its not like i can ever find her! i just want her number or email. please dont call me a stalker. im only 12. give me a break.

2007-11-27 11:17:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Celebrities

i have had alife long problem with bad breath and am finally going to the dentist i dont know how severe it is but i know that its not normal has anyone had a life long problem and ever been to the dentist? what has happened

2007-11-27 11:17:21 · 4 answers · asked by Liana P 1 in Other - Health

where you live??

no snow here :(
only rumors

2007-11-27 11:17:17 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys


2007-11-27 11:17:03 · 4 answers · asked by Christie 1 in Chemistry

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