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All categories - 18 November 2007

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Looking at t he TSX
It seems like the pre-owned cost is not really that much lower than a new car.
A new car costs about 30,000.
Looking at the kelly blue book value (not what the dealership wants)
For instance a 2005 tsx has a kbb value of 26,340.
Is it worth 4,000 to buy a new tsx?

2007-11-18 10:50:22 · 7 answers · asked by Philip Augustus 3 in Acura

How effective is the control freak shampoo,conditioner and serum from tigi bed head?


2007-11-18 10:50:17 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair

Ever feel like there is something you are HERE to do.
Here on earth, living.
Not here on Y/A, lol.

I've always felt, for as long as I can remember, that something is waiting for me in Paris.

My dream is just to go and stand on top of the Eiffle Tower.
Like something is waiting for me there.


2007-11-18 10:50:14 · 3 answers · asked by ♥L4tM♥ 5 in Polls & Surveys

Hello everyone well I met a really nice man on Craigslist ( i know what your thinking, but dont) it kind of all started out as a joke for the both of us because we were both with friends just fooling around on the site. Well him and I started talking and he let me know he's from Detriot and he's now a federal agent in California. I really find him interesting and he sprung the news to me that he's Muslim. I strongly beleive in 1 God and my beleifs are strong as well as my whole family. I have always learned not to judge anyone but this is rough for me. He says he still practices Islam but he is always going down town and he drinks and he eats at Mexican restaraunts and such which from what little I know about Islam is there are strict regulations when i comes to meat.

Him and I are both Lebanese Americans which is rare finding in So Cali but I dont wanna let this one go. I respect his beleifs but I cant beleive the same things...any Suggestions?

2007-11-18 10:50:12 · 26 answers · asked by ImperialCountyQueen 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Write a word equation for:
a) A gas causes a glowing splint to burst into flames reacts with sugar to produce water and gas that turns limewater milky.

b) Sodium metal reacts with water to produce sodium hydroxide and a gas that reacts explosively to a blazing splint.

c) Natural gas(mathane)burns in oxygen to produce one product that turns limewater milky, and a second product with fixed points of 0 degrees Celsius and 100 degrees Celsius.

2007-11-18 10:49:56 · 1 answers · asked by Zayka 1 in Chemistry

It is a site that donates rice through the UN to help stop world hunger. Try it at www.freerice.com

2007-11-18 10:49:53 · 7 answers · asked by Alex W 5 in Polls & Surveys

...or the most thumbs down?

Shall we give it a try?

2007-11-18 10:49:34 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Tonight just wanna do something nice for my man not looking to go to the store just wanna entertain him with what I have at home and then love making after words. We will be drinking wine and stickestof the sticky also.

2007-11-18 10:49:34 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertaining

2007-11-18 10:49:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys


2007-11-18 10:49:19 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

I need help. I need a acting scene from a play with two guys and one girl. The scene needs to be about 8-10 mins. Any ideas? Thanks!

2007-11-18 10:49:17 · 2 answers · asked by Jay C 1 in Theater & Acting

And such an intelligent concept!
If it is "a fact", could there be an "Intelligent Designer" behind it?
Why or why not?

2007-11-18 10:49:09 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

i have
amerigel wound dressing
baking soda/water mask
hydrocortisone cream
retin A/tretinoin

i figred the vitamins in retin A (tretinioin) would speed the healing
if not too late its on now

what should i do for tonight

should i put some amerigel and bandage it off?

tell me what you would do

i cant but cream on tom. cause its on my face.... and school...
but when i get home what should i do
what about tom. night?

10 ptnsz for help

2007-11-18 10:49:07 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

I love listening to Christmas music when I'm putting the tree up and as I wrap Christmas gift.

2007-11-18 10:48:54 · 13 answers · asked by BethS 6 in Christmas

2007-11-18 10:48:51 · 16 answers · asked by I don't know 2 in Boxing

I am a guy and I am getting Breast's and they look like a womans, also my penis is getting smaller also I am getting wider hip's, I am not over weight and do not use any type of drugs, What is Happening to my Body

2007-11-18 10:48:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Men's Health

The day before Halloween, I received a text saying "Angel you have a beautiful face and I would like to touch it." Well I thougth the text was from some one else. So I texted come see me Halloween night to check out my bad side. I was just joking around my husband knew about the text and that I text back.
Well It turned out not to be who I thought it was. Its a man from CA. He has been in the states for two years prior to that he was raised in Nigieria. He said it was Mystic that he got my number by mistake. I told him I was married and would not be messing around. We live miles and miles apart anyway. So he ? if we could msg on My Space. So I got his my space first and checked it out and know we talke every night.
Mostly about different traditions, work, and what happen during R days. My husband thinks he wants something from me but we live miles apart. I think he is knew to the states and just want someone to converse with. My husband/son r watching TV so is it wrong?

2007-11-18 10:48:39 · 9 answers · asked by zzyra 2 in Singles & Dating

This is getting ridiculous! Or has it always been this ridiculous? Congress members get more days off in a year for holiday's than I will get in a lifetime! Why is this even allowed? I work full-time 5 days a week and part-time 6 days a week. Does congress even come close to this? Even if they did that is still no reason for this criminal waste of time, our country is in trouble and these as*holes are laughing and relaxing in their million dollar homes. A law needs to be passed that would change members salaries to equal those in the poor-middleclass brackets, this money could be better spend just about anywhere but here. How can we the people get a law like this passed? And back to the holiday's, I would say Congress should get the same amount of days off as USPS postal workers get, this seems fair. Its so obvious that being in Congress is more of a career and profit thing, then it is a working for the people thing. Other than violence. What can be done here? This has gone on too long

2007-11-18 10:48:35 · 11 answers · asked by ? 3 in Government

I need help as this is totally destroying my social life. I have bad body odor. Before someone accuses me of not being hygenic, I can take 3 baths or showers a day (usually I take 2) and still smell MUCH worse than someone else who only baths every other day.

Obviously I don't smell it myself but the reaction I see from other people is undeniable even though it took me a couple of years at first to realize people were not joking on me. I've probably had this condition ever since my teen or puberty years.

What help if anything is for this problem, the obvious things like deodorant don't seem to help me.

If I wear completely new clothes and shoes, after sleeping on new sheets, and taking a couple of showers with new towels, that may buy me about an hour of smelling normal but after that I become repugnant again!

2007-11-18 10:48:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Health

that figures out the sq ftg of rooms


2007-11-18 10:48:34 · 2 answers · asked by caligirl2 2 in Renting & Real Estate

Don't you think that this means someone will come ??

if Jesus wants to say that no one will come after him he will just say "I am the way, the truth and the life, nobody comes to the Father"

2007-11-18 10:48:32 · 9 answers · asked by abouterachess 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Ok, I Have one Computer, Two Monitors, two keyboards and two mouse's, how can i make two computers out of one? i have dual processor, i have a graphics card in the back of the computer for one screen, the motherboards socket for the other screen, and my mouse and keyboards are USB, so i still have the old sockets available, first problem is how can I get my computer to allow the motherboards monitor socket to work while the gfx card is in use? also once i have both monitors working, how will i get it so its like two diff comps?

2007-11-18 10:48:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Monitors

Do you agree or disagree?

2007-11-18 10:48:27 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I live near Boston, home of the Red Sox, Patriots, and the Dropkick Murphy's, and near where Matt Damon grew up! Go Boston!

2007-11-18 10:48:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Hens teeth?

2007-11-18 10:48:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-11-18 10:48:01 · 13 answers · asked by Karlos V 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Inspired by a song written by Alan Jay Lerner.

2007-11-18 10:47:52 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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