This morning I awoke to find the ankle on my male rat's left back leg horribly swollen. He won't walk on it, though he only seems bothered by it when it is straight. I'm very worried, and not sure what to do. There are no bones protruding anywhere; the swelling is very consistent the whole was around his ankle.
If there is anything a vet could do(other than just tell me that he sprained it) I have no problems taking him. But he is still young(around 11 weeks, I believe) so I don't know what all could be done for him.
Does any one have advice on ways to help him myself, or should I just go ahead and take him? About what would the cost be of having him checked out?
Any help at all would be really appreciated, I'm very worried about my little boy...
4 answers
asked by
Toni S