I heard from another employee yesterday and today that my manager is talking s*** behind my back. My MANAGER! Can you believe that? I have worked in many places and have never heard of a manager being so immature. Anyway, I went up to her and asked her why she was talking about me behind my back and she denied it (of course), and then said she asked me to do stuff and I told her no. I have never told her no, I once told her that I was still working on something else and I would get to it if I could but I always do what she tells me. So the argument went on and she sent me home (by the way she argued with me in front of a customer, very unproffesional). I know she can't fire me because there is another manager above her but I know that she will get ahold of the general manager before I do and my side of the story may never be told. Can they fire me because I asked my manager why she talked about me behind my back? I work tommorow, what should I do?
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Other - Family & Relationships