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All categories - 15 November 2007

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i was thinking that it would be cool to store my games in the hard disk, so i dont have to get uncomfy getting off of my bed to change the disc, it is possible? thank you!!!

2007-11-15 15:07:36 · 5 answers · asked by 2late2be 3 in PlayStation

2007-11-15 15:07:32 · 5 answers · asked by OOOOOOOOO 1 in Credit

I have this code:

int readConfig(char *IP, int *p, char Myfile[]){
char dir[32];
char pto[32];
char c='a';
FILE *fp;
int i=0;

return -1;
while(c!=EOF && c!='\n'){
if(c!=EOF && c!='\n'){



while(c!=EOF && c!='\n'){
if(c!=EOF && c!='\n'){

strcpy(IP, dir);
return 0;

and the file contains this information:

Well, when I print the IP value, this is the result

How can I do for fix it??? I want that only print: IP:


2007-11-15 15:07:18 · 3 answers · asked by yo 1 in Programming & Design


There is this girl that I know of, and her boobs are so droopy!! they almost touch to her belly button. I want to help her, what should she do? Push up bra.. or what? How did she get droopy titties anyway?????

2007-11-15 15:07:15 · 23 answers · asked by Tran N 2 in Women's Health

So my boyfriend and I recently split up "over distance" (1000 miles distance) but then I found out he actually broke up with me because he met a girl who he "connected with" better. I had not seen him in 2 months, and would not see him for another 2 or so. I guess he had only known her a week before he broke it off with me (6 months) and started dating this other girl. While they seem to be pretty "compatible", my question is...is it infatuation? Do relationships really happen that quickly? Is that even normal? I don't think I'll ever get back together with him now, but I'd like to hear some opinions on this frustrating situation. I think some clarity on it would just help.

2007-11-15 15:06:45 · 5 answers · asked by Persephone 2 in Singles & Dating

I have found a dog that I would like to adopt on the Adopt-A-Pet website that is run in conjunction with the RSPCA. I was wondering if anybody would know the cost of adopting a dog through them and what the process is.

2007-11-15 15:06:35 · 6 answers · asked by funkymonkey 1 in Dogs

I live in the northern part of California and want to join peace corp when I am 18. But never volunteered before.
Is there like a website/ myspace that have like environmental volunteering maybe?

2007-11-15 15:06:33 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Community Service

2007-11-15 15:06:25 · 12 answers · asked by srsly 5 in Religion & Spirituality

who is your favorite person in americas next top nodle and y?
i like
heather chantel the sa,e and jenna a little less
and then salesh and then lia and then biana
who thinks this same?

2007-11-15 15:06:18 · 6 answers · asked by livelaughlove 2 in Reality Television

Most of the people may have inhibition to do health checkups for many reasons like fear,cost involved,etc.

2007-11-15 15:06:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

We will eventually die someday....
Do we reborn?
Do we go to "Heaven"?
Or do we just get burried in the ground and never think of anything?

2007-11-15 15:06:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My grandmother is 66 and has been suffering with a variety of illnesses. The possible symptoms are: severely enlarged spleen, leg numbness (possible neuropathy from diabetes,) leg swelling (sometimes severe), mini stroke, increased appetite, fatigue/energy loss, short term memory loss (can't remember a phone call five minutes previous), indigestion, severe hot flashes, occasional diarrhea, some sort of foot fungus, and pulmonary edema. Other conditions she's had/has included congestive heart failure, diabetes, OCD, and anxiety/panic attacks. She's been tested for both anemia and leukemia, both results negative. She gets frequent blood transfusions, and even though she has O+ blood, it's difficult to find a match due to some abnormality with her antibodies.

Any ideas are extremely appreciated. Her doctors have been less than helpful thus far and I'm hoping someone out there can figure out what's wrong and help her. Thank you

2007-11-15 15:06:10 · 4 answers · asked by Megan 1 in Other - Diseases

....representitive elements

2007-11-15 15:05:58 · 1 answers · asked by tinygirl0207 1 in Chemistry

You think most people would want their kids to know these kinds of things for the future. Unless people want their kids to go out and kill, lie, envy, cheat on their partners, and disrespect their parents for the rest of their lives. Oh no, I would much rather learn to do stuff like factor functions that I will never us again in the real world...

2007-11-15 15:05:50 · 35 answers · asked by Luekas 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I have to agree with the political team after the debate that Hillary really came out swinging. After seeing how she intelligently attacked, i am ashamed of all the posts I have been reading by Hillary bashers here on YA.

2007-11-15 15:05:45 · 16 answers · asked by Michael M 6 in Politics

I went to the drive through and asked what muffins were sf and she said she has a corn muffin that was. On the DD website it does not list that they have sf corn muffins or any sf stuff.:/

2007-11-15 15:05:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fast Food

the only books that i have ever read and liked were odd thomas and forever odd by dean koontz and im going to read the 3rd one soon...so what book do you think i should read im kind of looking for something like those but idk

2007-11-15 15:05:38 · 12 answers · asked by ev867 1 in Books & Authors

My son has a neopet online but its dying of hunger? HOw do I feed this thing? (which is kinda strange becuase it says its content too?)

2007-11-15 15:05:38 · 4 answers · asked by Old Wise One 3 in Toys

that there are no atheist in he77-
does that make you feel better that you dont have to worry about it now?
any thoughts--thanks for any answers-smile and enjoy the day

2007-11-15 15:05:19 · 20 answers · asked by lazaruslong138 6 in Religion & Spirituality

is there an herbal or a better alternative to help with panic attacks other than being on medication?? i have been on paxil for 6 or 7 years and i dont want to be on it forever! any suggestions?

2007-11-15 15:05:03 · 5 answers · asked by CHEEKY 3 in Mental Health

There is one guy I know, and for some reason I always find myself being mean and awful to him. As in very, VERY mean--I told him to kill himself, which is awful because he actually tried that once. I cry when I write these things to him, but I can't stop myself even though he's an amazing person who's done nothing to me. Everytime, he takes me back and acts like it's his fault, and tells me sorry for causing ME pain, even though he starts crying too.
So can someone please, please tell me WHY I'm so awful to him and WHY he's so nice to me?
I know I sound like a *****, and I probably am one, but this is driving me crazy because I don't want to hurt him.

2007-11-15 15:04:48 · 37 answers · asked by LisaM 2 in Singles & Dating

people dont have a good sense of humor ? like you try to say something funny and then give you that weird look like WTF ?

2007-11-15 15:04:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

2007-11-15 15:04:43 · 3 answers · asked by jessicka 1 in Languages

can you call a phone number with dsl or is it like hi speed. with hi speed you need voip. i send a lot of faxes from my pc and i need call phone numbers.

2007-11-15 15:04:42 · 5 answers · asked by Richard M 2 in Computer Networking

I'm taking a intro to Macintosh computer next semester because I'm thinking about minoring in Graphic (Commercial) Art and for all the classes you need to know MAC. I've always worked with a PC with windows on it and only used the old macs back in grade school that had the humogous floppy disks. I know MACs are better for designing then PCs, but what else sets it apart and makes it so expensive? Also, how do you computer process on a MAC? Can the MAC run Office? I know they might be dumb questions, but when you go up on PC there's things you don't know. Thanks!

2007-11-15 15:04:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Computers

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