I posted earlier, I'm 38 wks. I lost my m.plug last week and for the past couple of hours been having bloody show, it feels and looks much different than mucus plug. I'm very crampy, but not steady hard contractions. This is my 5th baby and yes, it will be a c-sec, but wondering what comes next? Since I've had c-secs with others, never really got to go into labor on my own, so this is sort of new. Do reg contraction start immediately for everyone else or could it be later on tonight? Husband on night shift tonight, so want to wait till for sure need to go to hosp. Will my water break? Like I said, never been through the beginnings of this before. Having lots of menstral cramps, but waiting for the regular hard as a rock contractions. Trying to soak it all in and enjoy this last little bit, since it will be my last baby. What is the general timeline for these things and how did it happen for you? As I said, it's definately bloody show, not mucus plug, -
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