Here's the long and short of it.
I got rearended. The person drove off and I got their plates. I went to the police station and reported it. That person got pulled in for DUI and Hit and Run.
I called the insured to settle without getting insurance involved (my insurance agent said it was fine). The insured's lawyer called my agent and said they will pay me X amount of dollars if I sign a waiver.
So I sign the waiver and sent it back Thursday. My agent calls me today and says that the agent said my signature was not legible.
So I said screw it, the deal is off. I'm going to court and I'm going to make sure this lady is prosecuted. Since the lawyer was bluffing and trying to buy time, he changed his mind and said "oh, you know what, it is legible." I said "too late, you had your chance to settle."
He says to me "I have your signature right here, if you try to pursue this we will sue." I said you had your chance, but you stalled and thought lying would work.
Case or no?
9 answers
asked by
Bada Bada
Law & Ethics