I'm an ex-JW and can tell you that you haven't seen the fine print.
JW's do not hold Christian doctrines. They do not believe in the crucifixion (they believe Christ was executed on a telephone pole-like torture stake). They do not believe in the divinity of Christ; they say He is actually Michael the Archangel. They do not believe in the personhood of the Holy Spirit; for them, the Holy Spirit is "God's active force", like electricity.
They use cultish tactics to control their members, but naturally you will not learn of any of this until you convert.
I could go on and on but it's late and I'm tired. Send me any questions if you like.
God bless.
2007-10-29 16:11:08
answer #1
answered by Danny H 6
They believe and teach what Jesus taught rather then the Roman Empire/Church adopted after Christ died. Because Jehovah's Witnesses will not adopted the same pagan believes that originated from Egypt as the major churches have done they are labeled by them as a 'cult' to scare people in believing they will go to a fiery hell.
Search: Pagan Trinity Athanasius Egypt
2007-10-30 10:09:52
answer #2
answered by keiichi 6
If you want to get a truly unbiased opinion of Jehovah's Witnesses, and many other religions, please either buy the book "Religions in America" by Leo Rosten, or check it out from your library.
This book is a compilation of the different beliefs of many religions as presented by representatives of that religion.
You can learn about the Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, and many more.
It is a must have for anyone who would like to learn a non-biased view of the many religions all in one book.
You will find many statistics too.
Great book, try to read it.
Or you could just go to this link.
2007-10-29 23:09:11
answer #3
answered by Tim 47 7
As you will see from some of the other answers, a lot of Christians do not believe that JWs are Christian. Newsflash - they believe in Christ (it doesn't matter whether he was divine or human), therefore they are Christian, whether they believe in the trinity or not, they are just a different branch.
AS you will also see above, there are many differences in the core beliefs ie the cross and the ideas of heaven and that just seems to stick in some Christians' craw.
I guess the real reason is that a lot of people just don't like an other religion shoved down their throat, which they see happening with the JWs witnessing or doorknocking. It's actually quite funny that some Christians get upset at that and then see it as perfectly ok to witness their particular faith to other people who might not want it
2007-10-29 23:15:00
answer #4
answered by Evieve 5
Jehovah's Witnesses are relatively unique among self-described Christians in that they understand the Scriptures to teach that God's Kingdom by Christ Jesus is a real government which will soon replace all earthly governments.
(Daniel 2:44) God of heaven will set up a kingdom... It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite
That Kingdom will rule over the vast majority of mankind, most of whom will have been raised from the dead after Armageddon.
(John 11:23,24) Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”
(Acts 24:15) There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.
Until that resurrection, there is no suffering in "hell", or the grave. Sometime after the resurrection, death and "hell" will themselves be destroyed.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all
(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]
(Revelation 20:14) And death and Hades ["hell"] were hurled into the lake of fire
While a limitted number of humans will be resurrected to heaven to share in ruling over mankind, the vast majority (literally more than 99.9%) of Jehovah's Witnesses expect an EARTHLY hope, the same hope given to Adam and Eve.
(Genesis 1:28) God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill THE EARTH and subdue it [caps added]
(Genesis 2:17) You must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die [so never eating from that tree means never dying]
Interestingly, the Scriptures are full of references to this earthly hope.
(Psalms 37:11) 'the meek will possess the earth'
(Proverbs 2:21) 'upright will reside in the earth'
(Isaiah 45:18) 'God formed the earth to be inhabited'
(Matthew 5:5) 'the mild will inherit the earth'
(Revelation 21:3) The tent of God is with mankind
Learn more:
2007-10-30 13:58:26
answer #5
answered by achtung_heiss 7
The best way to learn about Jehovah's Witnesses, is to attend the meetings at their Kingdom Hall......these meetings are open to the public and no donations are ever taken.
You are cordially invited! Please don't let some of the negative answers stumble you.
2007-10-30 01:14:10
answer #6
answered by sugarbee 7
Actually there are too many things to list here. I suggest you ask your friend for a bible study so you can be together and enjoy each others company.
The negativity is powered by Satan and has to be tolerated. It will be brought to an end when he and his demons have been destroyed.
One of the biggest differences is our house to house preaching of the Kingdom, as Jesus did it and commanded us to do also.
PLEASE! Give your friend my love........Agape! (Christian love)
PS You can learn a lot from our website
2007-10-29 23:09:55
answer #7
answered by Initial contact 6
I started studying the religion, just out of curiousity and politeness, and found immediately that it was simply, at every turn, refuting every doctrine held by the Catholic church. I politely turned them down when I realized that all they wanted to do was bash the Catholic faith. I never told them that though. I also investigated several other faiths, and none of them were as vociferously against the Catholic church as they were. The person that was teaching me was an ex-Catholic, so maybe that's why.
Most of the time when I've met them the meetings have been amenable, but sometimes, they are just wanting to put down the doctrine of the Trinity and the idea that people shouldn't have the Pope.
There was an old lady standing on my porch arguing with me and practically yelling: "The POPE is ONLY a MAN!!!!"
I told them to take me off of their list. They're not right in the head.
2007-10-29 23:15:21
answer #8
answered by Shinigami 7
If you want an honest answer, then go straight to the source...
You should ask your friend about his/her faith as well.
You will notice that such negative views propagate around here as well.
- Bob
2007-10-29 23:04:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
exactly the same says the bible in Acts 28:22 "But we think it proper to hear from you what your thoughts are, for truly as regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.”
they were truly christians but people used to talk against them, exactly the same with JWs.
we don´t request 10% of the salary as many churchs request cause we learnt in the bible that is incorrect tolie to people and take their money.
Bible is God's Word and is truth 2 Tim. 3:16, 17; 2 Pet. 1:20, 21; John 17:17
Bible is more reliable than tradition Matt. 15:3; Col. 2:8
God's name is Jehovah Ps. 83:18; Isa. 26:4; 42:8, AS; Ex. 6:3
Christ is God's Son and is inferior to Him Matt. 3:17; John 8:42; 14:28; 20:17; 1 Cor. 11:3; 15:28
Christ was first of God's creations Col. 1:15; Rev. 3:14
Christ died on a stake, not a cross Gal. 3:13; Acts 5:30
Christ's human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans Matt. 20:28; 1 Tim. 2:5, 6; 1 Pet. 2:24
Christ's one sacrifice was sufficient Rom. 6:10; Heb. 9:25-28
Christ was raised from the dead as an immortal spirit person 1 Pet. 3:18; Rom. 6:9; Rev. 1:17, 18
Christ's presence is in spirit John 14:19; Matt. 24:3; 2 Cor. 5:16; Ps. 110:1, 2
We are now in the 'time of the end' Matt. 24:3-14; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; Luke 17:26-30
Kingdom under Christ will rule earth in righteousness and peace Isa. 9:6, 7; 11:1-5; Dan. 7:13, 14; Matt. 6:10
Kingdom will bring ideal living conditions to earth Ps. 72:1-4; Rev. 7:9, 10, 13-17; 21:3, 4
Earth will never be destroyed or depopulated Eccl. 1:4; Isa. 45:18; Ps. 78:69
God will eliminate present system of things in the battle at Har-Magedon Rev. 16:14, 16; Zeph. 3:8; Dan. 2:44; Isa. 34:2; 55:10, 11
Wicked will be eternally destroyed Matt. 25:41-46; 2 Thess. 1:6-9
People God approves will receive everlasting life John 3:16; 10:27, 28; 17:3; Mark 10:29, 30
There is only one road to life Matt. 7:13, 14; Eph. 4:4, 5
Human death is due to Adam's sin Rom. 5:12; 6:23
The human soul ceases to exist at death Ezek. 18:4; Eccl. 9:10; Ps. 6:5; 146:4; John 11:11-14
Hell is mankind's common grave Job 14:13, Dy; Rev. 20:13, 14, AV (margin)
Hope for dead is resurrection 1 Cor. 15:20-22; John 5:28, 29; 11:25, 26
Adamic death will cease 1 Cor. 15:26, 54; Rev. 21:4; Isa. 25:8
Only a little flock of 144,000 go to heaven and rule with Christ Luke 12:32; Rev. 14:1, 3; 1 Cor. 15:40-53; Rev. 5:9, 10
The 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God 1 Pet. 1:23; John 3:3; Rev. 7:3, 4
New covenant is made with spiritual Israel Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:10-13
Christ's congregation is built upon himself Eph. 2:20; Isa. 28:16; Matt. 21:42
Prayers are to be directed only to Jehovah through Christ John 14:6, 13, 14; 1 Tim. 2:5
Images should not be used in worship Ex. 20:4, 5; Lev. 26:1; 1 Cor. 10:14; Ps. 115:4-8
Spiritism must be shunned Deut. 18:10-12; Gal. 5:19-21; Lev. 19:31
Satan is invisible ruler of world 1 John 5:19; 2 Cor. 4:4; John 12:31
A Christian ought to have no part in interfaith movements 2 Cor. 6:14-17; 11:13-15; Gal. 5:9; Deut. 7:1-5
A Christian should keep separate from world Jas. 4:4; 1 John 2:15; John 15:19; 17:16
Obey human laws that do not conflict with God's laws Matt. 22:20, 21; 1 Pet. 2:12; 4:15
Taking blood into body through mouth or veins violates God's laws Gen. 9:3, 4; Lev. 17:14; Acts 15:28, 29
Bible's laws on morals must be obeyed 1 Cor. 6:9, 10; Heb. 13:4; 1 Tim. 3:2; Prov. 5:1-23
Sabbath observance was given only to Israel and ended with Mosaic Law Deut. 5:15; Ex. 31:13; Rom. 10:4; Gal. 4:9, 10; Col. 2:16, 17
A clergy class and special titles are improper Matt. 23:8-12; 20:25-27; Job 32:21, 22
Man did not evolve but was created Isa. 45:12; Gen. 1:27; Matt. 19:4
Christ set example that must be followed in serving God 1 Pet. 2:21; Heb. 10:7; John 4:34; 6:38
Baptism by complete immersion symbolizes dedication Mark 1:9, 10; John 3:23; Acts 19:4, 5
Christians gladly give public testimony to Scriptural truth Rom. 10:10; Heb. 13:15; Isa. 43:10-12
for example of "hate" EDGE has seen many verse of the bible that he "Doesn´t like" but are in his bible and we accept it but he doesn´t, if you see check my answer to him.
2007-10-29 23:01:55
answer #10
answered by Anonymous