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All categories - 30 August 2007

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Could you please explain how you come to an answer with the following problem:

(A) 2/3 + 5/6 + 11/12 and

(B) 2 3/4 + 1 1/5

Thank you so much for your help! I'm stuck and my son and I are going nuts trying to figure this out.

2007-08-30 09:50:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

In Congress, Clinton was thwarted by the reactionary conservative majority in virtually every attempt he made to pass legislation that would attack al Qaeda and terrorism. His 1996 omnibus terror bill, which included many of the anti-terror measures we now take for granted after September 11, was withered almost to the point of uselessness by attacks from the right; Jesse Helms and Trent Lott were openly dismissive of the threats Clinton spoke of

2007-08-30 09:50:29 · 17 answers · asked by justgoodfolk 7 in Politics

The picture is great on the Dynamic setting, I just wanted some input on contrast, brightness,..etc...settings, if anyone noticed a better picture from changing the settings theirselves.

2007-08-30 09:50:16 · 2 answers · asked by Brad M 1 in Home Theater

i am a college student interested in a waitor/busing job. I am a cook right now and i have friends making loads more of money being a waitor/waitress. any recomendations of where i should apply?

2007-08-30 09:50:14 · 2 answers · asked by Brian D 1 in Food Service

I have a sign on my door to please take off your shoes before entering my home. I have an enclosed porch with a runner that I vacuum & a rug to put your shoes on. They NEVER take their shoes off! I have a baby I put on the floor to play, plus I've recently spent a lot of money have my carpet & furniture professionally cleaned! I also feel as if there is no respect in regards to the way I am raising my 3 1/2 year old and 3 month old. My father actually laughs at me because I research the saftey of products ie... car seats, beds, etc, plus use positive parenting and not using foul language around them or even just words I don't feel are appropriate. He says, me and my siblings turned out just fine, so I must just be over protective. They even went so far to arrange to do something special with him, but would not tell me what until they got here to pick him up. They took him 2 hours away. I feel they did that for fear I wouldn't let him go. There is so much more, that's just some.

2007-08-30 09:49:58 · 49 answers · asked by dravensmama1216 1 in Parenting

2007-08-30 09:49:56 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Halloween

Everyone I graduated grammar school with has children...some even rite after freshman year. I mean...I'm happy for them..but they keep asking me when I'm gonna have kids.." I'm like wtf??...I'm not ready 4 dat ****!!!!!!!why do u think people feel like a baby is the coolest accesorries??

2007-08-30 09:49:54 · 35 answers · asked by sourrockoner 1 in Adolescent

be honest, nothing about personality [like if theyre nice] because in this situation, you haven't talked to the girl yet. oh, and what are major turn offs at first glance too.

2007-08-30 09:49:52 · 28 answers · asked by lovealltrustfew 2 in Singles & Dating

I would have to say yes. They should definatly lower it to 3 or even 2 games only. The chances of a player getting injured are just too high druring a 4 game preseason. Plus i am sick of ESPN analyzing preseason football like its the Super Bowl.

2007-08-30 09:49:31 · 20 answers · asked by Ben 6 in Football (American)

Ship is registered in Bermuda. If you can't change your name on legal documents (license, social security etc) until you get the actual wedding certicate from Bermuda, is your legal name the one you use before your at sea wedding or after your weding date?

2007-08-30 09:49:18 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cruise Travel

2007-08-30 09:49:09 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Drama

They are ususally good looking, self absorbed...they get by on those things and take no responsibility for themselves. They don't need God or spirituality because THEY are God! Do any of you get frustrated by these people?

2007-08-30 09:49:00 · 33 answers · asked by NONAME 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I received a message in my inbox today from another user on Yahoo Answers. I've never received hate mail or mail from users telling me I needed to be "saved" or anything so I was surprised when it read:

Subject: you are a courageous woman

Message: I was looking over profiles for people that answered the question about richard dawkins
and you had a 360 so I took a look.

hense the statement, you have courage

I wish you well

I just had to share, because the message really made me giggle. Although this is not intended to poke fun, it's the first message of this nature that I have ever received.

2007-08-30 09:48:48 · 32 answers · asked by Christy ☪☮e✡is✝ 5 in Religion & Spirituality

are most of your mates from the same faith as you? If you have friends from other religions, which ones, and what if anything have you learned from them and about their beliefs that you find interesting?

2007-08-30 09:48:40 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm not going to lie, this is my first brand new car. I've always run my car through car washes and never really taken the time to wash it myself.

The dealer said not to run it through a regular was for 30 days.

What am I going to need to ensure I wash my car without scratching it?

What are the best name-brand items?

2007-08-30 09:48:35 · 10 answers · asked by Bada Bada 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

My theory is because girls have more of a tendency to "care." Girls "care" more because they have the natural instinct to "care" for children..... If anyone could tell me a better theory or explanation, that would be cool. I don't need to do this for school or anything. It just came up out of my own curiosity.

2007-08-30 09:48:35 · 11 answers · asked by Kelly 4 in Psychology

I saw on the news today, that there is a chain of pizza stores called "Pizza for Pesos" that accepts pesos as payment. Looks like we are one step closer to becoming part of Mexico.

2007-08-30 09:48:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I’m a single guy in my mid-40s. I have had a couple of fairly serious relationships. It seems that dating gets harder and harder as I get older. I do have many close friends-female and male. I was born an only child, but absolutely hate my family. They all live about a thousand miles away from me. I force myself to visit once every 7-10 years, but I hate it. My mother told me that she didn’t want any more kids because she didn’t want to bring anyone else into this “hell of a family.” I am told that I am attractive and smart-that I am decent guy. One friend named her firstborn child after me. I have a decent job. I also belong to a religious organization, and I am a leader in it. I like women, but I just don’t deeply connect—in the way that I would like to.

2007-08-30 09:48:26 · 10 answers · asked by nakedtruth 3 in Singles & Dating

My math teacher today was handing out interims and she said that it was a hard first five weeks. Then she said that one parent had come in early one morning to ask if "their darling little child" could be moved to advanced math. she said that she said "well she wasn't recommended".

I knew that she was talking about me and I am slightly disgusted with her choice of words. Darling little child? Really! and she said that in a sort of annoying tone, and that just made me feel a little angry and I KNOW that I was recommended for advanced math for this year, and i especially hate it how she said it in front of the entire class.

do you think that she was rude or i am just sensitive?

2007-08-30 09:48:19 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

Why is it that everytime i attempt to display my beliefs in either class or anywhere else in general, i always get some crap about "Jesus is the only way, you MUST go to him, believe in him"? What if i dont want to. In school, if we are having a religious DEBATE, why do we get ridiculed for being different? Why are we hated so much? Do christians hate us so much that they feel like they MUST make us believe in their religion? I have no religion, and i desire none. I do not want any scripture in your replies, so please save yourself some time, it means nothing to me. O, and did anyone see who wrote the bible? they were "inspired" by god. did anyone see them inspired? i can point out so many flaws... so any input in this thought process will be used approperately. I do not discriminate, so feel free to take whatever side you want :D
thanks. \m/ ^_^ \m/

2007-08-30 09:48:17 · 39 answers · asked by killing_loneliness 2 in Religion & Spirituality

All the kennels are full and I've got to go out of town! I live in Manitowoc WI :)

2007-08-30 09:48:16 · 11 answers · asked by girlnextdoor409 5 in Dogs

2007-08-30 09:48:14 · 74 answers · asked by ? 3 in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-30 09:48:12 · 5 answers · asked by MishMash [I am not one of your fans] 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I am doing research on a law for class, since my sister and I are going through this right now, it's been going on for almost three years, I decided to research the laws about our rights. With this knowledge, we can confront our lawyer with strong, hard facts.

2007-08-30 09:48:08 · 5 answers · asked by ltlnvlfern 1 in Law & Ethics

Did bombing win it? Did living in fear? I realize that some were scared and built bomb shelters and McCarthy was runnning around paranoid.

2007-08-30 09:48:04 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This was a pretty Cheesy 80's film, but scared me as a kid.

2007-08-30 09:48:02 · 2 answers · asked by SAMHAIN 4 in Movies

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