Why is it that everytime i attempt to display my beliefs in either class or anywhere else in general, i always get some crap about "Jesus is the only way, you MUST go to him, believe in him"? What if i dont want to. In school, if we are having a religious DEBATE, why do we get ridiculed for being different? Why are we hated so much? Do christians hate us so much that they feel like they MUST make us believe in their religion? I have no religion, and i desire none. I do not want any scripture in your replies, so please save yourself some time, it means nothing to me. O, and did anyone see who wrote the bible? they were "inspired" by god. did anyone see them inspired? i can point out so many flaws... so any input in this thought process will be used approperately. I do not discriminate, so feel free to take whatever side you want :D
thanks. \m/ ^_^ \m/
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Religion & Spirituality