I am a substitute teacher, and I am covering a trig class on Friday. The teacher of this class is in the hospital and she didnt leave any work. I found the questions in a book, but there a no answers.
(1) Given the angle a and the radius r, to find the length of the subtending arc.
(a) a=0degrees 17 minutes, 48 seconds, r= 6.2935.
(b) a=121 degrees 6 minutes, 18 seconds, r= 0.2163
Given the length of the arc L and the radius R, to find the angle subtended at the center.
(a) L=.16296, R=12.587.
(b) L=1.3672, R= 1.2978.
Given the length of the arc L and the angle A which it subtends at the center, to find the radius.
(a) a= 0 degrees, 44 minutes, 30 seconds, L= .032592.
(b) a= 60 degrees, 21 minutes, 6 seconds, L=.4572.
4.A railroad curve forms a circular arc of 9 degrees, 36.7 minutes, the radius to the center line of the track being 2100 feet. If the gauge is 5 feet, find the difference in length of the two rails to the nearest half-inch.
Thank u
6 answers
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