Liberals suffer from a number of maladies and delusions, but a couple are painfully obvious:
First, it seems that not only are they incapable of taking care of themselves, they cannot comprehend why they should be FORCED to take care of themselves. They are terrified of everything that is not pre-processed, homogenized and approved by an official governmental entity.
Then there's guns. Guns terrify many of them. That someone might actually own a gun sends them running to the therapist for Prozac and grief-counseling - it propels them into a state of hysteria. So, according to liberal logic, because they themselves are incapable of handling firearms, so too must every other American be incapable - therefore, the only sensible thing is to ban them and hope the police (who can't be everywhere at once) will save you
I personally don't care that liberals want to live under these false delusions. What bothers me is when they project their psychosis onto the rest of the nation.
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