I just bought a guinea pig today from a petstore well, she was in a cage w/ a guinea pig from her litter & 2 other guinea pigs from another litter.
Well, she's old enough to leave her mother (Obvisouly) but, I was wondering if there is any chance my guinea pig could get pregnant. They didn't tell me how old she was and they didn't know when I asked. So, I'm a little stuck.
Well, my other question is that how can I tell if she's a male or female? They checked her gender & they said we "believe" she is a female but we aren't %100 sure. Well, thats another I have to know if she is pregnant or not.
I'm not sure if this will help or not but, her nipples are quite large. As big as my almost 4 (On August 1st) month old kitten.
I'm very confused & if she is pregnant, I'll be very excited & I know they have extremely hard births which me & my boyfriend will have the funds to take her to the vet.
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