hi i have this spot on my body and i have already been to a dermatologist to let him see it, and he claims it is some kind of non cancerous tumor there. it just appeared out of no where one day. my question is if hes right and it isnt cancer or a big deal then why would it disapear alot then keep reapearing, like it is back again now and it was gone for about 3 months. thats what worrie me is it keeps coming back and in the same spot to. it hurts alot. it is a black blood bubble looking thing and around that theres a splotch of red almost like a wierd shaped circle. it looks like blood in the middle of it, i asked that doctor was it a busted blood vesel, and he said no. im worried cause now it is bigger than last time so please help me please give me info to research im scared. my whole dads family is dead from cancer right now. thanx and bye
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