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All categories - 22 May 2007

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2007-05-22 11:16:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Canada

2007-05-22 11:15:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

I don't know how or when it happened, unfortunately. And I don't have the tooth. It is one on the small two front teeth. He is a chocolate lab.

Will it grow back? Will he need medication? He doesn't seem to complain over it, but I am a bit worried..

2007-05-22 11:15:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs


im going on vacation soon and i need some new swim suits! what are some nice places in CANADA i can get them? what do u think of the ones at american eagle or old navy? cost is not a problem...

2007-05-22 11:15:35 · 12 answers · asked by kay 3 in Fashion & Accessories

Tech Support: "I need you to right-click on the Open Desktop".
Customer: "OK".
Tech Support: "Did you get a pop-up menu?".
Customer: "No".
Tech Support: "OK. Right-Click again. Do you see a pop-up menu?"
Customer: "No".
Tech Support: "OK, sir. Can you tell me what you have done up until this point?".
Customer: "Sure. You told me to write 'click' and I wrote 'click'".

2007-05-22 11:15:22 · 14 answers · asked by raybbies 5 in Jokes & Riddles

I got Diabetes Type 1 in September. I'm a pretty strong person, I did'nt once cry to anyone that I knew about it, it did'nt really phase me. I've come to terms and have remained the wild, happy person that I am. But my family has decided that i'm holding it in and that I must be torn apart and it must be so hard for me...All I really want, if anything, is someone to acknowledge how well I've handled this, how it has'nt changed me, and for them to all shut the hell up about it. I can't talk about anything except how i'm doing, how my blood sugar is...that's the hard part...

2007-05-22 11:15:20 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-22 11:15:00 · 3 answers · asked by castanzik 1 in San Diego

I posting a question on here about my mastiff being sick last week. well I took him to the vet and they did all kinds of tests and the only thing they found was a bacterial infection. I was wondering we put him on purina one lamb and rice dry dog food saturday and then wednesday he got deathly ill and almost died. He was pooping blood and vomiting but the vet took care of him and he is doing better. He is drinking water and eating broth and baby food right now until he is better. could that dog food of caused it? I looked on the recall list and its not on there, is there a way I could get the food tested? is there somewhere I could send it to be tested? I am going to put him on an all natural dog food when he gets well enough to eat so I wont ever have to go through this again.

2007-05-22 11:14:51 · 4 answers · asked by mikentammy76 5 in Dogs

there must be alot of them because I can't even hear myself think

2007-05-22 11:14:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-22 11:14:47 · 4 answers · asked by ninety9point8 4 in Mental Health

if you were jogging in a national forest and surprised a bear or a cougar, do you think that an aggressive dog (rottweiler, rhodesian ridgeback, boxer, etc.) would scare the animal away, or would it escalate the situation?

i've heard that hiking with dogs can attract cougars, but i dont know if this is true.

2007-05-22 11:14:42 · 17 answers · asked by dvas1147 3 in Hunting

I'm 17 and I'm dating a guy thats 19. Hes the most respectable guy Ive ever met and would do anything to make me happy. But my parents do all that they can to keep me from hanging out with him. Theyve made my curfew 8 for the whole summer and mine and his shifts are opposite so theyve blocked all chances to seeing each other. They say that theyre trying to keep me from doing anything that Ill regret but what they cant see is that Im growing up and I know how to avoid bad situations. How do I make them realize that Im growing up and that they cant keep putting all these restrictions on me or Ill just start to rebel?

2007-05-22 11:14:37 · 20 answers · asked by wit 1 in Singles & Dating


How about you? What do you think?

2007-05-22 11:14:11 · 22 answers · asked by Angry EX-DEM 3 in Polls & Surveys

Do you think the Laws of nature validate in some way that there must be a God somewhere?

When you take notice of the exactness in the order in our Solar system. The distance between the sun and our planet is perfectly align to harbor life. That if our Planet move or tilt closer to the sun we all would burn up. That if our planet moved away from its sun by a few knots we would freeze to death.

Could the exactness and preciseness and order have all happen by blind chance or did a God(Supernatural being) arrange the time and distance perfectly in our Solar system so that we can have life.

The Bible declares in Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth".

What are your thoughts on this question. Much feedback is welcome. In search of Truth.

Creation or Blind chance.

2007-05-22 11:14:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know he was played by two different actors but when the original trilogy was re released, did they re dub the new actors voice over the old or do they just sound alike?

2007-05-22 11:14:03 · 11 answers · asked by footynutguy 4 in Movies

As soon as he spoke those three words
I didn't believe my ears
I never thought we’d feel alike
Looking with his hopeful eyes
He waited long for my reply
Standing there in front of me
With his marvelous faith filled grin
Here’s the best day of my life
I left my corner and hugged him
When at last I found my voice
I whispered in his perfect ear
“I love yoyos too”

i wrote it out when i was bored.....what do you think?

2007-05-22 11:14:00 · 5 answers · asked by acamn91 3 in Poetry

I have many things I made for the sims 2. I have clothes, recolors of many objects, etc. I cant get them on my pizco site. How do I do it?

2007-05-22 11:13:56 · 3 answers · asked by nymissy01 2 in Other - Games & Recreation

8ft 12ft 17ft!

And do they easily fold away for storage. Im talking about the circular ones that are really popular at the moment.

2007-05-22 11:13:56 · 6 answers · asked by lonely as a cloud 6 in Other - Outdoor Recreation

2007-05-22 11:13:56 · 3 answers · asked by nia 2 in MSN

What i meant is is the magnalite aluminum pots (for roasting turkeys per se) okay to use? I keep hearing that the aluminum is okay but my family says it isnt. Does it cause alzheimers?

2007-05-22 11:13:45 · 3 answers · asked by Triskelion 4 in Cooking & Recipes

What are two events associated with the impact of a come or an asteroid with Earth that would cause a major extinction of life?

why did most of the iron that existed near Earth's surface around 4.5 billion years ago end up in Earth's core?

2007-05-22 11:13:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Earth Sciences & Geology

My friend is a bridesmaid in a wedding for a friend of hers, and lives out of state. So my friend and I were shopping to try to find her a bridesmaid dress, and she picks out a super short, super cleavage revealing dress. She thinks it is acceptable to let it all hang out at a wedding, whereas I think there is an amount of sophistication and conservative attire that a bridesmaid should uphold. I don't think she can't look good, but everything hanging out is trashy, espcially for a wedding, when the attention should be on the bride (and groom) not the slutty bridesmaid. Who is right?

2007-05-22 11:13:02 · 17 answers · asked by A.C. 1 in Weddings

Since we can not get the book in stores,
Has anyone read it and what is your opinion about it?
Would you recomend it?
Is it only about combining foods or do you have to take some pills also?

2007-05-22 11:12:57 · 4 answers · asked by Patito 4 in Diet & Fitness

Which is characteristic of low head dams?
a. They pose hazards both above and below dams.
b. They pose few hazards to inboard-powered boats.
c. They may be crossed safely at a 45-degree angle to their faces.
d. They usually have strong recirculating currents just above them.

2007-05-22 11:12:56 · 2 answers · asked by lalalandbabe63 2 in Engineering

I am going to the wedding & reception so need something for both.

I am a woman.

Any advice?

2007-05-22 11:12:51 · 9 answers · asked by Saffron 3 in Etiquette

People ....probably me included...keep throwing the words liberal and conservative around like they are the epitome of evil.....aren't most people somewhere in the middle?

2007-05-22 11:12:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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