I don't think that either names are evil, I'm proud to be a conservative. I don't think there is such thing as a conservative democrat, it makes me think of a liberal that's not so liberal. Doesn't make much sense to me.
2007-05-22 11:18:17
answer #1
answered by SillierKimmy! 3
Unfortunately probably most people are middle of the road whether they are Democrats or Republicans.
Also unfortunately the ones who get the most media attention are the very liberal or the very conservative.
2007-05-22 11:17:18
answer #2
answered by ♥♥The Queen Has Spoken♥♥ 7
Conservatism is a relativistic term used to describe political philosophies that favor traditional values, where "tradition" refers to religious, cultural, or nationally defined beliefs and customs. The term is derived from the Latin, conservÄre, to conserve; "to keep, guard, observe". Since different cultures have different established values, conservatives in different cultures have different goals. Some conservatives seek to preserve the status quo, while others seek to return to the values of an earlier time, the status quo ante.
Samuel Francis defined authentic conservatism as “the survival and enhancement of a particular people and its institutionalized cultural expressions.”[1] Roger Scruton calls it “maintenance of the social ecology” and “the politics of delay, the purpose of which is to maintain in being, for as long as possible, the life and health of a social organism.”[2]
2007-05-22 11:19:12
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Most people are in the middle whether they know it or not. Conservative Democrats are usually social conservatives, fiscal liberals who were raised as Democrats.
2007-05-22 11:21:07
answer #4
answered by cynical 6
It is the nature of any type of group that the two extremes, right or left make the most noise and are more strident in their actions. People in the middle like to find common ground and compromise and find out what is good for the majority. Because of this, they don't grandstand and scream like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilley. On the left you get people sitting in trees to keep them from being cut down. On the right you have people make enemies out of their fellow countrymen, i.e. those that don't agree with them.
2007-05-22 11:19:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They're called Bluedog Democrats. There are a lot of them in the Congress and across the country. Traditionally, the Bluedogs are Southern fiscal conservatives that believe in small government and don't trust the GOP because the GOP represents big business and hurts the working class. Bluedogs represent the working class and the working middle class.
2007-05-22 11:26:30
answer #6
answered by pedrodepaca78 4
Middle of the Roaders usually get hit by cars. Pick a side. And no, most Dems are not Conservative. maybe back in the 60's, but not today.
2007-05-22 11:37:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
but there has been a systematic corporate sponsored movement to the right in America since 1980
so much so that if a person stands for common sense, economic justice, corporate accountability they are labeled left wing extremists.
This corporate moving of the sheep to the right invalidates your question...because your question misses the elephant in the living room...corporations are using their media to manipulate the country to the far right.
Dwight Eisenhower would be a liberal by today's standards
Conservatism, always pro-corporate, anti-workers has been effectively sold by the corporate media as the political path for working people....getting people to vote against their own best interests...that's power...that's corrupting power
Everything in America is going to the far right....because of corporate class warfare that appeals to the hate wing of the Christian religion and desperate working people anxious to scapegoat anyone and everyone, (except the untouchable corporations) for their inability to advance in this crooked version of America.
In my opinion you're not asking the correct question
2007-05-22 12:12:06
answer #8
answered by Peace Warrior 4
In Washington, no. Conservative Democrats are being pushed by the wayside by the MoveOn.org wing of the party. Unless you bow to them, you will not stay very long in Washington under the Democratic banner.
2007-05-22 11:18:37
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
to a degree... yes... maybe not exactly "conservative" but the majority I would think definitely fall into a "moderate democrat" area
2007-05-22 11:23:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous