So here's the situation. It's heads up between my two friends in Holdem because I folded. Bob has pocket K/7 and Billy has K/8. Bob burned one and flopped: K/8/7. Bob pre-burns, because he has a nasty habit of doing it for some reason when it's his turn to deal. Billy goes all in, and Bob calls. They show. Bob burns and the turn is irrelevent. Bob burns again and the river is a 7. Bob "wins".
After the river, Bob jumps up in joy and the cards/chips get knocked all around in the pot etc. However, I suddenly remember that Bob burned twice before the turn because of the pre-burn, and Billy concurs. There is a big dispute because Bob claims he didn't, who should win, should they split, blah blah.
The question is, what should be done? In my opinion, the dealer who misdealed should take full responsibility, and thus Billy should win the pot. What do you guys think? It's basically up to me to sort this out tommorow when we meet again. Is there an official ruling on this anywhere?
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